Reviews of Teen Books by Genre: Fiction

Herbert, Frank
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This is my all time favorite book. To quote the book. plots with in plots. Every time I read it (6 times) I find more and more subtly plot lines.

Reviewer's Name: Eric
Karpyshyn, Drew
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

A very gripping Star Wars Novel that provides insight and historical background into the origins of the Sith. Written in a suspenseful manner, this is the first of a 3 book series that is one of my favorites in the Star Wars universe.

Reviewer's Name: Chris
Pfeffer, Susan Beth
3 stars = Pretty Good

As the third book in the Last Survivors series, I was looking forward to how to characters from the first two books would come together following their own experiences of the disaster. I found myself disappointed in this respect. While the book was engaging, it was missing the "can't put it down" quality of the other two and, after finally having the first book's main character meet the second book's main character, I was left feeling that I could have skipped the second book without really missing anything. That's not to say that the second book isn't good, it just isn't necessary to read it before reading this book.
Where this book did a good job was in tying up the loose ends from the first book. I definitely felt that the story was complete and, as such, am a little confused by the fact that there appears to be a fourth book in this series now.

Reviewer's Name: Erin
Bray, Libba
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Diviners is the amazing first part of a new series by Libba Bray (Going Bovine, Gemma Doyle trilogy, etc.) about Evie, a young flapper who is sent to NYC to live with her uncle after getting in trouble back home in Ohio. It turns out that Evie has special powers...and she's not the only one. A serial killer has been terrorizing the citizens of New York, committing ritualized murders, and Evie, along with her uncle and a couple of pals, must catch the killer before he can commit the final murder that will bring about the end of the world. Recommended for older teens...this book is scary! (And scary

Reviewer's Name: Jenna
Tolkien, J. R. R.
4 stars = Really Good

I quite enjoyed this book. I listened to it on audio, BBC version. The music was very cheesy, but I ended up laughing at it instead of being annoyed. The acting was very good, except Gandalf didn't sound nearly as good in this portrayal as he does in the movies. Still, thumbs up!

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Clement-Moore, Rosemary
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Amy Goodnight's family is far from normal. She comes from a line of witches, but tries her best to stay far outside the family business. Her summer gig? Ranch-sitting for her aunt with her wacky but beautiful sister. Only the Goodnight Ranch is even less normal than it normally is. Bodies are being discovered, a ghost is on the prowl, and everywhere she turns, the hot neighbor cowboy is in her face.

I've read this book twice, which is really saying something. This book has everything I like- a little mystery, romance, fantasy, and a lot of humor. I actually laughed out loud in public, especially at the part when Amy, our heroine, chases a 'delinquent cow' through a field wearing only her underwear and a pair of over sized galoshes. She's very snarky and I love it. I highly recommend this for fun read!

Reviewer's Name: Cara
Alexie, Sherman
4 stars = Really Good

The main character of this book is Arnold "Junior" Spririt. Junior lives on the Spokane Indian Reservation where getting a good education isn't as important as Junior thinks it should be. During his Freshman year of high school, Junior decides to to transfer from the rez school, Wellpinit, to Reardan, where the only other Indian is the school mascot! As you can imagine those first days and weeks are tough for Arnold at Reardan. But, eventually he does start to develop some important relationships. Junior's overcomes so many obstacles throughout this book and Alexie tells a wonderful story through compassion and humor.

Reviewer's Name: Russ
Zusak, Markus
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Great book! I wasn't interested in the subject matter at first, but had to read for a book club. After I started it, I was hooked! I love that the book is written from the perspective of death. Zusak has a magical way with words.
Highly recommend!

Reviewer's Name: Sandy
Cline, Ernest
4 stars = Really Good

Fantastic book! Lots of fun, with great 80s references, as seen from a dystopian future in which most of reality has been supplanted by the far more pleasant world of OASIS (a VR interface). This book will appeal to gamers and fans of 80s pop culture.

There were a few moments where I felt like some elements of the story were being brushed over (without giving away too much, there were some deaths that I felt were not acknowledged much in the text, though this is completely in character with the POV character's detachment from reality). But these were powerful elements that might have been more character-defining and perhaps might have demonstrated more about his motivation. This is why I could not, in good conscience, give the book the 5 stars. It could be just my own personal preferences coming through. Some people might be totally fine with that.

I listened to the audiobook version, narrated by Wil Wheaton, who does a great job with the characterizations and is completely believable as the first-person narrator. Not only that, but it really sounded like he was enjoying himself while narrating the book. And of course, that always makes it more fun as a listener.

Reviewer's Name: Shannon
Roth, Veronica
4 stars = Really Good

I liked it. It started off a bit slow for my taste and it took awhile for me to immerse myself in its reality, but once I did I quite enjoyed it. It gets good about two thirds of the way through and has a very good ending, although I'm left with a spoiler question I won't address here, except to say, why the heck didn't she...?

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Collins, Suzanne
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

i love this book i will read it again
i read the whole series it is amazing

Reviewer's Name: Erica R.
Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud)
3 stars = Pretty Good

I loved Anne of Green Gables but for some reason I just didn't get into the sequel. I'm not sure why, it just moved slowly and wasn't as adventurous, I think. I liked the portrait of a young teacher at the turn of the century. It's amazing how much has changed in that regard, and I did enjoy the ending.

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Rowling, J. K.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In my opinion this is the best out of the whole series!!!!!!!

Reviewer's Name: Ailana
Stiefvater, Maggie
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Amazing. This book was one of the best I've read, and boy have i read a lot.
The exquisite language combined with the beutiful imagery makes this book amazing.

Basically, this book takes place in a small mondern-day virginia town. There are two main characters, but at least 5 other characters that opinions feature in the book.

"Blue Sargent, the daughter of the town psychic in Henrietta, Virginia, has been told for as long as she can remember that if she ever kisses her true love, he will die. But she is too practical to believe in things like true love. Her policy is to stay away from the rich boys at the prestigious Aglionby Academy. The boys there — known as Raven Boys — can only mean trouble."

Now, i know what your thinking. ROMANCE BLEH. But really, there's really not that much romance in the book. Blue doesn't even have a legit boyfriend, she's just dating a guy, and they don't even kiss =). So that's good.

The book is more of a mystery suspence thing. but it's awesome. SERIOUSLY, stop reading this, and go pick up that book. Trust me.

You won't regret it.

Reviewer's Name: Libby
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Probably the first manga I actually got in to (other than Pokemon!).
Very good first book. I immediately was drawn into the storyline and eagerly read the next book. I was surprised how big it was...I guess I didn't know I was getting the omnibus edition! (all it said was Cardcaptor Sakura Book 1...^.^').

The basic storyline is that a 4th grader named Sakura Kinomoto walks into her father's library and finds a mysterious book titled "The Clow". Upon opening it, a strange but cute creature comes out who says his name is Cerberus.

Sakura decides to call him, cutely, Kero-chan. Kero is surprised to find that all the cards residing in the Clow book have disappeared. Kero immediatly makes Sakura a Cardcaptor-kind of like a magical girl, but this girl (or boy in Syaoran's case) collects Clow Cards.

I have never seen the anime (mostly because I don't like the anime plot as much) but I enjoyed the manga a lot. The characters are very loveable.Sakura's rival, Syaoran Li, is probably my all-time favorite character now. I admit, I did not like him when I had only read the first book. Believe me, if you feel the same way after reading this book, you will definitely fall in love with him by the end of the series (by the end of the series I mean reading the first series AND the second series [Cardcaptor Sakura: Master of the Clow]). The second series is much more romantically revolved, so I found it much more adorable.

In my opinion, I would give this whole series...10 stars!! (if only...)

Reviewer's Name: Cardcaptor Asu-nyan
Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud)
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I love Anne. She is such a terrific role model for girls young and old. This book is very well written. The story unfolds in a leisurely way with lush descriptions of nature and imagination. I enjoyed how the relationship between Marilla and Anne grew into one of deepest love. Each time I read this book I get something new out of it. This time it was the understanding that achievement means hard work and sacrifice. Simple enough, but not something one necessarily thinks of when stating a lofty ambition. I can't wait to read Anne of Avonlea!

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Funke, Cornelia
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

His book is extremly awesome a girls dad is reading to her and whatever he reads comes out the book alive, the girl can read it but the things do not come alive just the dad can read it to make it come alive. I cant tell you anymore you have to check it out... Good luck reading it... Enjoy and thank you

Reviewer's Name: Jillian
McNamee, Eoin
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In this trilogy, the boy Danny leaves his parents to be trained at Wilsons School of Spies--but that wasn't the school his parents thought they were sending him to! As the trilogy progresses, Danny is caught in webs of truth vs. treachery when he is discovered to be the fifth member of the Ring of Five, an evil group of people trying to take over the Upper and Lower Worlds.

Reviewer's Name: Emma S.
Colfer, Eoin
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Eoin Colfer has created a world where Fairy tale creatures exist next to our modern world humans. Artemis is a master mind criminal who discovers his good side. The book is fascinating, captivating and full of humor.

Reviewer's Name: Christiane
Barron, T. A.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book was amazing! It was full of unique twists and turns and provided a really cool version of Merlin. This book keeps you reading and is full of surprises...with magic,magical swords,the horn of life, and surprising twists and turns, i really loved this book.

Reviewer's Name: Caitlyn