What's New: General

The Penrose Library Mural Project reached completion in May 2016 and involved the generous contribution of Concrete Couch and hundreds of community volunteers. The mural was 22 years in the planning and involved six hub groups, one steering committee, fundraising galore, huge donations of time and materials, and loads of fantastic volunteers. Concrete Couch and Pikes Peak Library District teamed up with Community Prep School, School District 14, Will Rogers Elementary School, Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado College, and the Manitou Art Center to complete this project.

Watch this PPLD TV video for a preview of the project:

PPLD's Maker/Artist in residence for June and July of 2016 was Patricia Moore. Patricia has been making all kinds of crafts forever. She believes in the magic of arts/crafts bringing wholeness and joy into life. She has been teaching arts/crafts to children and adults since around 1985. Patricia believes in Expressive Art and has used that to help children in different programs such as CASA.. Polymer clay is the main medium that she works with finding its possibilities near endless. Patricia lives in beautiful Black Forest on five acres with her teenage sons and many delightful animals.

Visit PPLD's Maker/Artist in Residence page for more information about this program.

PPLD's Maker in Residence for May and June of 2016 was Amy Griswold, a professional seamstress with over thirty years of experience in clothing construction and industrial sewing. She is self-taught and continued her education as an apprentice in her sister’s shop, Mary Pope Custom Sewing, where she learned techniques in alterations, custom clothing design, re-upholstery, canvas work, as well as large scale production industrial sewing. Her body of work includes everything from wedding gowns and costuming to boat covers and custom reupholstery. Her motto is “show me a picture and I can make it for you.”

Visit PPLD's Maker/Artist in Residence page for more information about this program.