What's New: PPLD Kids

Check out these stats and our top title of 2020 below. 

  • Physical material checkouts: 1,845,866
  • Additions to physical collection:18,000 titles and 58,000 items, plus 15,570 magazines
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    • Checkouts: 2,430,575
    • Patrons: 61,278 patrons; an increase of 22%
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    • Songs Streamed: 248,986
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  • Hoopla: 40,813 checkouts, movies and television mostly
  • New cardholders during 2020: 26,215

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Top 10 Children's Titles

Create your own work of art using the stickers and frame.

Before your child can learn to write, they must develop the small/fine motor skills which are used to grip a crayon/pencil. Peeling the back off the stickers and placing them in the frame provides your child with the opportunity to develop these skills.
To prepare young children for writing, provide them with opportunities to use their hands and fingers. This will help them later when they hold crayons and pencils.

  • Open and close containers with lids
  • Cut with child-safe scissors
  • Finger paint with paint, shaving cream, yogurt, or pudding
  • Use a paintbrush
  • Play with play dough and clay—roll, smoosh, pat, pound, and use tools like popsicle sticks or stamps
  • Lace Cheerios onto pipe cleaners
  • Lace pipe cleaners into the holds on a colander
  • Draw, scribble, or write with crayons, pencils, and markers
  • Put together puzzles
  • Build with small blocks


  • Ruler (12" or 18" or 36") or measuring tape
  • Yarn or string
  • Scissor
  • A stuffed animal or your pet


  1. Measure, as best you can, your pet or stuffed animal and determine its length in inches.
  2. After you know how many inches, cut a piece of string or yarn the same length.
  3. Take this piece of string and measure items around your house. How many cats (or hamsters or dogs, etc.) long is your kitchen? Your table? Your bed?

Please leave a comment below, tell us what you used to measure items around your house.

You can watch this project at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCU1Ks8mBf0