Reviews of Teen Books

The Fault in Our Stars
Green, John
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

After an intense battle with cancer, Hazel had finally started to get her life back to normal, or as normal as it can be for a girl who hasn't been in proper school for years, and who's best friend is an author she had never met. But then, her life turned upside down when she met Augustus. What follows is a whirlwind romance that leaves the reader grasping for more and wishing for time. John Green brings his characters to life in this novel, and with every turn it is impossible not to fall in love. This wonderful book has a way of bringing the reader in and bringing them back for more and more. A must read, and a book that makes it seem impossible to put down.

Reviewer Grade: 12

Reviewer's Name: Alyxandra S.
Book Review: Far Far Away
McNeal, Tom
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This is and isn't your typical fairy tale. It is haunting, but not because Jacob Grim is the narrator ghost that only Jeremy can hear. Jeremy's mother may or may not be dead, a child may or may not be missing, the sheriff may or may not be evil, the baker may or may not be jolly, the girl may or may not be gotten and it may or may not have a happy ending. But read it and see if you can predict what happens in Far Far Away...

Reviewer's Name: Renee
Book Review: Matched
Condie, Ally
4 stars = Really Good

Most amazing book! an intruiging dystopian novel that exites and entrances! its also a series READ IT!!!

Reviewer's Name: Alethea
“Who Could That be at This Hour?”
Snicket, Lemony
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

A mysterious town no longer by the sea. People far more mysterious, with secrets and secret motives. A stolen statue of a mythological creature that was not really stolen. A clueless chaperone with a truly astounding amount of hair. This is the life that almost-thirteen-year-old Lemony Snicket is dropped into during his apprenticeship in the town of Stain’d-by-the-Sea.

The first book in the fictional autobiographic series “All the Wrong Questions” by Lemony Snicket, and prequel to his books, “A Series of Unfortunate Events”, Who Could That be at This Hour? chronicles the first of four wrong questions asked about a perplexing mystery and the perplexing people involved. The fast paced plot, complete with the humorous yet thought-provoking narration fans of “A Series of Unfortunate Events” will expect, will have you itching to read more. The characters are surprisingly sincere considering some of their over-the-top quirks, but the seeds of suspicion that are sown will make you wonder—along with the protagonist—who exactly can be trusted. One of the best books I have ever read, any mystery fans will find themselves unable to put it down.

Reviewer Grade: 10

Reviewer's Name: Tessa L.
Ash & Bramble
Prineas, Sarah
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This is a wonderful story that is set in a cruel fairy tale world filled with Godmothers (but not the Disney version of her), shoemakers and glass slippers. I loved the characters of Pin and Shoe and their fight against what is expected of them. The author has created a world that I became completely involved in. Highly recommended!

Reviewer's Name: Lisa
Book Review: The Hired Girl
Schlitz, Laura Amy
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Newbery winning author Laura Amy Schlitz has written a wonderful story set in 1911 about 14-year-old Joan Skraggs who runs away from a dismal home life on a farm to Baltimore where she finds employment as a hired girl in a Jewish household. The book is written as Joan's diary so it reveals her innermost thoughts and feelings which made me really want her to succeed. Her deep love of literature really hit a nerve for me too! Highly recommended.

Reviewer's Name: Lisa
Book Review: Truancy
Fukui, Isamu
4 stars = Really Good

This is a completely new take on dystopian at least for me, If you like storys of rebellion and like a extremely intelligent character then this is the book for you. It follows Tack, a citizen of the city ruled by a Tyrant of a mayor and his scheming "Educators" who hope to control future generations with the Education system. I could'nt put this down and would recommend it to anyone.

Reviewer's Name: Kyle
Book Review: Fever, 1793
Anderson, Laurie Halse
4 stars = Really Good

This started off as a typical teen novel, adult writer trying too hard to relate to young people. But as the book went on, either I got used to it, or the narrative improved. I positively enjoyed about the halfway point onward. Good historical fiction. Educational and compelling.

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Book Review: Denton Little's Deathdate
Rubin, Lance
4 stars = Really Good

This book is a totally out-there look at death and dying young. In a world where everyone knows the day that they're going to die, Denton Little has known that he would die when he was 17 for his entire life.

Though this could be more of a tear jerker along the lines of a John Green novel, Rubin has turned a gruesome topic into a hysterical read. Denton's end of life adventures are super funny and irreverent. A great read for anyone who enjoyed "Going Bovine" or "Grasshopper Jungle".

Reviewer's Name: Corrie
Elsie Dinsmore
Finley, Martha
4 stars = Really Good

The Elsie Dinsmore Series was published between 1868 and 1904. In the first book of 28 novels, we find Elsie, a half orphaned, love-starved child, struggling to obey her Heavenly Father, while missing her own dad terribly. Elsie’s mother died when she was only a few weeks old, and, since her father was traveling, she lived with a guardian until he also passed away. Elsie was only two. She was then taken under the wings of her grandparents (her father’s parents) who don’t seem to care a smidgen for their granddaughter. At the start of the book, we find Elsie, now eight, living in the cold shadow of her grandparents. For some reason, her young aunts and uncles also despise her. One of her only comforts is when her nurse “Aunt Chloe” teaches Elsie to love even when others do not love in return. But the most important thing Aunt Chloe has taught her is that God loves her. Elsie’s other comfort is her well-loved Bible. When Elsie’s earthly father returns from his long travels, his cruel treatment of his daughter leaves Elsie feeling more sorrow and need for God’s everlasting love than ever before. Read this adventure to find out the rest of the touching story. I think this book has a good Christian message as the reader follows Elsie through a number of faith-building trials in a desperate attempt to gain her heartless father’s longed for love. This is a book I recommend for those searching for a strong spiritual message and a faith-based challenge to love even the unlovable.

Reviewer Grade: 8

Reviewer's Name: Cosette P.
Book Review: American Born Chinese
Yang, Gene Luen
2 stars = Meh

Not bad. I enjoyed every part of this book except for the monkey god sections. I don't know, those parts just didn't appeal to me. I rarely read graphic novels so maybe certain things were lost on me because of the format. Overall I was somewhat underwhelmed

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Book Review: Hood
Lawhead, Stephen
4 stars = Really Good

I mostly read this book for the enjoyment of finding a new take on Robin Hood. It's an excellent story with developed characters and rich plot. A must read for Robin Hood fans, historical fiction readers, and anyone who is just looking for a unique story.

Reviewer's Name: Caitlyn
Book Review: Hood
Lawhead, Stephen
4 stars = Really Good

I mostly read this book for the enjoyment of finding a new take on Robin Hood. It's an excellent story with developed characters and rich plot. A must read for Robin Hood fans, historical fiction readers, and anyone who is just looking for a unique story.

Reviewer's Name: Caitlyn
Book Review: When Fraser Met Billy
Booth, Louise
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This is a very heartwarming book about the relationship of an autistic boy, Fraser and his rescued cat, Billy. Louise Booth, who is Fraser's mother as well as the author, describes the impact of Billy in terms of helping Fraser overcome many of his physical and emotional challenges.
Fraser comes out of his shell and Billy is a tremendous part of this positive change. Sometimes cats are portrayed as being standoffish, but Billy disproves this stereotype with his friendship with Fraser. A wonderful story!

Reviewer's Name: Lisa
Book Review: Matched
Condie, Ally
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Okay, so if you are head-over-heels hooked on the whole dystopian futuristic genre, I would most definitely recommend Matched by Ally Condie. If you can get past the cliché "arranged marriage/future" plot, you will fall in love with Cassia, Ky, Xander, and every other character. The plot can be a bit predictable (but hey, I seriously didn't see the ending coming), but you can get over it. This romance is a page turner, and is for the girls who can't get enough of star crossed love. I must not leave out the action sci-fi that is subtly applied throughout the novel. The oppression of the characters is heart wrenching, so watch out. WARNING: at the sweet lovey dovey parts, your heart may just instantaneously turn into a unrecognizable mushy mass, or spontaneously combust. (Implosion is also a possibility) Enjoy!

Reviewer's Name: Abigail
Book Review: Anna and the French Kiss
Perkins, Stephanie
3 stars = Pretty Good

This is a cute story about a girl in her Senior Year of High School discovering the ups and downs of love. The beginning of the book isn't written as well as the middle of the book, and the ending is very cliche. But it was a pretty good read, likeable characters, and I would recommend it to any High Schooler looking for a fun read.

Reviewer's Name: Elizabeth
Book Review: Lord of the Flies
Golding, William
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Jesus, this was a horror story! A bloodbath! A children's book! I was kinda hoping it would end differently, but the ending was still good. Especially the adult perspective at the end. Chilling.

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Hartman, Rachel
4 stars = Really Good

Seraphina is the music mistress living at court, but she has a secret. Beneath the layers of her carefully tied sleeves and around her waist are the scales of a dragon. Dragons and humans barely tolerate each other--despite their treaty--except when they fall in love. Seraphina's shape-shifting-dragon mother died in childbirth and Seraphina's human father tried to keep his daughter out of the public eye. As Seraphina becomes a teenager her intelligence, musical talent, and curiosity plunge her into the intrigues of the royal court and into the arms of a prince. How long will she be able to hide her true nature from the prince?

Reviewer's Name: Renee
Pratchett, Terry
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Just when Mau has completed the ritual of surviving on an island apart that should mark his transition to manhood, the tidal wave hits. Before he can reach the festival on the shores of home, his entire village is destroyed. As the sole survivor, Mau must learn how to rebuild the Nation. At first this is just a physical rebuilding, but as castaways begin to wash up on shore, Mau is compelled to reconstruct the community and spiritual aspects of his heritage as well. Pratchett weaves an engaging story that is sometimes somber, frequently humorous, and as smart as his resourceful characters.

Reviewer's Name: Renee
Kurtz, Katherine
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book is perfect for any fan or sorcery, adventure, and a great medieval setting. It takes place in an interesting world that has as much detail and character it would rival that of Lord of the Rings and Dune, but in an easier to read way. (We all know Dune is practically six hundred pages long and Lord of the Rings is a collection of three books with three hundred+ pages. Deryni Rising is shorter and a real page turner.) Deryni Rising combines a sword/ sorcery era with fascinating characters and plot twists. Katherine Kurtz brilliantly writes in a way that compels you to keep going and she invites you to a world that should have been. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves to enter the world of a book!

Reviewer's Name: Caitlyn