Book Reviews by Genre: Fiction

The Great Gatsby book jacket
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
4 stars = Really Good

The Great Gatsby is a really good book that I did not expect to like because I was assigned to read it in school. Set prior to the Great Depression, the book sets the stage for how the wealthy lived on the East Coast, while also portraying some of the nation's struggles at that time through various pieces of text and dialogue. The book was a constant surprise to me, and even when I felt confident something would for sure happen the book took an unexpected turn. It is very hard to find a "good" character in the book, seeing as most of them are more "morally gray", and this creates a very interesting dynamic for the reader. Overall it was a very good book, and that's coming from someone who's hated just about every book they've had to read in school.

11th grade

Reviewer's Name: Emily
The Devil Wears Scrubs book jacket
McFadden, Freida
4 stars = Really Good

In the fantastical world of medicine, doctors are galavanting around saving lives in the nick of time… or not. Maybe being a doctor is less glamorous than glorified Medical Dramas may suggest. Perhaps, for the newly initiated, the countless sleepless nights on call or mean residents demanding tasks at a dizzying pace, being a doctor is harder than one could imagine. The Devil Wears Scrubs provides a humorous satirical glimpse into the misadventures of a green intern, Jane McGill, as she attempts to navigate the dizzying pace of hospitals and the profession of saving lives. Jane is metaphorically slapped across the face with reality on her first day at County Hospital; she knows nothing and will do everything wrong. It does not help that Jane was assigned under Dr. Alyssa Morgan, who seems to leave out important instructions and make Jane’s life all the harder. As Jane navigates her new hectic environment, McFadden’s humor and satire make this novel about the grueling nature of the medical field largely entertaining.

To be honest, I was skeptical, somewhat expecting a medical supernatural romance, and based on the summary and title, one could infer worse. I judged the book by the cover. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The book flows seamlessly, fast-paced, witty, and entertaining. It made me laugh a great deal with the subtlety of the humor and satire and the quick remarks of the characters. Jane is a compelling protagonist who makes a lot of mistakes and faces dire consequences.

While I enjoyed this book greatly, don’t expect anything too deep. The characters are shallow, the plot not much to fawn about, and the endless loose ends at the end. All of these reasons may seem to discount the potential of this book, but The Devil Wears Scrubs was never intended to be deep; it is supposed to be lighthearted, witty, and entertaining. So if you go into the book expecting depth, save yourself the time, and set it down, but if you want a good-natured laugh at the misfortune of another, written in a satirical tone, then by all means pick up this book right now.

Reviewer's Name: Lucia
Icebreaker book jacket
Grace, Hannah
2 stars = Meh

"Icebreaker" struggles to thaw even the coldest of hearts with its repetitive and uninspired intimate scenes, serving as a glaring distraction from its bland plot and overall spineless narrative. The author's attempt at crafting a compelling story falls flat, as the plot meanders aimlessly without any sense of direction or purpose. Despite the potential for intrigue in its premise, the execution falls short, leaving readers feeling disconnected and unengaged. The intimate scenes, far from adding depth or passion to the story, only serve to highlight its glaring shortcomings, becoming tedious and predictable with each repetition. Overall, "Icebreaker" fails to leave a lasting impression, offering little more than a disappointing reading experience that fails to ignite any sense of excitement or satisfaction.

Reviewer's Name: Caroline
Where the Forest Meets the Stars book jacket
Vanderah, Glendy
4 stars = Really Good

"Where the Forest Meets the Stars" by Glendy Vanderah is a mesmerizing blend of heart-wrenching reality and whimsical fantasy that left me utterly captivated. Set against the backdrop of a serene forest, the story weaves a tale of grief, healing, and unexpected connections that transcend the ordinary. The characters, Joanna, Ursa, and Gabriel, form an unlikely trio whose interactions are enchanting. As they unravel the mysteries of the stars and confront their own inner demons, the line between reality and fantasy blurs beautifully, inviting readers into a world where anything seems possible. The author's prose is both lyrical and evocative, painting vivid scenes that linger in the mind long after the final page. With its rich narrative and emotionally resonant themes, "Where the Forest Meets the Stars" is a masterpiece that reminds us of the magic inherent in everyday life. It's a book that stays with you, stirring your soul and igniting your imagination with every turn of the page.

Reviewer's Name: Caroline
Invisible Man book jacket
Ellison, Ralph
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

TW: This book contains racism and police brutality. If either of these topics trigger you, I would recommend finding a different book.

‘Invisible Man’ is a story about an unnamed black man in the 1930s. He attempts to make his way in the world, but is blocked at every turn by society’s barriers and refusal to see him. He goes from university to the brotherhood trying to find his place. The story includes steady commentary on racism that remains prevalent to this day.

Almost all the main characters have a layer of depth to them. From Dr. Bledsoe to Mary, they all have clear motivations and roles in the story that contributes to the themes. The main character in particular surprised me. It’s not uncommon for the point of view character to be serviceable, but not have many defining traits. This narrator did, though. He was an eloquent speaker and was obsessed with his grandfather’s last words. It’s not the most exaggerated personality, but it was clear and consistent.

The plot moves along nicely, never staying in one place for too long. The progression makes sense, and no scene feels wasted.

This is a classic novel for good reason. I would recommend it to those who are looking for a longer, thought provoking read.

Reviewer's Name: Rose
Animal Farm book jacket
Orwell, George
4 stars = Really Good

Animal Farm is an allegorical story about farm animals that manage to overthrow the humans and run the farm by themselves. However, the pigs slowly take more and more power, until it’s no better than it was before.

The plot is simple and easy to follow. Even a child could easily understand it. However, this is a very compact story. Every page has a new development that moves the story along. The characters are likewise simple, yet effective. Boxer and Benjamin are the standouts in this story. Boxer because of his lovable nature and Benjamin for being one of the few characters in the book to hold some complexity.

The reason for this story’s simplicity is that it is an allegorical story. Every element is designed to mirror the Russian Revolution (though it could easily be applied to many worldwide revolutions). Since they have to represent broad groups of people, the characters can seem a bit flat at times. The same goes for the plot. It’s great for those who want a quick and thought provoking story, but could be disappointing for those looking for in depth analysis.

I would recommend this book to fans of symbolism and allegory, or even the run of the mill dystopia fan.

Reviewer's Name: Rose
Flowers in the Attic book jacket
Andrew, V.C.
2 stars = Meh

Flowers in the Attic is about the horrible life of four siblings. Before their lives were turned upside down, their father provided for them, but when he died, the mother decided to take herself and four children to her parents house. The mother was exiled by her parents for her marriage to her husband, so going to her parents for help was her last resort. When arriving at her parents house, the mother decides to hide away her children to gain back her dying fathers favor to inherit his fortune. Until the grandfather dies, the four children will be locked away in the attic and hidden from the world. This story is told through the oldest daughter Cathy’s perspective, and follows her journey with her three other siblings while living in their grandparents' attic. This was a very depressing and disturbing book with a lot of twists and turns nobody would have seen coming. If you like sad stories that do not leave your mind easily, this is the perfect book for you! Personally, I do not recommend this book if you are not prepared for a very disturbing story.

Reviewer Grade: 11

Reviewer's Name: Isabel
The Wingfeather Saga: On The Edge of The Dark Sea of Darkness
Peterson, Andrew
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In the world of Aerwiar most of the mapped world had been taken over by Gnag the Nameless; a feared tyrant who was unknown to the land of Skree until he approached it with a massive army of the Fangs of Dang, who then cruised the streets and kept citizens in check. Tink, Janner, and Leeli lived in relative comfort with their mother and grandfather until they uncovered a mystery that would change their lives forever and send them on a dangerous journey across the world of Aerwiar.

I had read this book once before when I was younger but after I saw it sitting around the house I decided to reread it. I know some elements of the book might sound a little odd but that’s partly why I love it so much. It isn’t some overused plot line but a new story with its own creatures and excellent world-building. This is possibly one of my favorite book series but the first book is a little slow as it mostly sets up the story but it is still really enjoyable. Just keep in mind that the series only gets better as it goes along.

Reviewer's Name: Evelyn T.
To Kill a Mockingbird book jacket
Lee, Harper
3 stars = Pretty Good

"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee is a classic exploration of racial injustice and moral growth in Southern United States. The novel's strengths lie in its powerful narrative, addressing societal prejudices through the trial of Tom Robinson. While the coming-of-age story of Scout and Jem Finch provides a strong examination of morality, occasional pacing issues and a less engaging narrative may make it a 3/5 for some readers. Despite this, the novel's enduring relevance and impact on discussions of justice make it a worthwhile read. I found the language in the book somewhat challenging, making it less accessible for me. It occasionally hindered my overall reading experience, but was a treasure of its own!

Reviewer's Name: Caroline
The Association of Small Bombs book jacket
Mahajan, Karan
3 stars = Pretty Good

First, there was an explosion—a small bomb in a Delhi marketplace place. The Kurana boys were killed, and their friend Mansoor survives. This small bomb had devastating results on two families, and The Association of Small Bombs by Karan Mahajan reveals the interconnectedness of grief and disaster as it follows the lives of the families and the terrorists after the explosion. Mahajan confronts tough topics and raises questions about terrorism and war. It is an uncomfortable read, definitely not a book for pure pleasure. Frankly, The Association of Small Bombs is not my favorite book, nor do I believe it is meant to be. While it certainly covers hard and uncomfortable topics, it could have been written in a less dry manner. The characters also seemed to always fall on some extreme, and I feel some less extreme characters would have enhanced the novel. At least for the first chunk of the novel, the characters' names are challenging, and sometimes essential plot points are overshadowed as I attempt to remember who some characters are. That being said, it definitely prompted me to think about grief differently and about all the interconnected pieces of a single action.

Reviewer's Name: Lucia
A Court of Thorns and Roses book jacket
Maas, Sarah J.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Fairies are terrifying, violent creatures; they haunt the humans’ worst nightmares. A wall and a twisted treaty are the only barriers between these terrifying creatures and the vulnerable, weak humans. However, the wall is weakening, fairies are venturing through the cracks, and the humans have long forgotten the treaty's terms.

Ferye’s family relies on her hunts, but over time, she has to venture deeper into the woods toward the wall dividing the fairies and the humans. These hunts are risky and dangerous, and it’s only a matter of time before she might have to confront a fairy. When Ferye accidentally breaks the treaty's terms, she has no choice but to follow Tamlin, a fairy, into his lands, the Spring Court. Ferye can never return to the human world and will live out her days in the fairylands, away from her family and home. She expects cruelty but finds beautiful, stunning lands and kind, generous fairies. As she adapts to her new home and overcomes her original opinions, she falls in love with the mysterious Tamlin and the fairies.

The plot is immaculate, the world-building is absolutely stunning, and the characters are enthralling; A Court of Thorns and Roses is a must-read for anyone who loves high fantasy and romance. It is one hundred percent a page-turner and will keep you enthralled until the last word.

Reviewer's Name: Lucia
Before the Coffee Gets Cold book jacket
Kawaguchi, Toshikazu
4 stars = Really Good

“Before the Coffee Gets Cold” is a story about a cafe that can send you back in time, so long as you drink your coffee in a particular seat. A variety of customers come to the cafe to meet with people they’d otherwise have no chance to see. However, there are several rules. The two most important are that the present will never be changed and that the time traveler must return before the coffee gets cold.

Each story is interesting and heartfelt in its own right. My personal favorite was Hirai’s story about her sister, particularly because of how it was up in the previous stories. That’s another aspect of this book. These stories are all interconnected. Aside from the first woman, each main character is shown beforehand. This book also keeps the stories from being repetitive. There’s enough of a twist on each story, one woman wants to meet her husband who’s losing his memory. Another wants to express her feelings to her ex-boyfriend. All the reasons are different enough to keep the story fresh.

The characters are all likable too, although there are a few strange moments in the beginning. All of them are given a little backstory, but not much. All in all, it’s nice without being extraordinary.

This is a quick and cozy read that I’d recommend to almost anyone. Especially if you’re interested in speculative fiction.

Reviewer's Name: Rose
The Nightingale book jacket
Hannah, Kristin
4 stars = Really Good

Originally I was interested in this book because it was highly praised among those who read it. It portrays two sisters and their lives in World War II. One named Isabelle and one named Vianne, it shows the different courses of their lives but in the end their own impact made on those around them. If you are interested in learned about women’s contribution in war this book is for you! I would recommend this book to anyone looking to expand their perspective on war, but be aware this book does touch on some topics that may be triggering. Overall, the Nightingale was a wonderful read that gave me more insight to women’s lives at the time and their contributions.

Grade 10

Reviewer's Name: Lilly
The Song of Achilles book jacket
Miller, Madeline
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

"The Song of Achilles" by Madeline Miller is a stunning and deeply moving retelling of the Iliad that captivates from beginning to end, earning a solid 5 stars. Miller skillfully weaves a tale of love, friendship, and heroism, focusing on the relationship between Patroclus and Achilles. The narrative beautifully explores the complexities of their bond, providing a fresh perspective on the legendary characters. Miller's prose is both lyrical and evocative, effortlessly transporting readers to the ancient world. The emotional depth and nuance she brings to the characters make this retelling a triumph, resonating with readers on a profound level. "The Song of Achilles" is a masterpiece that seamlessly combines rich storytelling with timeless themes, earning its well-deserved 5-star rating.

Reviewer's Name: Caroline
Project Hail Mary
Weir, Andy
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book is amazing! it has twists and turns, and the author is amazing! The science is explained well enough that anyone can understand it. Also, whenever you think the book is done, it just goes, 'Here's another problem, Main character! good luck!" Also, the book is in the format of a 'White Room" story, meaning that the character has no memory, and has to figure everything all out, along with you! Would recommend to any sci fi fan over the age of 12.

Reviewer's Name: Nolan B.
The Midnight Library book jacket
Haig, Matt
4 stars = Really Good

TW: A main theme of this book (and thus the review) is suicide. If this topic makes you uncomfortable, I would suggest finding a different book.

“The Midnight Library” is a story about Nora Seed, whose life has not gone how she’s expected. Worse yet, she feels as though it’s all her fault and her regrets weigh heavy on her. One night she decides to end her own life, but she wakes up in a library with her elementary school librarian. That’s when she gets the opportunity to live the lives she could have led if she’d made different decisions.

As the story goes along, we see many of Nora’s alternative lives. Some of them are just as disastrous as her regular life (her best friend dies, her husband cheats on her). Others are nearly perfect, but can’t be truly satisfying when she didn’t create them. I was glad that some of the alternate lives were good, otherwise it would have seemed like Nora’s original life was simply the lesser of two evils. All of them are interesting to read about. Another interesting aspect of the book is the library itself. The author knows when to reveal information and when to keep things vague.

There aren’t many characters to keep track of. Nora is the main character, and the reader gets a good sense of her interests and aspirations through her various lives. Her friends and family all get a decent amount of depth as well, though they’re not in focus most of the time.

I can’t pretend that I really resonated with the message of the book. I would have preferred if it focused a bit more on the good things that could happen in Nora’s future rather than the good things that happened in her alternate lives. However, that could be a problem exclusive to me.

Overall, I would recommend this book to almost anyone. It’s a fast read and a good story.

Reviewer's Name: Rose
What You are Looking For Is in the Library book jacket
Aoyama, Michiko
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

"What You Are Looking For Is in the Library" is a book about a library connected to a community center and the unusually perceptive librarian, Sayuri Komachi. The book is told through five stories of people . Along with the books they came for, Mrs. Komachi gives them an unrelated book and a felt gift. This leads them to discovering new perspectives on their problems and their lives.

All the characters in this book are delightful. Since there are five stories, each with a different main character, it would take too long to go over all of them. However, the standouts for me were Tomoka, Natsumi, and Mrs. Komachi herself. Tomoka was relatable in her struggles, but also had a proactive nature that made her likeable. Natsumi has an interesting story about motherhood that isn't seen much in modern media. And of course Mrs. Komachi tows the line between mysterious and friendly in a charming way. Every once in a while there will be a character that appears in multiple stories, and the crossovers are pleasant without being distracting.

The stories themselves are all quite simple. Someone receives insight after reading a book, usually talking with friends and neighbors as they decide on their life's path. Though they're all quite short, none of them feel incomplete or rushed.

I would recommend this book for people looking for a comforting read or a story about the power of books.

Reviewer's Name: Rose
Rogue Protocol
Wells, Martha
4 stars = Really Good

By this point in the Murderbot Diaries series, I'm used to the short length of these stories. I appreciate that there's still an overarching plot that the books are driving toward, but the bite-size adventures of the sentient AI robot are also entertaining by themselves. Now that the series is in a good groove by book three, I was glad to see the introduction of a foil to compare and contrast the main character's interactions with the humans.

The rogue SecUnit continues to find himself deeper into the shady dealings of humans, but with each interaction, he's finding it harder to hide who he is and what he's doing. That these "missions" he gives himself are a significant amount of effort for someone who would much rather be lazy and just watch vids all day seems contradictory until you realize that it's great character development—even if it's subtle. Raising the stakes with each book also helps to make this one the best one in the series to date. There has to be a point soon when things become fully out of the SecUnit's control.

It's always interesting to me how the characters that have stuck with me through the series (aside from the main character of course), are the other AIs and robots. In Rogue Protocol, I immediately fell in love with Miki, who showed the other side of human-robot relations as a pet/mascot. The contrast between Miki and the SecUnit was a fantastic plot device and I would love some kind of spinoff with those two characters (or characters like them). Unfortunately, the abrupt ending to this book left me a little disappointed, as I felt there needed to be more time with the characters to get their full range of emotions after the climax.

A great book filled with contrasting human-robot relations, I give Rogue Protocol 4.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
12 Months To Live
Patterson, James
4 stars = Really Good

Jane Smith is a defense attorney, trying to defend a probably guilty client of three murders. Gripping, well paced with great character development.

Reviewer's Name: Jane R.
I Am Not Okay With This
Forsman, Charles
2 stars = Meh

I'm open to a lot of visual styles for graphic novels. It can be what elevates a mediocre story to something profound, but it can also tonally clash with the message and leave a muddled mess. Storytelling in this format is a challenge to pull off and few have been able to do so successfully. I Am Not Okay With This unfortunately falls into the other camp here. Even if this were just a novel without the "graphic" part, there's not much to recommend it.

Filled with cliches about what it's like to be a teenage girl, I Am Not Okay With This suffers from the "men writing women" trope. None of the interactions felt believable or realistic. Instead, they seemed forced through what a man thought these interactions should be based on minimal or merely pop culture research. None of it had the feel of anyone who has lived as a teenage girl in similar situations—psychic powers notwithstanding. This was why it leaned so heavily on the tropes commonly associated with girls in puberty and the male fetishes that go along with it.

I wasn't sure if this was trying to be edgy by focusing only on heavy subjects like sexuality, bullying, and suicide, but the simplistic art style felt too childish to accomplish any of these goals with any level of gravitas. There wasn't even a satisfying conclusion to anything, which would only be frustrating if this book wasn't such a quick read. I'm sure it's less of a time commitment than watching the Netflix show, but I still probably wouldn't recommend it (even if I haven't seen the Netflix show to compare against).

A mismatched graphic novel obviously written by a man, I give I Am Not Okay With This 2.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.