What's New: Makerspaces

Discovery Kits are a collection of interactive items that patrons can check out to explore new topics, hobbies, and interests at home. There are Discovery Kits for all ages, from toddlers to adults. Learn more about the different kits here.



  • Round Looms
  • Electronic Playground
  • Lego Mindstorms EV3
  • Bee Bots
  • Survive the Quake Engineering Kit
  • Remote Control Gear Bot
  • Ultimate Fort Builder
  • Cubelets Discovery Set
  • Code & Go Robot Mouse Activity Set
  • MAGNA-TILES Building Set

Tarikh Brown, PPLD's Maker in Residence for November/December 2019, specializes in comics and sequential art. Tarikh Brown is a local artist with a BA in Graphic Design. He is currently seeking an MA in Computer Science: Digital Media Technology, which will be used for developing video games and virtual reality. Tarikh is especially passionate about sequential art, such as comics and story boarding, and loves to share his craft with others!

Visit PPLD's Maker/Artist in Residence page for more information about this program.

Roxanne Lingle, The Maker in Residence for September/October 2019, is a mixed media artist and teacher. She has been teaching for many years and loves to inspire her students and see them “come alive” when they realize they can do something they never thought possible. She loves mixed media art and all its variety of color, texture, and amazing avenues for creativity. Roxanne has taught many types of mixed media classes in the Pikes Peak region as well as across the United States.

Visit PPLD's Maker/Artist in Residence page for more information about this program.