Book Reviews by Genre: Fiction

Darth Bane: Rule of Two
Karpyshyn, Drew
4 stars = Really Good

After getting a taste of the raw thrills provided by Drew Karpyshyn’s first novel, Darth Bane: Rule of Two was a must-have! Now having destroyed the Brotherhood of Darkness, Bane must find a suitable apprentice to carry on the power of the Dark Side; His choice: a little girl called Rain who, despite her size, is immensely powerful in the dark side. Bane must struggle to trust his choice of an apprentice, for the future of the Sith relies on it, while Rain must prove that she is worthy of the title of a master. With a similar mix of action as the previous book, this novel also incorporates an integral struggle, making it even more interesting. Darth Bane: Rule of Two will certainly have your hyperdrive engines ready to boost to the third and final book of the series!

Reviewer's Name: Maverick
The Westing Game
Raskin, Ellen
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

When smoke emerges from the house of the wealthy Samuel W. Westing and he is found dead, his sixteen heirs are invited to the reading of his will. Soon they will find themselves involved in a game to win his fortune, divided into pairs they must use nonsensical clues to win the game. No one is able to trust any of the other heirs, so when a huge snowstorm traps some of them together tensions are high. With unexpected twists in every corner of the book Ellen Raskin’s The Westing Game is a must read for any mystery lover. Every character is crafted brilliantly, with unique backstories and great character development. This book keeps you on your toes the whole time, with great vocabulary and a unique plot it is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. The Westing Game is a perfect mystery novel for people of many ages and keeps you wanting more.

Reviewer's Name: Drake
Divine Rivals
Ross, Rebecca
4 stars = Really Good

Divine Rivals is an enchanting novel that surpassed my expectations. The writing is magical and quickly captured my attention. It’s about Roman and Iris who work together as journalists in the fantasy town of Oath competing with each other for a promotion. A war between gods rages on in the distance—a war that Iris’s brother left to fight in. Because of a magical connection, the letters which Iris writes to her brother have made their way to Roman who one day decides to write her back, but she doesn’t know that the boy she connects with over those letters is actually her rival.

In Divine Rivals, you’ll hear the clicking of a typewriter. You’ll feel the slight bumps of the train you’re on. You’ll see the perilous front lines of a dangerous war. You’ll taste the warm tea the characters are sipping. You’ll smell the ink still fresh on the paper of a newly delivered love letter. The book is a special mix of happy, cozy moments as well as terrifying, heart-racing ones.

I absolutely loved the relationships between Iris and Roman. Their banter is so fun to watch, and every moment between them was electric. I never wanted them to be apart because the book was so much better when they were together. The other characters were interesting enough, but none of them really caught my attention.

The beginning of the book didn’t feel much like a fantasy, it was more like a made up town in the past. While I loved that setting in Oath, it did make some of the fantasy aspects kind of strange because I would forget that I was reading a fantasy. As well as that, the myths and lore of the war tended to bore me because I didn’t care about that as much as I did the two main characters. However, as the book progressed, it dove into the fantasy much more, and I really enjoyed it. I thought the pacing was pretty good and even in the moments where not as much was happening, I was still very invested.

Overall, the book is not without its flaws, but it’s still an excellent read. I loved the settings, the writing, and the main characters a lot!

Reviewer Grade: 10

Reviewer's Name: Bella B.
Novik, Naomi
4 stars = Really Good

One of my first experiences with the writing of Naomi Novik was with Spinning Silver . This Rumpelstiltskin retelling was quite interesting and complex compared to the original fairy tale it was based on. Realizing this was the second in a “series” (of which I’m using this term loosely), I eventually sought this book’s predecessor. Uprooted seems to be an adaptation of eastern European folktales, but with more of the romance aspect that I expect from these kinds of fantasy books.

As with other fairy tale retellings, Uprooted starts off with plenty of tropes from the Grimm fairy tales. Dragons stealing maidens from their families, peasant farmers in poverty, things like that. It continues into the predictable tropes of the Dragon being misunderstood and the fair maiden resisting his cold personality long enough to have him warm up to her. Fortunately, this book is deeper than the tropes it was based on. The depth of the story is partly why it's much longer than the common folktales it might be based on.

I appreciated the magic system and the descriptions of how it felt to use this magic. I thought the cursed woods trope was developed in a much more interesting way than you usually see in these kinds of stories. The eventual romance between the two characters was telegraphed for a while, leading to a slow burn that was fairly erotic. About my only qualm with this book was the audiobook narration. The narrator had an authentic sounding eastern European accent, which fit the story's potential origins, but at the cost of being unable to understand what she was saying sometimes.

A deeply rich fairy tale with both old and new tropes, I give Uprooted 4.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
Dahl, Roald
2 stars = Meh

Matilda was one of those books I didn't grow up with. I have no nostalgia for this story, so when I finally got around to listening to the audiobook version, it disappointed me. I know I'm not the intended audience, but what exactly was the lesson being taught here? The main villain was so over the top with her cruelty that I legitimately wondered what Roald Dahl's home life was like when he was growing up. Sure, sticking up for yourself is a great moral, but come on.

I think the biggest issue I had with this book comes down to how they narrated the audiobook. There's the way normal people narrate audiobooks, then there's how people narrate audiobooks for children. The overacting made it difficult to listen to, but not for the reason you'd think. Matilda was such a soft-spoken character that all her lines were whispered. In contrast, all the villainous adults were voiced with shouting. This gave the volume dial on my car whiplash as I kept turning it up to hear what was being said, only to have the narration turn around and blow out my speakers.

As for the plot itself, only one character was likeable. Since everything was from Matilda's point of view, all adults were bumbling buffoons, and all her peers were slobbering idiots. The kind teacher was the only one who gave the precocious child a chance to prove how extremely intelligent she was, but her backstory was so eye-rollingly tragic as to be laughable. Honestly, most of this book felt like I was a witness to child abuse, and that's with its somewhat happy ending.

A too quiet and too loud audiobook about an annoyingly precocious child, I give Matilda 2.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder
Jackson, Holly
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Who was the real killer of Andy Bell? Was it her boyfriend or was it someone you would never think of. Well reading this book was one of the best times I could hardly put it down. I loved how we got to help solve it in away and there was never a mount that u never had something to ask. Like who was the killer? if not who? and why did they do it? There are just so many good things about the book. The only bad thing is you never get sleep cause you can't put it down.

Reviewer's Name: Skylar
Einstein's Dreams
Lightman, Alan P.
3 stars = Pretty Good

I can appreciate poetic works that try to string each idea together into a connected narrative. I've seen few that have done this as well as Einstein's Dreams has. Of course, the problem with trying to make all these disparate poems work together is that they are still just brief glimpses into stories that could easily stand on their own. Perhaps that's the curse of well-written poetry—it leaves you wanting more. I'd almost consider these stories as writing prompts for anyone looking to make an entire book out of the dreams of the world's best physicist.

Many of the stories in this collection/novel play upon the ideas of general relativity. The way the physics is described and how the people in these worlds live feel legitimately realistic. Of course, sometimes the physics "gimmick" isn't revealed until the end of a story, thus leaving me in the dark as to what was actually happening as I read through the dream. I didn't have enough patience to read through these stories again to fully understand the way their worlds worked.

As a cohesive narrative, there isn't much that advances the story here. It's mostly focused on exploring interesting applications of theoretical physics in the terms of people and their lives. Some are stronger than others, but they're all basically the same idea repeated a couple dozen times in slightly different packaging. And maybe I was expecting something more like Shakespeare in Love (1998) where Einstein's dreams help him break through the concepts he's trying to discover. Instead, the titular character is only in a few pieces of joining text that frame the whole collection. But at least the prose was pretty.

Poetic exploration of theoretical physics, I give Einstein's Dreams 3.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
Anita De Monte Laughs Last
Gonzalez, Xochitl
4 stars = Really Good

Gonzales is both a non-fiction and fiction writer, whose excellent articles I've read in well-known publications like The Atlantic Monthly. This book is the first novel of hers I've read, and I was not disappointed.

Our two key narrators are Anita, a Latina artist whose husband, we discover right away, killed her in 1980s New York City; and Raquel, a Latina art student in late 1990s Rhode Island, trying to find her way in a predominantly white and privileged community while also maintaining and respecting her cultural roots.

Both Anita (who narrates from the world of the dead and who can use a form of Santeria to manifest her actions and "essence" to people still living) and Raquel share the experience of falling for privileged and self-involved white men, both of whom are controlling and abusive in various ways. While Anita is a fighter to the last, Raquel's self-confidence rises slowly but steadily throughout the novel until the finale when readers see her blossom into a woman who can and will stand up for herself and for her family and true friends.

Beyond the two women's dangerous (and in Anita's case. deadly) relationships with controlling white men, the other linked plotline centers on Anita's art work being gradually erased after her death and the promise that Raquel will somehow unearth those works and breathe new life into them. My only quibble with the progress of this plotline is that its resolution felt rather rushed, not quite providing the satisfaction that a slower, longer narrative of Anita's re-discovery would have.

Gonzales's writing style is propulsive in parts and poetic in others. Her two protagonists are drawn vividly, and even without the named alternating chapters, it would be hard to confuse one voice with another. The conclusion of both narrators' stories shines a light on the importance of women defining themselves outside their roles in men's lives. I think Gonzales also does well to portray Anita and Raquel not simply as victims of male violence and general douche-baggery but as flawed, smart, emotionally conflicted women whose sexual and romantic decisions are as fraught with passion and blind spots as any real-life woman's is.

Reviewer's Name: Janele
The Reptile Room
Snicket, Lemony
4 stars = Really Good

This Reptile Room is a part of a 13 novel series called "A series of Unfortunate events." It’s about the Baudelaire orphans (Violet, Klaus and Sunny) as they live with their reptile-loving relative, Dr. Montgomery. They are trying to outsmart Count Olaf, an evil man trying to steal their fortune while disguised as Uncle Monty’s assistant (Dr. Montgomery, but the orphans call him Uncle Monty). If you enjoy to read mystery books, this book is excellent. I personally don't like books with a slow, boring start because there is nothing that motivates me to keep reading, but the Reptile Room is the complete opposite.

It starts off by stating how Violet, Klaus, and Sunny were orphans because their parents were killed in a house fire which left me having so many questions and made me want to read more. The Baudelaire orphans were put with Count Olaf after the death of their parents, he was an evil man that would do unspeakable things to them and has plans on stealing their fortune they got from their parents. But later, they were sent to live with their distant relative, Dr. Montgomery, but they call him Uncle Monty. Uncle Monty loves reptiles. Uncle Monty plans to take them on a trip to Peru to study snakes. Right when they were experiencing a glance of happiness again, it was shattered. Count Olaf reappears disguised as Uncle Monty's new assistant, Stefano. He is driven by greed and his desire to steal the Baudelaire fortune, he plans to kill Uncle Monty and abduct the orphans. They try to warn Uncle Monty that Stefano is actually Count Olaf but he doesn't believe them and pays the price for it. Despite their best efforts to expose him, the adults around them remain oblivious and the orphans are now forced to continue the struggle against Count Olaf's evil schemes.

Overall, I enjoyed the book very much, and it had great unexpected plots. This book moves at a perfect pace, it doesn't go by too fast but also isn't too slow, there were many new plots and curiosities throughout the book that kept me entertained the whole time. My overall rating for this book was an 8/10, I want to read the following books after this and see what happens to Count Olaf and the Baudelaire orphans.

Reviewer's Name: Lilly
The Naturals
Barnes, Jennifer Lynn
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book is the best YA mystery book I have read in a long time! This book follows a seventeen year old girl named Cassie Hobbes, who had been recruited to work for a Secrate CIA department as a profiler. As a murder starts killing more and more people Cassie and her team start to dig into the case, but as they do, this case starts connecting more and more to Cassie. This is an amazing book and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes mystery.

Reviewer's Name: Isabel
The Weekend
Wood, Charlotte
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book by an Australian writer is one of the best novels I've read this year, centering on the lives of four women in their 70s who've known each other for many years. Three of them gather for the duration of the novel to clear out the home of their friend who has died and to know that this place too will no longer be part of their lives. Readers are witness to their struggle to come to terms with their loss and how they will (or won't) continue their now-reduced friendship. The narration toggles easily from one of the (living) women to the next and back, always propelling plot elements even as the narrative voice changes so that the reader isn't getting "re-runs" of several occurrences just because the point of view changes. In addition, each character is sharply defined and unique, so different from each other, in fact, that it's a wonder they were ever friends to begin with. And this narrative tension among the three as they each ruminate on their memories of the absent fourth and chafe against the foibles and flaws of each other felt poignant and, to me, exquisitely realistic.

Many books I've read that I've loved for a good portion have fallen apart or ended on a "bleh" or even a "wtf?" note. Not this time! What will probably stay with me the longest as Wood's admiring reader is the graceful precision of her final depiction of these tough, wise, messy, sad, funny, and unforgettable women. It involves some high drama, for sure, but also, the ocean--and what this small coastal Australian slice of it has meant to all of them.

Reviewer's Name: Janele
Lyga, Barry
4 stars = Really Good

BANG is a novel about a 14 year old boy named Sebastian Cody, who has a dark secret. At the age of just four years old, Sebastian shot and killed his baby sister. Now, ten years later, he has to live with the guilt and horror of the past
When a Muslim girl, Aneesa, moves to Brookdlae and becomes a close friend and neighbor, Sebastian spends the entire summer with Aneesa, showing her around Brookdale when they eventually start a pizza making youtube channel. All this summer fun almost becomes an escape from suicidal thoughts. After school starts, Sebastian isn’t able to distract himself from his thoughts, now that he isn’t spending all day with Aneesa. After a few weeks at school, bullies start to poke and prod, and Sebastian eventually makes the decision to end it. His plan was to kill his father, (who had moved out, Sebastian thinking it was abandonment) and then himself.
Of course the book ends in a “happily ever after” way, but it still has that “good book feeling” when you are finished.This book is a really interesting story about Sebastian's thoughts, whether it be from the past, his friends, and his family life. One of the best singular books I’ve ever read, but don’t listen to me, go read it for yourself and find out.

Reviewer's Name: Zachary
The Outsiders
Hinton, S.E.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

At first I didn’t want to read The Outsiders because at the time I didn’t like reading. But my language arts teacher was going to test us on it after winter break so I read it. When I read it I fell in love with the characters and felt like i belonged in the story. The book is about a town divided by wealth and status. The wealthy kids are called soc’s and the less fortunate kids are called greasers. The book tells the story of a greaser boy named Ponyboy Curtis who narrates the story. Ponyboy is the main character and he tells us about him and his gangs home lives and how they started as 7 friends and ended as 5 friends. Ponyboy lives with his two older brothers Sodapop and Darry. Ponyboy lives with his brothers because his parents died in an auto wreck 8 months before the story begins. As a result of their parents not being with them, Darry works two jobs to provide for his brothers, and Sodapop is a high school dropout who works full time at the DX gas station. The book has taught me a lot of good life lessons and I’m glad I read it. It’s my favorite book and because I read it I bought some of S.E Hintons other books.

Reviewer's Name: Hazel
Bring Down the Stars
Scott, Emma
4 stars = Really Good

I'm not sure where I picked up this book on Kindle, but it finally took me two years to finish it (I'm excruciatingly slow at reading eBooks). To expand my horizons, I thought reading a romance novel would be good for me. Bring Down the Stars feels like a classic partly due to its heavy resemblance to Cyrano de Bergerac. Its tropes feel solidly planted in the genre, even to the point of being almost timeless. Still, the characters are a little frustrating.

When I finally sat down to focus on reading this book, it hooked me pretty well. The writing is beautifully poetic—which is most often seen from the male point of view (POV). The female POV was a good counterpoint to give the reader both sides of the story while also making the miscommunication between these star-crossed lovers a buildup to either passionate love or a complete destruction of the friendship. That dance between the two is likely what keeps people coming back to this genre. I get it now. It's maddening, but I get it.

I found the modern elements interesting because they could have easily been swapped out for similar situations in centuries past. As I mentioned above, this is basically a Cyrano re-telling, but with two athletic college students in love with the same farmer's girl. Which war the men went off to is irrelevant, as it could have just as easily been the American Revolution or Civil War. It frustrated me that there wasn't a conclusion in this book, as it would have been easy to accomplish without the need for a second book. If I feel up to exploring the genre again, I might pick that sequel up.

A modern take on a classic romance, I give Bring Down the Stars 3.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
Kuang, R.F.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

There are plenty of books with authors as the main character, but Yellowface feels like the first time that the struggles have been expressed in such a realistic way. Most author protagonists seem to exist in this vacuum where nobody else in their close circles shares their love of writing and publishing stories. They have no network with other authors or can commiserate over another rejected manuscript. And while Yellowface takes a bold approach to addressing diversity in the publishing world, it still ultimately paints the main character as a villain.

One cannot overemphasize social media's effects on the modern publishing landscape. Anything authors can do to break through the noise, they’ll attempt just to get more traction to sell their book. Tons of talented authors are overlooked for a variety of reasons, but Yellowface asks whether pursuing marginalized voices has created the unintended consequence of marginalizing the voices that used to be promoted. The frustration is real, but Juniper’s actions are not the answer. The thrill of Yellowface’s plot is how long she’s able to get away with it before she’s caught and tried in the square of public opinion.

As an author, a lot of this book made me feel seen. We always tell ourselves that our fellow writers are not competition, but it’s difficult to see others succeed when our own works go unnoticed. Jealousy is real, but we work through it and celebrate with our fellow authors so that someday they can come alongside us and celebrate our victories as well. Even if the ending gets a little weird, the way R.F. Kuang gives an intimate look into this community of writers feels authentic enough to be a universal experience for most authors.

A gripping, tongue-in-cheek examination of author rivalry, I give Yellowface 4.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
Darth Bane: Path of Destruction
Drew Karpyshyn
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

When I first opened the novel, I had idea what to expect and I didn’t even if I knew I would like the book, but that quickly changed when I became addicted to the story. With an incredible mix of action and adventure, Drew Karpyshyn’s novel: “Darth Bane: Path of Destruction” is hard to beat. Readers join an Outer-Rim miner named Dessel on his journey to morph into his true self: Darth Bane. I personally enjoyed how Drew worded this book, with specific, yet easy to read details. Alongside a captivating storyline, there is nearly non-stop Star Wars action. If any readers thirst for a special Star Wars book that does not sacrifice action with dialogue, I would highly suggest Darth Bane: Path of Destruction.

(Hungry for more Drew? Check out the sequel of this book: Darth Bane Rule of two!)

Reviewer's Name: Maverick
Cover of The Giver by Lois Lowry
Lois Lowry
4 stars = Really Good

“The Giver” is a book that really stands out in a crowd. In this enchanting tale by Lois Lowry, a two-time Newberry Medal winner, a young boy named Jonas lives in a perfect society. There is no pain. No sickness. No hunger. However, when he is assigned to his job in the Community, he is singled out and given a special job. Suddenly, everything is different. Jonas is able to see things- feel things- in a way that he never has before. Can Jonas find the flaws that he was blind to before and restore life to his Community? For those who like slow, thought provoking stories, The Giver is a gem to keep on your bookshelf. Plus, it is one of four moving chapters in a quartet that avid readers are sure to enjoy.

Reviewer's Name: Dominic
The Clue is in the Pudding book jacket
Kingsbury, Kate
3 stars = Pretty Good

“The Clue is in the Pudding” by Kate Kingsbury is a delightful read for those who enjoy a delicious mix of bone-chilling mystery and delightful drama. In it, Cicily Baxter, owner of the Pennyfoot Hotel, is hoping to have a very merry Christmas this year. She is planning on entertaining her guests at her annual Christmas party in order to draw in business. Alas, not everything is going as planned. Her head maid has gone to visit family, and the replacement is the most opinionated, fussy, and unfriendly person she has ever met. She causes all sorts of trouble with the rest of her staff. When things seem unable to get any worse, a guest dies mysteriously in his room, and the new maid is chief suspect. However, things are not exactly what they seem, and motives begin popping up left and right amongst the guests. Can Cicily sniff out the murderer before Christmas arrives? As part of the Pennyfoot Hotel series, it may require some thinking from the reader to fill in the holes of the characters’ backgrounds if they have not read any of the other books. The plot is somewhat long, but it is worth it once the end comes! For readers who like romance, suspense, and drama all in one, this book is sure to be a real treat!

Reviewer's Name: Dominic
The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol book jacket
Gogol, Nikolai
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Portrait by Nikolai Gogol is one of his best short stories centering around a penniless artist, Chartkov, struggling to make his name in the art world and finds himself entranced by a portrait he buys at a merchant shop. With a steely face, build of a giant, and eyes that seem to pierce the soul, the portrait that he buys on an impulse at a run-down shop carries a mystery with it that haunts Chartkov both in his waking hours and in his sleep. As he is overcome by his financial difficulty, the strange portrait that he stashed away for fear of its gaze changes his life forever. With flowing imagery and an intrinsic description of human nature and its afflictions, The Portrait latches onto the reader’s heart and presents them with a fascinating account of Chartkov and his peculiar encounter with the portrait with uncanny realism and blended fantasy.

Reviewer's Name: Malini
Caraval book jacket
Garber, Stephanie
4 stars = Really Good

I have heard mixed reviews about this book so I kept a neutral expectation for it. This book completely broke my standards. The magic, lore, and world in the this book is so unique, creative and perfectly easy to understand and be captivated by. There were some points where I was slightly bored but I’m ever so glad I stuck through because when it did get dramatic, oh did it get dramatic. This book is perfect for those who like an equal mix of fantasy and romance and a small portion of action, of course.
The female main character is totally relatable especially for those who can relate to the role of the cautious yet extremely caring older sibling. Scarlett risks everything for her sister and she has such a big heart. Scarlett’s decisions will have you on the edge of your seat, because in this book it’s hard to forget that everything is just an act.
Speaking out for the hopeless romantics, the two main male characters, Dante and Julian, are everything! I swear I blushed a couple times because of them. The story wouldn’t be nearly the same without them.
This book will forever be engraved in my memory. You will never forget the feeling of the magical world inside Caraval and Isla de los Suenos. Even though it wasn’t 5 stars, this will definitely be in my top books of the year.
I didn’t quite understand the intensity of this repeated quote but always keep in mind, “remember it’s only a game”.

Reviewer Grade: 9

Reviewer's Name: Marley