Book Reviews by Genre: Fiction

The Wild Robot
Brown, Peter
4 stars = Really Good

The Wild Robot takes place on an island where a shipment of robots has crashed. Only one Robot had survived the crash, so she has to learn how to adapt to the wilderness. On her journey, she befriends the woodland creatures and learns to speak their language. I enjoyed this book a lot because it was light hearted. I enjoy being outside and in nature, so this book was interesting to me. The only issue I had with it was that it was very short, and I would have liked to have read more of it.

Reviewer's Name: Lotus
King Stephen
4 stars = Really Good

22/11/63 by Stephen King is about the Kennedy Assassination, and time travel. I really like stuff about time travel and alternate universes, so this book sounded pretty interesting. Basically, an English teacher named Jake gets to go back in time, and ends up changing history. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Stephen King, time travel, or finds the JFK assassination interesting. I will say though, that while I really enjoyed this book, and think it’s good, it’s definitely not Stephen Kings best work.

Reviewer's Name: Emani
Under the Lilacs
May Alcott, Louisa
4 stars = Really Good

The book, Under the Lilacs, is a heartwarming story that everyone of all ages would enjoy. It follows Bab and Betty, two young girls living with their mother. While out on a picnic with their dolls, the girls find that someone has stolen their cake. They find that the culprit is a dog-and the dog belongs to a boy named Ben. After learning that Ben is alone without a guardian, Bab, Betty, and their mother take him in. Ben is mischievous, but well mannered and fun. Throughout the rest of the novel, Ben finds a place inhis new home, and though there are struggles along the way, it's ultimately a happily ever after. Under the Lilacs by Louisa May Alcott is an amazing book that you should definitely try!

Reviewer's Name: Gemma
Where the Crawdads Sing
Owens, Delia
3 stars = Pretty Good

This book takes place in North Carolina and follows the life of a girl named Kya. Kya has lived alone in the marsh since a young age and has always loved the life within. The book follows her as she grows up and the challenges she faces. Then her life takes a drastic turn when she is accused of the murder of Chase Andrews. The book deals with themes of love, loneliness, and more.

This book was pretty good, but outside of what I normally read. That said it was a very interesting book to read. It reminded me of To Kill a Mockingbird because of the trial and theme of prejudice. Kya was such a unique character to follow with her lifestyle and how she acted. It was easy to cheer her on during the trial or feel her pain. It was fun to follow along with the trial and see the evidence. That said, I didn't rate this higher because of the twist at the end. The twist caught me off guard and it wasn't one I liked. I felt it went against some of the points made in the book. Although I know some people really loved this book. So this is one of those books you should read for yourself and see what you think. You might really like it or you might not. Either way, I think this book did a good job of showing Kya's world and life.

Reviewer's Name: Alyson
The Heart of Betrayal
Pearson, Mary E.
4 stars = Really Good

Heart of Betrayal is how Lia travels through the dessert trying to figure out how to get out of this situation. On the way she crosses how to truly connect with her gift. Then she arrives at Venda. People are succumbing, and start to begrudgingly like her. For some people a little too much. Lia has gone through the whole rainbow of emotions. Now she has to take action before it too late.
In this book the beginning was a little slow for me but it sped up significantly once she got to Venda. Lia is no "little girl" in this book, her character arc is so perfect. This book has a character everyone can love.

Reviewer's Name: Lilly
Bracken, Alexandra
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Lore is about a girl trying to forget her past. When Castor, her childhood best friend, shows up unexpected, Lore is questioning what does she really know about her old life. The story she made up about her families murder doesn't make sense anymore, but she refuses to believe she's wrong. This is a book about Lore's journey through grief and sorrow. Throughout this book Lore acquires more people from her past. The end was a twist I would have never expected. This was a book of betrayal, acceptance, change, forgiveness, and love. This tale is one of my favorites.

Reviewer's Name: Lilly
One of Us Is Lying
McManus, Karen M.
4 stars = Really Good

This story is written in several points of view to truly capture how one regular detention turned into a murder scene. Four kids from Bayview High, full of hidden truths and an app that exposes everyone if they like it or not. The kids were from different social clicks, the classic "no-good" boy, the baseball star, miss perfect, and the girl who has her heart full of dedication to join Yale. Everywhere they went they were constantly watched, no alone time without someone bothering them about the boy that died from something so simple as an allergic reaction. The possibilities are endless when it comes to solving the puzzle, did the four students do it, or did someone from outside the room do it?

Reviewer's Name: Savanah
I Survived The California Wildfires, 2018
Tarshis, Lauren
4 stars = Really Good

Josh and his mother travel to California to see Josh's cousins, Nicole and her daughter, Holly, who run a reptile shelter. At first, he doesn't think he'll like Holly, because she's so different from him. And while Josh loves basketball, she doesn't even know any famous players! But when disaster strikes, and he and Holly are trapped in a wildfire, he learns that maybe she isn't so different after all.

Even though I put four stars, I think that this book deserves 4.5 out of 5. This is quite possibly my favorite book in the I Survived series, that I have read so far. The only thing I didn't really like is that it was too short. This book is a great read for long road trips, because it is very entertaining, and it is also rather quick, so you won't have time to get bored of it.

Reviewer's Name: Kelsey
I Survived The Destruction of Pompeii, 79 A.D.
Tarshis, Lauren
3 stars = Pretty Good

Marcus is a slave in ancient Pompeii, working for the despicable Festus Julius, who is having a party to see the upcoming gladiator match. Marcus thought he would never see Tata, his father, again after he was sold to someone else. But when he sees the people that the champion gladiator would fight, he also sees Tata. Can Marcus save his father from the arena and still survive?

This book had a pretty good story, although it could have been more enjoyable if it were longer. I enjoyed Marcus' quick thinking, the descriptions of Greece, and what it would be like to live there. However, I did notice that Mercury, the Roman version of Hermes was mentioned, even though the book is set in Greece. I would read this when you are bored, because it does get to the action pretty quickly, and you can read it in less than a day.

Reviewer's Name: Kelsey
All The Wrong Questions: "Who Could That Be at This Hour?"
Snicket, Lemony
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

If you have read A Series of Unfortunate Events, you know of a secret organization, and many, many easily fooled people. But, Lemony Snicket is not one of them. This book involves that secret organization, a very dangerous criminal, a plot involving a statue of a hideous sea creature, and Lemony Snicket himself. Perhaps you should turn your attention away from this horrible book and read another one.... JUST KIDDING : this book is amazingly awesome, no matter what Mr. Snicket says on the back!

When Lemony Snicket was 12 years old, he already had his hands on a mystery.mA confusing, detailed mystery. But if you pay attention, and read closely, you should be able to keep up. Lemony purposefully chooses the last-ranked mentor on the list, hoping that he will have more time for something else, but nothing can be farther from the truth. He is soon involved in another mystery, one that will take nearly all his time. His mentor, S. Theodora Markson, has no idea what she's doing, but acts like she knows everything. Someone is lying to him. He gets into trouble with the law by pure accident. This will take all the skills and knowledge from his 'unusual education'.

I love all of the Lemony Snicket books I have read so far, and this one is no exception. The plot will keep you guessing at every twist and turn. I like the way Lemony hardly ever panics, and how he handles things in his out-of-the-box way. This is a great way to spend the time if you are bored and sleepy, because it will wake you right up, and keep you entertained throughout the whole book. However, do not read this at bedtime, because you will not be able to stop, and will probably lose yourself a lot of sleep. This book is the first in a series, if you are looking for more Lemony Snicket.

Have fun reading!

Reviewer's Name: Kelsey
I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912
Tarshis, Lauren
3 stars = Pretty Good

George has always been on the lookout for adventure. And so when he and his sister Phoebe start to travel home on the Titanic, he goes to explore every inch of the massive ship. But when the Titanic unbelievably starts to sink, and Phoebe is nowhere to be found, George must save her. George knows he won't give up, but will he be able to help his sister without ending up dead himself?

This book is a short read, but it is very interesting to see George's thoughts and feelings as the ship sinks. I like the way he doesn't panic, at least not a lot. I would recommend reading it when you are waiting for something, because it keeps you interested throughout the entire book, and it is only about 100 pages.

Reviewer's Name: Kelsey
Brandon Sanderson
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Brandon Sanderson’s book, Steelheart, is an amazing book. It follows David, a misfit obsessed with the knowledge of Epics after his father’s death. Epics are the “super humans” that have powers- and they’ve taken over his city and his life. After joining a group called the Reckoners, David and his new friends set out to take down the leader of the Epics. Along the way, he meets new people and builds relationships with his team. The end of this book is a cliff hanger that will make you need to read the sequels! Steelheart is an amazing book that teens and young adults are sure to love. Check it out!

Reviewer's Name: Gemma
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer book jacket
Mark Twain
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a captivating novel filled with trouble, fun, and humor. Tom Sawyer is the classic mischievous kid, always looking for excitement and getting into predicaments. When he witnesses something completely out of the ordinary, Tom has to speak up and fear the consequences. His adventures help him discover himself, make new friends, and learn the importance of family. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a clever, laughable book that you’re sure to love. A classic novel for everyone to enjoy, just don’t read it too quickly!

Reviewer's Name: Gemma
Out of My Mind book jacket
Draper, Sharon
4 stars = Really Good

Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper is written from the perspective of Melody
Brooks, an eleven year old kid that cannot talk, walk, or feed herself. Even
with all of her challenges Melody is incredibly smart with a photographic
memory. However because of people's prejudices against her people think she
is dumb, doctors, teachers, and other students. Out of My Mind tells an
amazing story about overcoming disabilities and prejudices in both life and
school. This book broke my heart and left me with hope through a powerful
ending. I would recommend this book with a 4 out of 5 stars.

Reviewer's Name: Lucia
The Siren book jacket
Cass, Kiera
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Kahlen never believed in love at first sight. That is until she met
Akinli. He actually tried to understand her, under the circumstances. The
circumstances being she's a siren. Will Kahlen be able to fake her past and
be with her soulmate? Or will she put duty before love. This book is a
thrilling read. The ending will move you forever. I can't recommend this book

Reviewer's Name: Lilly
Savvy book jacket
Law, Ingrid
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Savvy by Ingrid Law is an amazing book stuffed with mischief, fun,
turns and twists! It follows Mississippi "Mibs" Beaumont through her thirteen
birthday. When her father is put into the hospital, Mib's world is turned
upside down. Her perfect "savvy" birthday has been ruined! When she turns
thirteen, she receives a special savvy (a savvy is a particular gift given to
those in her family when they turn thirteen)-but it's not what she's been
hoping for. Mibs and her friends embark on a wild ride, trying to get to her
father's hospital to see him. Nothing on their trip is what they expect, but
Mibs and her friends continue in the midst of laughter and hardship. Will
they ever get to the hospital, and will her father be alright? Savvy is a
crazy, adventurous, funny book that you're sure to enjoy!

Reviewer's Name: Gemma
Waistcoats & Weaponry book jacket
Carriger, Gail
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Gail Carriger's novel, Waistcoats and Weaponry, is a touching and
well balanced book that is filled with twists and turns. Gail Carriger weaves
an intricate plotline, following Sophronia Temminick in the third book of the
finishing school series. Sophronia's friend, Sidheag, must return to her
werewolf pack in the wake of a fresh conflict. Sophronia and her friends
embark on a train journey that's hauntingly mysterious, dangerous, and
exciting. Faced with new challenges along the way, they have to stick
together to make it. Secrets are unveiled and romances escalate, but what
will truly happen? This is an artfully crafted book that will keep you on the
edge of your seat! Check it out!

Reviewer's Name: Gemma
Invision book jacket
Kenyon, Sherrilyn
4 stars = Really Good

Nick was born evil. As the most powerful demon to ever exist, every fiber in him was created to destroy, annihilate, and wreak havoc. It is his destiny to destroy the world and everyone he loves. But he is determined to thwart his destiny, and live his life as a somewhat normal person. When he's not being thrown against lockers by the school bully, he's battling demons and pushing the limits with the Fates of the Universe. Except for this time, with the help of his ancient demons friends and the Eye of Ananke, he can see the mishaps of the future...and knows that someone besides him is trying to change it. Now, he has to battle something far deadlier and treacherous than ever before...and he has no idea who or what it is.

This is the seventh book in the series, and once again it does not disappoint! I like how there is a mix of adventure, the supernatural, romance, and fantasy (and even some special appearances from Greek gods and goddesses!) and that the main character is relatable: he's in high school, trying to figure out who he is and what he stands for. The book also isn't a super long read, and once you start, it's hard to put it down!

Reviewer's Name: Nneoma
Fairest book jacket
Meyer, Marissa
4 stars = Really Good

I’m not sure when it happened, but somewhere in the last decade or so, the idea of “redeemable villains” took off. So many stories had antagonists that had their heinous acts justified by some past trauma that somehow made them more human and understandable. While I appreciate flawed characters and the bad decisions that eventually led them down the dark and evil path, I don’t think it’s always necessary to make villains redeemable. That is unless it’s done well. Fairest does it well.

Right from the first pages of Fairest, the reader understands that Levana was the runt of the family. The amount of teasing and hypocrisy that formed this young girl into the evil queen she would eventually become is understandable. However, the real brilliance of this story comes in when Levana tries to solve her problems the only way she knows how: by manipulation. It’s not entirely her fault, as the royal family seemed to be built on this foundation of getting what they want by any means necessary—still, it doesn’t excuse what she did.

Even if Fairest is only a side-story for the Lunar Chronicles series, I think it’s required reading to understand the series’ main antagonist fully. If you want to read it chronologically (before Cinder ), it’s a good amount of backstory that will help bring you up to speed, even at the expense of being spoiled by some of the (albeit obvious) twists of the series. If you read it after Cress and before Winter, then it stands as a much-needed flashback before the conclusion of the series. At the very least, I’m glad that this story wasn’t crammed into the other books and was given the room to be its own story.

The best “understandable villain” I’ve ever read, I give Fairest: Levana’s Story 4.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
Cress book jacket
Meyer, Marissa
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Anyone who has spent a considerable amount of time with me will know that one of my top three favorite movies is Tangled (2010). It then comes as no surprise to me that the third book in the Lunar Chronicles series that adapts the Rapunzel fairy tale into this sci-fi retelling would be my favorite of the set. It wasn't until I was reading original fairy tales to my daughter that I realized how close Cress came to representing the story it was based on instead of just relying on the familiar accouterments of the fairy tale.

While I didn't appreciate as much of the split storylines in Scarlet , I felt they improved the greater story arc of the whole series here. Cress explored much of the inner workings of the antagonist faction of Lunars that had been missing up until this point of the series. As such, I was able to gain a greater emotional attachment to the rag-tag group of rebels. It also helped that there was clear character growth in some of the minor characters like Carswell Thorne and Cress through the challenges they had to overcome.

Perhaps the best reason this was my favorite book of the Lunar Chronicles series is that it truly was building toward the climax of the series as a whole. Watching all the different pieces fall into place to set up the final book of the series was what had me hooked on this story all the way through. And sure, it still had that "teenage girl" quality to its prose, but at least it helped make the characters realistic—even if it was to adhere to the tropes of the Young Adult genre.

The sci-fi Rapunzel retelling I didn't know I needed, I give Cress 4.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.