Award Books by Genre: Other Award(s)

a Court of Thorns and Roses
Maas, Sarah J.
3 stars = Pretty Good

This book intrigued me immensely. The main character, Feyre, has believed that the faeries are evil for her whole life. However, when she becomes a faerie's prisoner, she sees their ways in a new light.
I liked the storyline of this book a lot. It is sort of an enhanced version of Beauty and the Beast with a few twists. Maas is a great writer, and she uses intricate details to keep the book interesting.
However, I did not care for the characters very much. Some of them seemed cliché, and none were three-dimensional enough for me to relate to or care about.
I do recommend this book to anyone who likes young adult fantasy because it has a compelling plot, and I have heard that the subsequent books in the trilogy are much better.

Reviewer's Name: Sabrina J.
A gold crown on a yellow background
Martin, George R.R.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

A Clash of Kings is the second book in Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. After adoring the first book, I was not at all disappointed with the second. The immensely complex fantasy world only continues to grow and develop in this book, as do the characters. George R. R. Martin perfectly juggles all the different storylines, making them all interesting, suspenseful, and fascinating. His characters are so 3-dimensional that characters the reader hates in the first book begin to be shown in a new light. I very strongly recommend this book to anyone that read A Game of Thrones. Every paragraph in this book is so richly embellished and detailed that as I read these books, I felt like I was learning the history of another country.
Reviewer Grade: 11

Reviewer's Name: Sabrina J.
The Looking Glass War
Beddor, Frank
4 stars = Really Good

"The Looking Glass Wars" by Frank Beddor is a vivid, imaginative, retelling of the Alice in Wonderland story with interesting characters and a complex setting. This book was really fun, but I felt that some of the plot twists were a little predictable and the villain was a little stereotypical. But, it is definitely worth a read if you want a fun fairytale adventure.
Grade: 11

Reviewer's Name: Gillian P.
The Giver
Lowry, Lois
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Giver, written by Lois Lowry, was about a boy named Jonas who is about to turn twelve. Jonas lives in a community where everything is the same and fair, because with any differences it can cause arguments. Because everything is the same, everyone gets bicycles at the same age, gets their job at the Ceremony of Twelve, and is only allowed to have one boy and one girl child in their "family unit". When the Ceremony of Twelve arrives, Jonas has no idea what job he is going to get, but lots of kids his age do. When the day finally comes, he gets told that he has the rarest and highest of honor job there is- he gets to see memories from a long time ago in history. The person training him, or as Jonas calls him, the Giver, gives him memories of a long long time ago when things were way more strange. Everything in his community is the same- that means no colors, animals, and everyone is treated the same.
The Giver shows him some very important memories, and Jonas sets out on a quest to show everyone these memories that he has. I really enjoyed this book, and it was not predictable. A thing that I enjoyed about the book is that it shows how Jonas started to change and act different, for the better, when the Giver gave him more memories.
Reviewer grade: 8

Reviewer's Name: Riley C.
Book Review: After You
Moyes, Jojo
3 stars = Pretty Good

See, here's the problem: I wasn't that enamored with the first book in this series (Me Before You). It just didn't wow me. So with that book as a jumping-off point, this book didn't stand a chance at getting above 3 stars. Still, it was pretty good. The ending was super cheesy, though, which tempts me to give it 2 stars. But hey, I'm feeling generous, so 3 stars it is.

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Book Review: Ramona Quimby, Age 8
Cleary, Beverly
4 stars = Really Good

This is a sweet book. It's not so mind-blowing as to warrant an in-depth review, so I'll just leave it at that.

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
the maze runner
Dashner, James
3 stars = Pretty Good

In recent years, the "Post-Apocalyptic" book genre has taken the world by
storm- filling book shelves and enthralling readers all around the globe. But with the rising popularity of this market, an influx of new books have followed, and as such, it has become harder and harder for readers to find good post-apocalyptic novels. For the case of "The Maze Runner", one of the most popular novels in the genre, James Dashner has managed to exceed the status quo and produce a tremendous read.

The story is set in a distant future, where a group of teens are mysteriously teleported into a giant, stone maze. Not only has their memory been cleared, but they also have no indication as to why they have ended up in this position and what means they must take to escape.

Their situation complicates even further, given that the maze doors close every evening. During the night, vicious monsters roam free and devour any humans in their way. The teens, who have declared themselves “Grovers”, attempt to map the maze, but doing so poses obvious threats to their safety.

Enter Thomas, a new “Grover” arriving in the maze. As he learns his way about this new reality, the story follows his point of view in first person perspective. Thomas eventually comes to terms with living as a Grover, but one night, as he crosses into the outer layer of the maze, his world is turned inside out.

Over time, Thomas must confront these imminent struggles, while also attempting to solve the grand puzzle of the maze. Readers are kept on edge through the entire novel, with hidden twists and turns on every turn of the chapter.

I would certainly recommend this read for teens and adults alike. While it’s true that the novel is aimed at a young demographic, its plot is engaging for even some of the most mature readers. The ending simply cannot be predicted, leaving readers to make their own speculations about the mysterious origins of the maze.

One complaint I might file is that there is somewhat of a lack of character development. The plot is so action-packed that it would see Dashner decided to leave out some of the more subtle nuances of a good novel.

If you decide to not read this novel, I would suggest as an alternative “The Lord of the Flies” by William Golding. The plot bears some parallels to that of the Maze Runner, but makes up for a majority of its imperfections.

Overall, “The Maze Runner” stands to be a top-quality post-apocalyptic teen-novel, making for an engaging read. The story sheds light on the natural instincts of teens under true isolation. In doing so, it echoes a number of themes which leave readers to draw meaningful questions about life, nature, and the purpose of humanity.

Reviewers Grade: 10

Reviewer's Name: Ethan M.
A blue background with a white mockingjay with its wing's spread.
Collins, Suzanne
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

How might you survive in a post-apocalyptic world, wherein innocent citizens are pooled off to fight to the death in a violent, reality TV show? The "Hunger Games" trilogy, by Suzanne Collins, raises this question to readers, and through the course of the first two novels, Collins expands readers'
scope on morality and raises meaningful questions about modern society.
"Mockingjay", the last installment to the trilogy, takes this series to new depths, continuing the enthralling tale of Panem.

"Catching Fire", the book's prequel, left off with Katniss escaping the Quarter Quell arena, alongside most of her fellow tributes. While she was able to return safely, Peter and another tribute were taken captive by the Capitol. At this point in the narrative, a full fledged rebellion had begun to take route, and at its helm, is President Coin, from District 13.

District 13 was initially thought of as being in ruins, but secretly, the society still operates underground. Haymitch, along with political figures in District 13, work beside Katniss to inspire the other districts to join in their fight. As the rebellion rages on, Katniss serves her role as a figurehead, while in truth, she would prefer to join the fight head-on.

The battles soon draw nearer to Panem, and as they do, Katniss begins to question the true intent of this new regime. Ultimately, she makes a decision, tearing ties with some of her closest allies and pushing the narrative to new heights.

I began reading this installment to the series immediately after the last, and can say that I'm pleasantly surprised with it. One of the main reasons why I enjoyed the other novels so dearly, was because of the presence of powerful and thought-provoking themes. Under that regard, this novel certainly exceeds expectations.

One complaint I might file is that while the plot is outstanding, Katniss' character development may seem a bit underwhelming. I felt that her story arc never reached its true finish, and for this reason, the book left me a bit unsatisfied. Other than that, there are really only minor imperfections, some of which, you may not even take issue with.

Overall, I would pin my recommendation on this novel. While it was lacking in certain areas, Collins continues to engage readers with a novel that I honestly consider to be timeless. The powerful themes echoed through her writing have truly led me to draw meaningful thoughts about my life, reality, and shifting morals in the 21st century.

Reviewer's Grade Level: 10

Reviewer's Name: Ethan M.
Upside down crown dripping red against a sliver background
Aveyard, Victoria
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

In the book Red Queen we first meet the main character, Mare. Who lives in a small town nicknamed,The Stilts with her best friend Kilorn. There is a war going on so Mare is frighten because she will drafted. Why?
Strangely because her blood is red; in this world there are two types of people Slivers (with sliver blood) and reds (with red blood). Sliver's have what is well described as supernatural powers, oh and they hate reds. So when Mare finds out that Kilorn lost his job and has to be drafted as well, she runs away to a tavern where she meets someone very interesting; who gets her a job working for the sliver king while there she discovers something very strange about herself. She catches the attention of the king and has to leave her family. What did she find out and will her life change for better or worse? Read Red Queen to find out. Grade: A+

Reviewer's Name: Anna G.
Meyer, Marissa
4 stars = Really Good

The idea of Cinder is nothing new; it is a retelling of a fairytale, Cinderella. I picked up this book expecting a rip-off of Ella Enchanted, but I got a very decent dystopian science fiction story instead. The titular Cinder character is easily the best part of this novel. She is clever, witty, and resourceful. I also enjoyed the new spins the author put on the classic fairytale. Instead of a glass slipper, Cinder wears a cybernetic metal foot.
Peony, one of Cinder’s stepsisters, goes out of her way to be kind to Cinder. The main antagonist reminded me more of the evil queen from Snow White than any Cinderella character, which was a bit of a disappointment.
Despite the fact that Cinder regularly ventures out of her home, none of the settings wowed me the way a dystopian story is supposed to. Additionally, the major plot twist is predictable from the second chapter, and by the time it is revealed, the reader has been banged over the head with so much foreshadowing that the moment loses its power.
Reviewer Grade: 9

Reviewer's Name: Caroline J.
Beowulf: a New Verse Translation
Heaney, Seamus
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Beowulf is a classic heroic epic written one thousand years ago; I read the version that Seamus Heaney translated into modern English. This translation was excellent, managing to balance the original style and rhythm with a clear and understandable tone. Beowulf is a traditional hero. As a result, some of the plot points are fairly predictable. Nevertheless, I would recommend this epic poem to anyone who enjoys Tolkien or other fantasy series. Reading Beowulf, it is easy to see where more contemporary authors got their inspiration.
Reader Grade: 9

Reviewer's Name: Caroline J.
Hiaasen, Carl
4 stars = Really Good

Flush, written by Carl Hiaasen was about a boy, named Noah. Noah has a father who is in jail for sinking a boat called the Coral Queen. His father has been put in jail before, and never regrets what he has done because he believes that he is responsible for his actions, and it is worth it for what he has done. Noah is used to his father doing crazy stuff like this, because when Noah's father sees something that upsets him, he will do whatever he can to stop it, especially with people hurting and damaging wildlife. The reason he got recently put in jail is because he claimed that he saw the boat putting all of their sewage into the ocean water. Even though his dad does lots of crazy and unpredictable things, Noah thinks his dad would never lie to him about what he saw. He starts to investigate and tries to prove that the Coral Queen did in fact put sewage into the ocean. This book did surprise me in some ways, and the book got more and more interesting as it went on.

Reviewer grade:

Reviewer's Name: Riley C.
The Selection
Cass, Kiera
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

"The Selection" is a beautifully written novel. For anyone who likes romance books "The Selection" is a great book to read. This book is completely unpredictable and contains a cliffhanger. "The Selection" is the first book in a five book series and the books will make much more sense if you read them in order. The main character and some parts of the story is relatable to the reader. This is one of the best books I have read this year.
If you have not yet read "The Selection" please do!
Reviewer Grade: 8th

Reviewer's Name: Elizabeth C.
Under a Painted Sky
Lee, Stacey
3 stars = Pretty Good

Under a Painted Sky was just okay for me. The book was probably very similar to being on the Oregon Trail - every once in a while something exciting would happen but for the most part, you're on the trail with a long stretch of boring ahead of you! That being said, I really do like the fact that Stacey Lee used a "historical" setting to present two strong, multicultural female characters. Annamae (African-American) and Samantha(Chinese) came into each others lives at a critical time and in the end, they realize that you can choose your family. Also being accepted for who you are was a central theme. But I felt Under a Painted Sky was a historical novel with not much history. The story takes place on the Oregon Trail, and we do hear of some of the hardships of traveling that the pioneers faced, but Stacey Lee only did one mention of Native Americans in the book. One sentence about the Cheyenne. It's hard to believe that on the trail, they didn't encounter any Native Americans. I think this book will be popular with teen girls. They will love the romance!

Reviewer's Name: Melissa
Dark Matter
Crouch, Blake
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

It seems to me that the multiverse is a popular topic in fiction today. Sure, there have been plenty of stories about parallel universes and the fractal branching of our decisions, but for some reason, there’s been an uptick in the number of these stories lately. Perhaps these stories are trying to find a better universe in which to live, or perhaps they’re trying to show us that the world we have could be much worse. Either way, Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter nails the multiverse plot by exploring all the different connotations of the ability to travel between parallel universes.

Presented in a traditional, three-act narrative, Dark Matter thrusts its protagonist into another version of his reality, ripping him away from his idyllic life. Using quantum physics as a form of magical hand-waving, the narrative then turns to the main character’s relentless search for his original universe. While the result of this exploration fits nicely into the book’s natural third act, I almost would have liked to see something a little different and less predictable. Still, all three acts are entertaining as a breathless thriller driven by the emotions and resolve of the main character.

The best part about Dark Matter is how it fleshes out all the consequences of being able to travel between parallel dimensions. It’s not nearly as simple as an It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) “you-never-existed” storyline. That being said, I do question why the “original” main character had the perfect life, especially if many of the other parallel universes seemed to have relatively close representations of the life he was trying to return to.
But, in the end, the narrative is driven by the characters, and these characters are well-developed and exciting to follow.

A multi-dimensional thrill ride, I give Dark Matter 4.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin M. Weilert
The Help
Stockett, Kathryn
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Help, by Kathryn Stockett, is a novel that takes place in the early 1960's in Jackson, Mississippi where racism is strong. The story goes between the perspectives of three different women who are all going through differing struggles. Aibileen is a black maid working for a white family, one of many families she has worked for. She is trying to cope with the her 24-year-old son’s death. Minny is also a black maid and a good friend of Aibileen.
Minny is searching for yet another job because she can not keep her mouth shut and says whatever she wishes to her white boss. She also fails to protect herself from her husband, Leroy, who beats her often as a result of his drinking. Eugenia “Skeeter” (as everyone calls her) has just returned from college at the University of Mississippi. She longs to write for a newspaper company in New York City, but she is stuck on her parent’s cotton farm where her mother is constantly bugging her about finding a man. Skeeter applies for a job at Harper & Row but is declined the job. However, Elaine Stein, an editor from Harper & Row, offers some advice to Skeeter. Skeeter is left to find a job in Jackson. She finds a job for the local newspaper, writing for the housekeeping column. Skeeter has never had to housekeep in her whole life, though. Consequently, Skeeter goes to the aid of Aibileen, who is the maid of her close friend Elizabeth. Aibileen cautiously answers Skeeter’s questions hoping that her boss, Elizabeth, will not become angry with her. Meanwhile, Skeeter ponders day and night about a topic she could write about. Finally, Skeeter comes up with an idea. She requests Aibileen’s assistance in writing about the black maids, known as the help.
After much consideration and reluctance, Aibileen agrees. Aibileen, Skeeter, and Minny come together as a team to form the book that can change their lives forever. Together they create this book despite the many risks because of racism that they face.
I loved The Help and recommend to anyone who is searching for a funny and touching novel. The book also provides some information and background on the racism during the 1960's as the Civil Rights Movement unraveled. The book will keep you interested and wanting more. I felt I was constantly picking up the book and reading and was always rooting for the three main characters. I enjoyed receiving the story from the perspectives of Aibileen, Skeeter, and Minny. I felt that the whole story was intriguing. I found nothing dull and have no negative comments or complaints. The Help is a good quality story that will keep you delighted and engrossed.
Reviewer Grade: 9

Reviewer's Name: Maya K.
Book Review: Unbroken (The Young Adult Adaptation)
Hillenbrand, Laura
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Unbroken (teen version) is a well crafted biography written by Laura Hillenbrand. Unbroken tells the story of Louie Zamperini, an Olympian and bombardier of World War II. Louie was mischievous and trouble-making as a young boy until his older brother, Pete, introduced him to running. As Pete urged Louie into the sport of running, Louie began to desert his old ways and commit himself to running. Louie soon was at the top of his school in running, setting new records and winning numerous races. Louie’s skill carried him all the way to the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Reaching the strongest point of his life, Louie hoped to travel to Tokyo for the following Olympic games. Unfortunately, terror came and his dreams were to be put on hold.
World War II struck, causing Louie to enter into the Army Air Forces as a bombardier. Louie and his team of airmen faced many near death experiences.
Although these were blood-curdling situations, none would compare to what Louie was soon to face. On a rescue mission in May of 1943, Louie’s plane crashed. The crash led to a terrifying and unfathomable journey on which Louie survived life on a raft and the wrath of Japanese guards of the POW camp he resided at. Louie went through incomprehensible pain from being beaten by his captors, having to perform forced labor, going through starvation, and constantly battling a sickness. He was also robbed of his self-esteem and was treated like he was worthless. Consequently, Louie’s story is breathtaking and intriguing. Unbroken provides insight on the torturous lives of POW during WWII and the determination and perseverance of many during WWII.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is a WWII buff, history lover, or is in search of a thrilling and breathtaking story. I enjoyed it because I am interested in learning about World War II and I found the book to be moving.
Unbroken is fascinating and is not dull or boring. The book will leave you wanting more and you will find it hard to put it down. However, I found the beginning part to be a bit uninteresting and tedious, as it told about the planes and equipment for World War II. Once that part is over, though, the book is quite exhilarating. I would caution that younger children should not read the book, as there are some graphic and gruesome scenes of how the POWs were treated. I would suggest the book for teens between the ages of 13-16, since there is an adult version of the book for those older than these ages.
Unbroken is one of my favorite books, and anyone who is interested in history or is seeking an electrifying story should read it.
Reviewer Grade: 9

Reviewer's Name: Maya K.
A Dance with Dragons
Martin, George R.R.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Not only has the release of George R.R. Martin's "Song of Ice and Fire" book trilogy garnered international acclaim, but it has also brought together a diverse community of fans, all of whom share an appreciation for the masterpiece they see in Martin's work. From novel to novel, Martin has continued to enthrall his fans with plots upon counter-plots, timeless lore, and brutally realistic characterization. Suffice it to say, fans were displeased when the six-year waiting period struck between the third and fourth installment. Now, with "A Dance with Dragons" well past its release, fans beg the question, "How does the fourth novel stack up to its prequel 'A Feast for Crows' and the other books?" To answer that question, I would say A Dance with Dragons has trumped the three previous novels, and exceeds the quality of Martin's previous work.

In A Feast for Crows, the plot left out the happenings of Tyrion, Jon, and Daenerys. Luckily, however, this new novel pays most of its 1000+ pages to these plotlines. With the war over, attempts for peace in King's Landing are made, but as Tyrion reaps havoc in the capitol, he flees across the Narrow Sea to meet with the rumored "Daenerys Targaryen".

She has done quite well for herself, having managed to take power, wealth, and respect form the former masters of Slaver's Bay. Though as old conflicts are settled, new ones arise, and Daenerys soon finds that governing over a foreign city is a challenge.

Up in the North, the 998th lord commander of the Night's Watch, Jon Snow, faces distrust among his brothers. Yet in spite of their squabbling, a bigger threat looms across the Wall, with the Others inching closer to the Seven Kingdoms.

In addition to these major plotlines, there are of course reappearances from a range of other characters. Their plots are befit to twists, turns, and outright bewilderment, able to surprise even some of the most observant readers.

I read this book immediately after finishing the last, and can say that I am pleasantly surprised with it. The plotlines continue to complicate, and intrigue readers ever-further in this timeless trilogy.

One complaint I would file with this novel is that due to Martin's fragmented writing style, for which certain books focus primarily on particular plotlines, I felt that some information was hard to remember or keep track of. I would definitely recommend brushing up on a summary of "A Storm of Swords" beforehand, as a way to refresh yourself on those details.

If you decide to not continue with the trilogy, my recommendation has to go to J.R.R Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. While it's true that the novels are highly similar, Tolkien's work makes up for some of the imperfections in Martin's.

Overall, from my opinion, A Dance with Dragons is certainly an improvement on the last installment in the trilogy, and stands to be one of the better "Song of Ice and Fire" novels. If you are this far into the series already, I would have to say that it's worth continuing. The timeless and rich storytelling found in Martin's novels makes for a read that simply cannot be passed up!

Reviewer Grade: 10

Reviewer's Name: Ethan M
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Hosseini, Khaled
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Everyone should read A Thousand Splendid Suns at one point or another. This book is about Afghanistan over the past 50 years. It follows 2 women in Afghanistan and reveals the horrors of their lives. Though fiction, A Thousand Splendid Suns is by no means exaggerated or unrealistic. Some parts of this book are heart-wrenching, gruesome, and may make you cry, but other parts will undoubtedly warm your heart and put a smile on your face. This book is extraordinarily well-written and meaningful, and I strongly recommend it.

Reviewer Grade: 11

Reviewer's Name: Sabrina J.
The Girl on the Train
Hawkins, Paula
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I haven't always been a big fan of mystery, but this book changed that. The Girl on the Train is about a woman with some difficult events in her past who becomes a crucial part in solving a missing person case. This book resembles a psychological thriller, which keeps the level of suspense high. It shows multiple people's perspectives, which makes following the mystery so much more intriguing. I absolutely recommend this book, whether you like mystery or not. Chances are you won't be able to put it down.

Reviewer's Name: Sabrina J.