
Family of Liars book jacket
Lockhart, .E
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Back to the beautiful family of Sinclairs, still liars. Family of Liars, the prequel to We Were Liars, takes readers back to the private island of the Sinclairs. What really happened in that tragedy two years ago? Or was it even one tragedy at all? This E Lockhart book will leave you captivated once again. The book may even cause you to return to E. Lochart's first Liars book to realign all the pieces of the mystery. Will the dots be connected or will more mystery unravel?
11th grade

Reviewer's Name: McKenna
We Were Liars book jacket
Lockhart, E.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

We Were Liars is a young adult mystery by E Lockhart that will grab your attention from the first page. The story describes a beautiful, rich, and perfect (as seen from the outside), family, the Sinclairs. But the Sinclairs have things to hide. When Cadence Sinclair shows up with her cousins on the Sinclair's private island they expect a summer of fun. However, a tragedy of two years ago comes back to haunt and Cadence's migraine pills aren't helping her keep the facts of the incident straight. This story leaves you wondering as new mystery is continuously added. With still more mystery at the end, the book will make you question even more than just the Sinclairs.
11th grade

Reviewer's Name: McKenna
Nona the Ninth book jacket
Muir, Tamsyn
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Nona the Ninth is the third book in the Locked Tomb series. It was an unprecedented addition, as the series was originally meant to be a trilogy that would end with Alecto the Ninth. And after reading this book, I couldn't imagine the series any other way. This book takes a step away from our principle protagonists and inter-planetary conflict to zoom in on Nona, a young woman who has technically only been alive for six months. She is a great teacher's aid, a fantastic dog watcher, and a caring friend. As her city crumbles around her and the secrets of her origin begin to come to light, Nona must keep trust in herself and the people she loves if she hopes to make it to her birthday.
I've seen a lot of reviews comparing this book to the first two in the series. In my opinion, there is no comparison to be made between any of them. The first is a thriller mystery in a nightmare castle with newfound friends. The second is a psychological horror story that occasionally becomes a soap opera. The third is slice of life, and the most heartbreaking of all three. I agree fully with the choice to make this a separate book, instead of trying to cram this into a climactic series ending. The series needed time to breathe from the revelations and consequences of the first two books, and to develop many of the wonderful side characters. On this note, the side characters in this book ruined me. They are constantly hilarious. They are perpetually heartbreaking. They have so much love for each other and it tears me apart. They are also fantastically developed, to the point where the thought of losing any of them almost stopped me from finishing the book. A large part of what made them special was seeing them through Nona's eyes, which was a fantastic combination of naively loving and strangely perceptive. Speaking of which, Nona's perspective was a special treat. Throughout the series, the author usually increases tension and intrigue by seriously limiting someone’s perspective. Previously this had been by outside parties hiding information or the unreliability of the narrator, but Nona being a mental six-month-old was a special treat. She attempts to relay everything with accuracy, but with limited experience and vocabulary the audience is forced to experience everything with fresh eyes to try to see it for what it is. Beyond all this, the story shined in all the usual departments for this series. The humor was exceptional, probably the funniest the series has been since the beginning of Gideon the Ninth. I particularly enjoyed the dream sequence narrations, as they were beautiful, insightful, and insanely funny. Sometimes I feel like Muir makes nearly every one of her characters funny so they can rip your heart out later with a little extra oomph. The worldbuilding continues to be a harrowing endeavor in the best way, as you have to take the time to figure it out for yourself with what little glimpses the book gives you. The only complaint I feel like someone could make about this book is that the pacing was pretty slow in the beginning to establish the ensemble cast, but I loved every minute of it so I can’t complain.
In conclusion, this book is another triumph for the Locked Tomb trilogy, and I can’t wait to see what comes next! I’d recommend this book to anyone who loves found family, slice of life stories, lots of explosions, zombie princes, and dogs with too many legs!
Reviewer Grade: 12

Reviewer's Name: Eve
The Golem and the Jinni book jacket
Wecker, Helene
4 stars = Really Good

The book, "The Golem and the Jinni" was a fantastic book for several reasons. However, before I get to those reasons, I'd like to explain more about how I chose this book. I was in need of a book for entertainment. Typically, I like to investigate what books are similar to others that I have enjoyed before I visit the library, but this visit was more impromptu. A book was grabbed off the shelf, and I began to read it.
As for the book itself, I enjoyed the historical accuracy the most. Although I was not alive during the described time period, I enjoy the subtle nuance in architectural designs and consistent description between different characters (albeit with a different view for each character; Saleh obviously doesn't describe location unless it reflects faces, until... a spoiler). I enjoyed the inconclusive details the least; without spoiling too much, a lot of the information explained about a Golem's behavior simply never matters, or never comes up. When I first catalogued the details provided to me, I assumed that at least some of it would be relevant to the plot. The vast majority never was. The book was still surprising; the information dump near the climax was amazing for how much it concluded, even if I still complain about the information that was never resolved. The characters are relatable because they aren't relatable. Social situation are difficult for both the Golem and the Jinni, albeit for different reasons. This isn't one of the best books I've read this year, but I'll give it a 4/5 for amazing descriptions of the setting and lovable characters.
Reviewer Grade: 10

Reviewer's Name: Ryder
Atomic Habits book jacket
Clear, James
4 stars = Really Good

Atomic Habits, written by James Clear, details the formation of beneficial habits and the decimation of detrimental habits. Clear explains the importance of simply showing up for habits. He implements the two minute rule to develop habits: when starting a habit, one should only spend two minutes doing that habit. For example, show up to the gym, work out for two minutes, and then leave. Over time, this creates the ideology that, "well, I am already here [at the gym] so I might as well stay here a little longer and exercise." Primary, this serves to establish the fact that "I am not the kind of person to skip workouts." Clear also describes how we fail to develop successful habits. He insightfully notes that "the greatest threat to success in not failure, but boredom." Remarkably, boredom is one of the largest predicaments humans have. When people are bored, they not only impede their ability to succeed, but they also form bad habits, such as looking at social media. Thus, to be successful people have to be disciplined when they are bored. They have to be "all weather mediators", where your feelings and emotions do not impede your goal of sucess.

Reviewer's Name: Finn
Six of Crows book jacket
Bardugo, Leigh
4 stars = Really Good

In light of the Netflix series getting its second season, I decided to pick up Six of Crows. In the end, I was pleasantly surprised.

This is a fantasy heist story, which is already a standout. Kaz Brekker and his gang are tasked to steal from the Ice Court, one of the most secure places in the world. If they succeed they’ll get unimaginable amounts of money. Each of his crew members have a different motivation as they head in to break out a prisoner.

The characters are all well developed. Kaz is the standout, with a nice mix of mastermind villain and sympathetic protagonist. Inej and Nina are the most sympathetic, each having somewhat altruistic motivations. Matthias is horrible, but his redemption arc is interesting. Jesper and Wylan are a bit flat at times, but are both fun enough to make me ignore that.

The plot is easy to follow, while still having a reasonable amount of twists and turns. The main problem I have comes up late in the story. I won’t spoil anything, but two characters are set up for a betrayal. When it’s time for them to follow through, they just don’t. I’m sure it gets explored more in the sequel, but it rings a bit hollow for now.

Overall, I’d definitely recommend this book. Especially if you like morally gray protagonists.

Reviewer's Name: Rose
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes book jacket
Collins, Suzanne
4 stars = Really Good

The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins is a masterful prequel to the wildly popular Hunger Games trilogy. Set 64 years before the events of the first book, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes explores the origins of the Hunger Games and the rise of the villainous President Snow. The main character, Coriolanus Snow, is a fascinating and nuanced character, with his motives and actions constantly shifting throughout the novel. His relationship with his fellow tribute, District 12's Lucy Gray Baird, is particularly compelling, with Collins exploring themes of loyalty, trust, and love in a way that is both nuanced and emotionally resonant. The plot of The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is both gripping and thought-provoking. Collins deftly weaves together political intrigue, personal drama, and action-packed set pieces to create a narrative that is both thrilling and emotionally engaging. The Hunger Games themselves are particularly well-done, with Collins using them as a vehicle to explore the darker side of human nature and the impact of power and privilege on individuals and society. Collins's descriptions of the Capitol and the districts are vivid and immersive, offering a richly detailed portrait of the world of Panem. Her use of foreshadowing and symbolism, such as the mockingjay, adds depth and meaning to the story, inviting readers to reflect on the deeper themes of the novel. This book was a stellar prequel to the Hunger Games trilogy that adds a lot of perspective and background to the original story. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed the original novels and wishes to explore more of the Hunger Games world. Reviewer Grade: 11.

Reviewer's Name: Addison
We Are Okay book jacket
LaCour, Nina
4 stars = Really Good

We Are Okay is a beautifully written novel about depression and trauma from the perspective of Marin, a girl who ran off to college shortly after her grandfather's death. It's also about Mabel, her childhood best friend, and the evolution of their relationship. The book explores these themes through artful language, flawless dialogue, and many small acts of service; where it falls short, however, is the plot itself. I adore the book, but the big reveal of the grandfather's secret falls painfully flat. What should have been the climax of the novel, as foreshadowed from the very first page, is reduced to a few vague sentences alluding to greater truths. Marin claims to have "never known her grandfather," yet as a reader, I don't understand why she feels that way. Due to its design, the novel simply demands for a clearer climax without messy time-jumps. I was disappointed that a near-perfect book couldn't pack a punch with its climax, but the well-written characters and relationships make it worth the read anyway.

Reviewer's Name: Samah
Scythe book jacket
Schusterman, Neal
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Scythe is the start of the Arc of a Scythe trilogy, set in the far future, humanity has overcome any and all problems. Except one, death, humans no longer keel over to illness, accidents, or war, but the Earth's population must be kept in check, thus humans must die. And so only the most humble and moral are put to the task. But of course humanity is fallible and the words humble and moral start to become rare words to describe the dealers of death. This book kept me constantly reading and wanting more (also had me checking my holds for the next in the trilogy), by far one of my best and most entertaining reads.

Reviewer's Name: Xzavier
A Court of Thorns and Roses book jacket
Maas, Sarah J.
4 stars = Really Good

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas is a captivating novel that blends elements of fantasy, romance, and adventure into an enthralling narrative. The story follows Feyre, a young woman who is taken captive by a powerful faerie lord after she kills a member of his court. As she navigates the dangerous and magical world of the fae, Feyre discovers that nothing is as it seems, and that her captor may be more than just a cold and cruel faerie. The characters in A Court of Thorns and Roses are well-developed and have very distinct personalities, with Feyre serving as a relatable and engaging protagonist. Her relationships with the supporting characters, particularly with her captor Tamlin and his mysterious enemy Rhysand, are complex and multi-faceted, adding depth, drama, and intrigue to the story. This novel is extremely detailed and action packed, and despite the lengthiness of the book, it was a quick read for me because I could not bring myself to set the book down. The magical realm of the fae is full of wonder and danger, with intricate political struggles and ancient grudges threatening to tear the world apart all while Feyre experiences an unlikely slow-burn romance. Overall, A Court of Thorns and Roses is a beautifully written and engaging novel that is sure to appeal to fans of fantasy and romance alike. I very much enjoyed it and was eager to finish the rest of the series as soon as I closed the book.
Reviewer Grade: 11.

Reviewer's Name: Addison
Demon Copperhead
Kingsolver, Barbara
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I have been a Kingsolver devotee since 1988's 'The Bean Trees', have read everything she has published and have attended two book readings. It follows that anytime she publishes a new work I am immediately on it. While she has an incredibly wide-ranging ability to create memorable characters from Taylor Greer to the Poisonwood Bible daughters to Dellarobia Turnbow, this title character is without a doubt the most jarring. Kingsolver is back to her Appalachian roots in this first-person saga of Damon who is a victim of the inept foster system and his own resulting bad choices. I vacillated between heartbreak for the cascading tragedies he suffers and yelling at the page, "What are you doing???" In Kingsolver's talented hands we move back and forth between rooting for this broken child and disliking the person he becomes. I found it to be her grittiest novel and it took me some time to adapt to the language, yet it was completely necessary for Damon to tell his tale. (If you have not read Dickens' David Copperfield take a few minutes to go online for the synopsis and character summaries.) Even as she forced me to step outside my long-standing expectations of her novels, Kingsolver remains my literary hero.

Reviewer's Name: Debi
Where the Crawdads Sing
Owens, Delia
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I enjoyed this book a lot. A lot. I saw the movie first. At that time, I didn't even know it was a book. I enjoy this story a lot. I like the time hopping of seaming two different stories that merge into one.

What I loved the most, was how descriptive this book is. Beautifully descriptive.

When I finished the book and I read some of the negative reviews because I wanted to know what people didn't like about the book. While yes, some of the characters don't seem realistic or act overly cheesy, to me, that didn't bother me. I didn't think about those things while listening, because I was so enamored by the story.

I'd highly recommend listening to the book. Cassandra Campbell is a phenomenal voice actor.

There were some parts that were a little triggering (domestic violence and sexual assault), but thankfully I knew they were coming because I saw the movie, and those scenes didn't last long.

Reviewer's Name: Ollie
All Our Yesterdays
Terrill, Cristin
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Wow. I could not put this book down. It was so action packed, I really enjoyed the character development, the twists. One of those books that leaves your mind spinning and you’re so wrapped up in the world you’re not sure how to move on to another book. I’m surprised all this was able to be done so well in a singular novel. But the pacing felt great and there wasn’t anything I was left wanting from the book. Were there any character flaws or plot holes? I mean sure but nothing that was so noticeable to me that it deterred my enjoyment while reading. Definitely one of my favorite YA novels.

Reviewer's Name: Becca
Travelers in the Third Reich
Boyd, Julia
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Travelers In The Third Reich tells the stories of some people who lived in Germany during the second world war. The book shows the horrors of life in Germany at the time by describing the hangings and executions through the eyes of the people that were there. It also talks about the politics and economy during the war and how it changed the lives of the German civilians.

Reviewer's Name: Dave
Among the Hidden
Haddix, Margaret Peterson
4 stars = Really Good

In a future where the Population Police enforce the law limiting a family to only two children, Luke has lived all his twelve years in isolation and fear on his family’s farm, until another “third” convinces him that the government is wrong.

The book is a dystopian world set in present day where teenagers are able to come together in crisis to try and change the government and let their voice be heard. I chose to read this book back in third grade and still remember to this day how good it was. The elements of the book were enticing and had me looking forward to what was next. It gave great arguments of why the government is wrong and how the rich, called “barons,” get to do what they want. As a kid I didn’t have any negative thoughts, and if I were to pick it back up, I would still have good thoughts about it. This book is part of the Shadow Children collection, with seven books in it and each of the books get better. People who enjoy adventure, plot twists, and exploring different perspectives would like Among the Hidden.

Reviewer's Name: Janeika
Among the Hidden
Haddix, Margaret Peterson
4 stars = Really Good

In a future where the Population Police enforce the law limiting a family to only two children, Luke has lived all his twelve years in isolation and fear on his family’s farm, until another “third” convinces him that the government is wrong.

The book is a dystopian world set in present day where teenagers are able to come together in crisis to try and change the government and let their voice be heard. I chose to read this book back in third grade and still remember to this day how good it was. The elements of the book were enticing and had me looking forward to what was next. It gave great arguments of why the government is wrong and how the rich, called “barons,” get to do what they want. As a kid I didn’t have any negative thoughts, and if I were to pick it back up, I would still have good thoughts about it. This book is part of the Shadow Children collection, with seven books in it and each of the books get better. People who enjoy adventure, plot twists, and exploring different perspectives would like Among the Hidden.

Reviewer's Name: Janeika
The Hunger Games
Collins, Suzanne
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I loved this series! As a big sister, I was hooked the moment Katniss said "I volunteer!" It is a great read about hardship and rebellion. How one person can make a big difference even without intent. I have read it with my oldest and will read it with my youngest at some point. But this is the book that got me reading again and I love to read it over and over.

Reviewer's Name: Carla
The Hunger Games
Collins, Suzanne
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I loved this series! As a big sister, I was hooked the moment Katniss said "I volunteer!" It is a great read about hardship and rebellion. How one person can make a big difference even without intent. I have read it with my oldest and will read it with my youngest at some point. But this is the book that got me reading again and I love to read it over and over.

Reviewer's Name: Carla
The Hunger Games
Collins, Suzanne
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I loved this series! As a big sister, I was hooked the moment Katniss said "I volunteer!" It is a great read about hardship and rebellion. How one person can make a big difference even without intent. I have read it with my oldest and will read it with my youngest at some point. But this is the book that got me reading again and I love to read it over and over.

Reviewer's Name: Carla
The Hunger Games
Collins, Suzanne
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I loved this series! As a big sister, I was hooked the moment Katniss said "I volunteer!" It is a great read about hardship and rebellion. How one person can make a big difference even without intent. I have read it with my oldest and will read it with my youngest at some point. But this is the book that got me reading again and I love to read it over and over.

Reviewer's Name: Carla