Book Reviews by Genre: Fiction

Book Review: The Paris Wife
McLain, Paula
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I loved this book. I felt like I was right there in post-WWI Paris amongst the Lost Generation and the great writers of that time. Having studied literature in college, I appreciated the insight into the mysterious personalities of Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein. I also liked the way the author portrayed the Fitzgeralds. While this is a work of historical fiction, it was based off of detailed research and correspondences of that time. I've never been a fan of Hemingway's works, and honestly I'm still not a fan, but Hadley was fascinating. It's telling that his second wife is just a flash in the pan, while Hadley is regarded as his great love. I've got A Moveable Feast on my list to read now

Reviewer's Name: vfranklyn
Book Review: Love Anthony
Genova, Lisa
4 stars = Really Good

Anthony is a 8 year old non-verbal autistic boy, and the author gave him a voice. I could hear him and what he was thinking.

Reviewer's Name: Sally
Lord of the Flies
Golding, William
3 stars = Pretty Good

Actual Rating: 3.5

Lord of the Flies is a strange and sometimes creepy yet surprisingly good book by “one hit wonder” author William Golding. The story is about several British schoolboys crashing on a deserted island with no adults, and details how they try to manage by finding and hunting food, building shelters, and making smoke signals to any would-be passing ships to try to get themselves rescued. All of the boys stick together at first with choir boy Jack as their leader, but when Jack and the other choir boys become obsessed with hunting and killing the wild pigs on the island and let the rescue fire go out, Ralph and Piggy, our other main characters, are furious at them and banish them into the jungle. They go off and start their own tribe, and when they do catch a wild pig, they roast the meat and invite any boys that want it to join their tribe. Ralph and Piggy remain on the beach with the other boys, but when they learn about the “activities” that go on in Jack’s part of the jungle, primarily hunting and performing strange rituals, most of them leave to join him, and Ralph’s attempt at civilization just goes downhill from there. I really can’t say any more as it may give away the book’s ending. I will tell you, however, that the ending is a surprising one and is ultimately bittersweet, so those who like everything to be resolved happily, be warned. I recommend this book to those who like shipwreck and plane wreck stories and those who can tolerate gory detail in some spots.

Reviewer Grade: 7

Reviewer's Name: Jacob U.
Angels and Demons
Brown, Dan
4 stars = Really Good

A brilliant page turner for readers who love fast paced storyline and drama. Angels and Demons is an amazing thriller by Dan Brown, the same writer who wrote Da Vinci Code. The book has the same protagonist, Robert Langdon who is an iconology professor and is set in in the cobbled street of Europe and the Vatican City. Having read both the books and several others by Dan Brown, I can say that the story grips the attention of the reader very quickly, however since both of the books have similar characters and settings, it can be confusing to differentiate between the storylines after some time.

The story is set in CERN (One of the biggest physics centers of the world) in Geneva, Switzerland where a physicist working on antimatter is killed with the words Illuminati branded on his chest. Antimatter in real life is the most expensive substance and it costs 62.5 trillion dollars to make one gram of it and it must be preserved in cases where it cannot touch any matter or the process of annihilation would create an explosion higher in strength than any atomic bomb. Robert Langdon an iconology professor who is also well known for his studies on illuminati is called on a mission to find the murderer. He is accompanied by the physicist's daughter with whom he eventually falls in love. An antimatter bomb with the antimatter stolen from the lab of the physicist is found in Vatican building where the cardinals from all around the world are gathering for the papal elections in the enclave however the four proffered cardinals or the preffereti have been kidnapped. Robert and his companion go through the streets of Vatican and Rome to stop the killer from murdering the preffereti. The antimatter bomb has a timer which would set off the bomb which gives additional suspense to the story.

The story is sometimes a bit loose and has too many details, problems take longer to solve as compared to Da Vinci Code. It is a description of one day in over 600 pages of gripping storyline where each chapter leaves you hanging by a thread and you just can't put this book down. Overall, it's highly recommended to anyone who loves a great thriller. Good Tip: Listen to some never before listened and suspenseful music while reading this and the action though the streets of Rome would flashback whenever you listen to the song again.

Reviewer Grade: 11

Reviewer's Name: Krona E.
Fitzpatrick's War
Judson, Theodore
4 stars = Really Good

This is a steampunky, military sci-fi novel that takes place in the 25th century and chronicles the life of Sir Robert Mayfair Bruce, an military engineer working for the United Yukon Confederacy, a vast empire that controls all of North America and large parts of the rest of the world. The book is written as a historical memoir/biography that has come under scrutiny for supposedly lying about the life of one the Confederacy's greatest leaders, an Alexander the Great-like young man named Fitzpatrick who is viewed as a hero many years after the events in Robert Bruce's publication. The novel is made even more intriguing by the fact that it is "annotated" by a fictional scholar who frequently refutes the facts described by Bruce. This begs the question "Do we want the 'nice' version of history, or the truth?"

Bruce is as excellent narrator, generally engaging and observant, and it is easy to see why he is so charmed by Fitzpatrick. His motivations are clear and his interactions with other characters are authentic and believable. That said, it is occasionally annoying that he lets his love interest, Charlotte, boss him around so much, but other than that, he is likable and real. (If you like Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby, you'll probably like Bruce.) Speaking of Charlotte, I think she was one of this book's only major weaknesses. She seems unrealistically perfect -- intelligent, witty, independent, defiant, feisty, and not much else. She has an unhealthy amount of control over Bruce to the point that the reader questions his abilities as a leader since he seems to have no backbone when it comes to Charlotte's manipulation and he does everything she tells him without question, in spite of the fact that she isn't terribly likable. Fitzpatrick himself was well-done. His charismatic, megalomaniacal character develops subtly over the course of the book, and his rise and fall, involving a descent into moral depravity and possibly madness, is fascinating. Likewise, secondary characters are also well-developed.

This book moves rather slowly (the "War" of the title takes about 300 pages to begin), and occasionally the author gives excessive detail to things that don't need it while omitting other details that could have fleshed out the world, so suspension of disbelief is required to enjoy some things. Otherwise, the alternate reality is well-developed and appropriately detailed, with an intriguing history, society, and politics. If you don't like long books with minimal action, don't read this. But if you enjoy an intellectual steampunk adventure with good characters that raises interesting points concerning how history should be portrayed, I recommend trying Fitzpatrick's War.

Reviewer Grade: 12

Reviewer's Name: Caroline K.
Book Review: Les Miserables
Hugo, Victor
1 star = Yuck!

Les Miserables was one of the most boring books I've read. I chose this book because my mom told me that there was a movie about it and the new musical. Well I bought it and I almost fell asleep. I mean if you like the classics then go for it but if you're more of an action or adventure person then this could easily put you to bed. the historical facts we're seen clearly in this book but if you a lot about French history then this book is easily predictable.

Reviewer Grade: 7

Reviewer's Name: Isabella Z.
Fahrenheit 451
Bradbury, Ray
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Fahrenheit 451 is a story about a future where people have become dull and lifeless. I liked the authors prediction of technology and how it takes over in the modern age. If you have to read it for school or if just for fun it shows the decent of peoples individuality when they are enamored by distraction all day long. Science fiction highly recommend.

Reviewer Grade: 11

Reviewer's Name: Diego C.
The Book Thief
Zusak, Markus
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Book Thief is about a girl living in the times of the holocaust. After the Nazi book burning she seals a book and hopes to learn to read it. Then her family takes in a Jewish prisoner who escaped the concentration camps. This will leave you on the edge of your seat. I chose this book based on the movie and I loved it. This is a wonderful story told from Death's P.O.V. I can't say anything bad about this book. This book is full of twist and turns. Reviewer Grade:7

Reviewer's Name: Isabella Z.
Mutant Message Down Under
Morgan, Marlo
4 stars = Really Good

This is a fascinating and controversial tale of one woman’s experience in Australia traveling with an Aboriginal tribe. She leaves the hotel one morning to attend a meeting with the tribe and ends up on a three-month trek through the outback. Whether the account is 100% true or not, the message can be relevant and provocative: that our society is pulling us away from our true nature and our innate connection with the environment. I really enjoyed the different lessons from the Aboriginal tribe and how perceiving our society in a totally different light can be very beneficial. This is one of the books I have read that stays with me long after I have read it and that I continually ponder, so I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a thought-provoking read.

Reviewer Grade: 12

Reviewer's Name: Selena Z.
Great Expectations
Dickens, Charles
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Although it was first published in 1861, this classic novel is still fresh and relevant in the 21st century. It is the story of a poor, rural, uneducated boy named Pip who meets and falls in love with a rich, beautiful, and cruel girl named Estella. Through the generosities of a mysterious benefactor, Pip is able to move to London and become a wealthy, eligible, gentleman. It seems that he may at last be worthy of Estella's love.
If only it were so simple.

Filled some of the most famous characters in English literature, including several murderous convicts, a bizarre and sadistic woman who dresses only in a moldy wedding gown, a law clerk with a double life, and an exceptionally loyal best friend, this book is unforgettable. A commentary on the nature of social mobility as well as a coming-of-age novel, this story is equal parts mystery, romance, and legal drama, with enough plot twists to keep any reader turning pages (trust me -- I read it during finals week).

Most importantly, this book is a good choice for teenagers because it is relatable. It deals with finding yourself, searching for meaning in a seemingly meaningless world, coping with unrequited love, being financially responsible, finding good friends, spending your time and money on the right things, being appreciative and kind towards people who you may believe to be below your station, giving second chances, and the importance of staying close to your family even if you think that they are embarrassing, ignorant, or are not good enough for you.

This is one of the best books I have ever read. Even if you think that classics are boring or that historical fiction just isn't your thing, try Great Expectations. You won't regret it.

Reviewer Grade: 12

Reviewer's Name: Caroline K.
Book Review: Little Bee
Cleave, Chris
4 stars = Really Good

This book was so much better than I thought it was going to be. I had to read it for a school assignment and I can honestly say, I wasn't really looking forward to reading it. Within the first chapter though, I was hooked.

The strong introduction of all the characters and the switch of narration between chapters is very well carried out. The very strong character development is something I look for in a good book and this book definitely had that!

Reviewer's Name: Cayci Jean
Book Review: The Best of Enemies
Lancaster, Jen
4 stars = Really Good

I didn't like any of the characters in the beginning and almost put the book down and walked away. I am so glad I didn't! I ended up truly enjoying this book and the way the history of Jack and Kitty was revealed kind of slowly so you understood WHY they were the way they were. And it had a great ending!

Reviewer's Name: Krista
Book Review: Honolulu
Brennert, Alan
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

A young girl desperate to escape her stifling existence in Korea in the early 1900s decides to become a "picture-bride" to a man starting life in Hawaii. This story was beautifully written, we follow Jin throughout her life, marriage, struggles and triumphs in Hawaii. Absolutely loved it. If you liked this - make sure to read Alan Brennert's other book, Moloka'i!

Reviewer's Name: Krista
Book Review: The Lemoncholy Life of Annie Aster
Wilbanks, Scott
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

What would you do if you found a door in your backyard that led to the past? Annie and Elsbeth are going to find out! This book has a little something in it for everyone - magic, time travel, history, heartwarming characters, a mystery, and a wonderfully grouchy old lady who I wish I could have tea with. I absolutely loved it!

Reviewer's Name: Krista
Thérèse Raquin
Zola, Émile
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Actual Rating: 4.5

“Therese Raquin” by Emile Zola is a book that defied the literature of its time and had the people of the late 19th century in an uproar over its shocking content. Content that involved murder, wrongly placed passion, adultery, and a voice that refused to glorify the ever flawed human race. Meet Therese: a quiet woman who is niece to elderly shopkeeper Madame Raquin and wife to the Madame’s son Camille. She finds that sin somehow manages to bring her back to life, but with chilling consequences. Will deceit finally bring her the joy she has so longed for, or result in her doom? Defy the time with this twisted, blood-chilling read.

Reviewer Grade: 10

Reviewer's Name: Summer W.
Storm Front
Butcher, Jim
4 stars = Really Good

Actual Rating: 3.75

Are you looking for a series that will get you back into the sport of reading, and will help tackle that stack of books by your bed with a story more thrilling than the last? How about cheeky, ruggedly handsome modern day wizards? The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher are exciting, quick reads that will entice you into a world of unexpected turns, mythical creatures, and the occasional vengeful mob boss in the city of Chicago. Dragged into the chaos of these rarities is wizard/private detective Harry Dresden, who only wants enough money to pay for his next meal. Lose yourself in these pages that will have you coming back to your local library to snatch the next book off its shelf.

Reviewer Grade: 10

Reviewer's Name: Summer W.
The Great Gatsby
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
4 stars = Really Good

A man who had been in love for years, who had accumulated wealth and power by numerous, secretive ways, Jay Gatsby. A woman who had married another out of need and stayed out of being accustomed to that lifestyle, Daisy Buchanan. And a man who became stuck in the middle, Nick Carraway. The scene is set in the roaring '20's where everyone is wild, young, and free. All except Gatsby as he was stuck in the wild embrace of Daisy's love. This beautifully written book of love, loss, revenge, and dark honesty comes to life as the desperate Gatsby tries to win Daisy back from her oppressive husband. A book with so many twists and turns that its impossible to put it down, The Great Gatsby is an underrated novel that will be read for years to come.

Reviewer Grade: 12

Reviewer's Name: Alyxandra S.
Book Review: Still Alice
Genova, Lisa
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

What a remarkable book! So real and poignant, I can't believe that this is a novel. This book is told from Alice's point of view as she copes her life with early-onset Alzheimer's disease. The title says it all, she's Still Alice in spite of the effects of this devastating disease. Highly recommended.

Reviewer's Name: Lisa
Book Review: Half of a Yellow Sun
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

It started off pretty slow, but story continually became more intense and ended in a sadly beautiful way. Great character development and an insight into a war I knew nothing about. Down to earth writing style and loved the varied perspectives from such a wide array of personalities.

Reviewer's Name: Cassie
Book Review: Super Sad True Love Story
Shteyngart, Gary
4 stars = Really Good

This certainly was a super sad, albeit not really true, love story. I really enjoyed the near-future setting with the destruction of the U.S. and the "sci-fi-ish" element with the Post-Human Services idea, and the fact that it was written like journal entries is a plus because that makes any book crazy easy to read. Makes one wonder about the prospect of love and the future.

Reviewer's Name: Cassie