Book Reviews by Genre: Classics

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Stevenson, Robert Louis
3 stars = Pretty Good

WOW! This book is full to the brim of constant plot twists, intriguing character arcs, and creatively contrasts good vs. evil. It follows the life of Mr. Utterson who is dear friends with Dr. Jekyll.
After multiple concerning events occur, Mr. Utterson becomes worried for Dr. Jekyll and his eerie relationship with the cruel Mr. Hyde. The plot is beautifully developed as it follows the storyline of many characters while focusing on one main plot and theme.
I recommend this book because it is truly enthralling and I could not put it down!

Reviewer's Name: Alex J.
The Remains of the Day book jacket
Ishiguro, Kazuo
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

"The Remains of the Day" by Kazuo Ishiguro is a novel that explores themes of duty, regret, and the passage of time. Set in post-World War II England, it follows the life of Stevens, a butler reflecting on his decades of service at Darlington Hall. Through Stevens' introspective narration, Ishiguro skillfully reveals the inner workings of a man dedicated to his profession to the detriment of his personal life. As Stevens embarks on a journey to confront his past, readers are drawn into an exploration of the complexities of human relationships and the consequences of missed opportunities. Ishiguro's elegant prose and subtle storytelling make "The Remains of the Day" a timeless piece, inviting readers to ponder the meaning of loyalty and the nature of true greatness.

Reviewer's Name: Addison
Othello book jacket
Shakespeare, William
4 stars = Really Good

"Othello" by William Shakespeare is a tragedy that delves into themes of jealousy, manipulation, and racial prejudice. The play follows the Moorish general Othello as he navigates the treacherous waters of Venetian society, facing betrayal from those closest to him. Shakespeare masterfully crafts characters like Iago, whose schemes drive the devastating downfall of Othello and those around him. Through powerful soliloquies and scenes of emotional turmoil, Shakespeare explores the fragility of trust and the destructive power of unchecked jealousy. "Othello" stands as a timeless work of literature, showcasing Shakespeare's ability to probe the depths of the human psyche with unparalleled insight and complexity.

Reviewer's Name: Addison
Wuthering Heights book jacket
Bronte, Emily
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

"Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte is a haunting tale of passion, revenge, and the destructive power of obsession. Set against the atmospheric backdrop of the Yorkshire moors, Bronte creates a narrative that delves deep into the complexities of human nature and the dark corners of the human psyche. Through the relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine, Bronte explores themes of social class, love, and the relentless cycle of vengeance. The novel's richly drawn characters and evocative prose create an immersive reading experience that lingers in the mind long after the final page. "Wuthering Heights" stands as a timeless classic of English literature, captivating readers with its raw emotion and portrayal of the human heart's capacity for both love and cruelty.

Reviewer's Name: Addison
Invisible Man book jacket
Ellison, Ralph
4 stars = Really Good

"Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison is a profound exploration of identity, race, and society in mid-20th-century America. Ellison's masterful storytelling and vivid prose paint a gripping portrait of an unnamed African American protagonist navigating a world that refuses to see him as an individual. Through his journey, the protagonist grapples with the complexities of self-discovery and the nature of prejudice and invisibility. Ellison's exploration of themes such as the quest for recognition and the power dynamics inherent in society resonates with readers long after they turn the final page. "Invisible Man" is a timeless classic known for its insightful commentary on the human condition and the pursuit of identity in a world that often seeks to render individuals invisible.

Reviewer's Name: Addison
To Kill a Mockingbird book jacket
Lee, Harper
4 stars = Really Good

Harper Lee wrote the award-winning novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, in the 1960s. This was a time when her home state of Alabama was embroiled in many civil rights activities to counteract the inconceivable practice of segregation. It is so fascinating that Lee placed the setting of her book in the 1930s during The Great Depression. The story is narrated by a young girl named Scout Finch who lives with her father Atticus, her brother Jem, and their black housekeeper named Calpurnia. She uses these characters and many others to weave together a coming-of-age story and a story of racism. Scout witnesses the biased treatment of African- Americans when her father defends a black man, Tom Robinson, who is accused of beating and raping a white woman. Atticus teaches Scout and Jem so many lessons about prejudice, compassion, and tolerance. My favorite quote in the book is: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” I highly recommend this book as its lessons will never be outdated.

Reviewer's Name: Andrew
1984 book jacket
Orwell, George
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

1984 is based in London, where the protagonist, Winston Smith, resides. In this dystopian society, a figure named "Big Brother" controls The Party, and watches every move citizens make. Everything in this nation is under heavy restriction to ensure Big Brother remains in control. This includes language, history, and even thoughts. Winston finds himself committing "thoughtcrime": having negative feelings and thoughts against "Big Brother", which is an extremely high offense in this nation. I enjoyed reading this novel because it includes intense moments that made my heart race, as well as many thought-provoking phrases that initiated reflection. This is the type of book that requires multiple reads to fully understand. I look forward to my second readthrough to experience the suspense again and catch new messages Orwell implemented. If you are into dystopian novels and conspiracy theories, I highly recommend this book, you won't regret reading it!

Reviewer: Grade 12

Reviewer's Name: Tierra
The Great Gatsby
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
4 stars = Really Good

Set in 1992, The Great Gatsby encapsulates themes of wealth and society as readers experience the life of Nick Carraway, a man who recently moved to Long Island. He eventually befriends Jay Gatsby, a man known for his money and extravagant parties. As they grow closer, Nick quickly discovers more depth to Gatsby than meets the eye when Jay becomes vulnerable with Nick and exposes the reason behind his lavishness and expenses. This novel is known for its ability to distinguish new money and old money, explore "The American Dream", and expose how shallow and vain humans can be. I enjoyed following Nick's life, as he is a relatable character who reacts to this nonsense like many readers would. He acts as the voice of reason while those around him have significant flaws and characteristics that represent different aspects of society. I believe this book appeals to everyone in one way or another.

Reviewer: Grade 12

Reviewer's Name: Tierra
Frankenstein book jacket
Shelley, Mary
3 stars = Pretty Good

Frankenstein is a classic novel that recollects the events after Victor Frankenstein, a knowledgeable and curious scientist, gives life to a haunting creature. As soon as this monster opens its eyes, Victor becomes filled with regret. Although the monster fled from Victor's apartment, it wasn't the last time they would interact. Readers witness Frankenstein's sickening and terrifying journey as he searches for his monster. I believe this novel did an amazing job of expressing the valid feelings of the monster while also displaying Victor's feelings and emotions. Some chapters in the story tend to drag and there are events that Mary could have elaborated on to provide readers a clearer image of each occurrence. But overall, this was a unique approach to expressing themes of isolation, vanity, cruelty, and fear.

Reviewer: Grade 12

Reviewer's Name: Tierra
Animal Farm book jacket
Orwell, George
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Orwell wrote this book to examine the early years of the Soviet Union and the real result of the Russian Revolution. He uses Manor Farm as the setting and uses the farm animals as characters to convince the reader how the leaders of a country could put in place a system that would not be the utopia they promise. These promises may turn out to create a situation much worse than existed before. Orwell wanted a farm where “All Animals Are Equal.” Unfortunately, “Some Are More Equal Than Others.” The reader will recognize some of the characters as representing historical figures such as Stalin, Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky. If you are interested in economic and political systems and how they impact the citizens, you will not be able to put this book down! Animal Farm is one of my favorite books.

Reviewer's Name: Andrew
Hallowe'en Party book jacket
Christie, Agatha
3 stars = Pretty Good

Agatha Christie is an author you can rarely go wrong with, and Hallowe'en Party is no exception. The book is another Hercule Poirot mystery. In this one, his friend Ariadne Oliver attends a Halloween party where a girl named Joyce claims that she once saw a murder. Later in the night the girl is found drowned in the barrel of apples.

The characters are fairly standard, though they're fairly entertaining. The dynamic between Mrs. Oliver and Poirot is particularly charming. The dead characters and the eventual murderer are also given some degree of depth. Other than that, the characters are serviceable but shallow.

The plot mostly consists of Poirot speaking to the various suspects and witnesses. It drags a bit at points, but quickly picks up. The twists are all well built up, and nothing feels like it comes out of nowhere. All the pieces fall together in a satisfying way.

This book is also sold as "A Haunting in Venice". This is because the new Hercule Poirot movie is loosely based on this story. However, the key word is loosely. So, if you watched the movie first, be aware that these two stories have almost nothing in common (aside from the main character).

I would recommend this book to fans of Agatha Christie and mystery fans in general.

Reviewer's Name: Rose
The Great Gatsby book jacket
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
4 stars = Really Good

The Great Gatsby is a really good book that I did not expect to like because I was assigned to read it in school. Set prior to the Great Depression, the book sets the stage for how the wealthy lived on the East Coast, while also portraying some of the nation's struggles at that time through various pieces of text and dialogue. The book was a constant surprise to me, and even when I felt confident something would for sure happen the book took an unexpected turn. It is very hard to find a "good" character in the book, seeing as most of them are more "morally gray", and this creates a very interesting dynamic for the reader. Overall it was a very good book, and that's coming from someone who's hated just about every book they've had to read in school.

11th grade

Reviewer's Name: Emily
Invisible Man book jacket
Ellison, Ralph
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

TW: This book contains racism and police brutality. If either of these topics trigger you, I would recommend finding a different book.

‘Invisible Man’ is a story about an unnamed black man in the 1930s. He attempts to make his way in the world, but is blocked at every turn by society’s barriers and refusal to see him. He goes from university to the brotherhood trying to find his place. The story includes steady commentary on racism that remains prevalent to this day.

Almost all the main characters have a layer of depth to them. From Dr. Bledsoe to Mary, they all have clear motivations and roles in the story that contributes to the themes. The main character in particular surprised me. It’s not uncommon for the point of view character to be serviceable, but not have many defining traits. This narrator did, though. He was an eloquent speaker and was obsessed with his grandfather’s last words. It’s not the most exaggerated personality, but it was clear and consistent.

The plot moves along nicely, never staying in one place for too long. The progression makes sense, and no scene feels wasted.

This is a classic novel for good reason. I would recommend it to those who are looking for a longer, thought provoking read.

Reviewer's Name: Rose
Animal Farm book jacket
Orwell, George
4 stars = Really Good

Animal Farm is an allegorical story about farm animals that manage to overthrow the humans and run the farm by themselves. However, the pigs slowly take more and more power, until it’s no better than it was before.

The plot is simple and easy to follow. Even a child could easily understand it. However, this is a very compact story. Every page has a new development that moves the story along. The characters are likewise simple, yet effective. Boxer and Benjamin are the standouts in this story. Boxer because of his lovable nature and Benjamin for being one of the few characters in the book to hold some complexity.

The reason for this story’s simplicity is that it is an allegorical story. Every element is designed to mirror the Russian Revolution (though it could easily be applied to many worldwide revolutions). Since they have to represent broad groups of people, the characters can seem a bit flat at times. The same goes for the plot. It’s great for those who want a quick and thought provoking story, but could be disappointing for those looking for in depth analysis.

I would recommend this book to fans of symbolism and allegory, or even the run of the mill dystopia fan.

Reviewer's Name: Rose
Flowers in the Attic book jacket
Andrew, V.C.
2 stars = Meh

Flowers in the Attic is about the horrible life of four siblings. Before their lives were turned upside down, their father provided for them, but when he died, the mother decided to take herself and four children to her parents house. The mother was exiled by her parents for her marriage to her husband, so going to her parents for help was her last resort. When arriving at her parents house, the mother decides to hide away her children to gain back her dying fathers favor to inherit his fortune. Until the grandfather dies, the four children will be locked away in the attic and hidden from the world. This story is told through the oldest daughter Cathy’s perspective, and follows her journey with her three other siblings while living in their grandparents' attic. This was a very depressing and disturbing book with a lot of twists and turns nobody would have seen coming. If you like sad stories that do not leave your mind easily, this is the perfect book for you! Personally, I do not recommend this book if you are not prepared for a very disturbing story.

Reviewer Grade: 11

Reviewer's Name: Isabel
To Kill a Mockingbird book jacket
Lee, Harper
3 stars = Pretty Good

"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee is a classic exploration of racial injustice and moral growth in Southern United States. The novel's strengths lie in its powerful narrative, addressing societal prejudices through the trial of Tom Robinson. While the coming-of-age story of Scout and Jem Finch provides a strong examination of morality, occasional pacing issues and a less engaging narrative may make it a 3/5 for some readers. Despite this, the novel's enduring relevance and impact on discussions of justice make it a worthwhile read. I found the language in the book somewhat challenging, making it less accessible for me. It occasionally hindered my overall reading experience, but was a treasure of its own!

Reviewer's Name: Caroline
Life of Pi book jacket
Martel, Yann
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

"Life of Pi" by Yann Martel recounts the major events of Pi's life before going into detail about him being stranded on a lifeboat with a tiger. It has frequent anecdotes about zookeeping and religion, especially near the beginning. The main character, Pi Patel, is an extremly likable main character. Though he is not particularly colorful or eccentric, his devotion to God and resilience make the audience instantly emphasize with him. Richard Parker, the tiger, is also made interesting. Though he doesn't do anything out of the realm of possibility, it's always left unclear how he's going to respond to the current situation. The rest of the characters are not particularly deep, but they all serve their purpose.

The plot is fairly simple, focusing more on describing Pi's struggle in detail than twists and turns. Sitting on a boat for seven months is hard to make interesting, but this book rises to the occassion. Every change in circumstance is explored, and Pi has to respond in creative ways. In between the speeches about how to train a tiger and why a hyena is dangerous, there are themes about faith that are masterfully done. While I can't say I agree with everything that's said about religion, I do appriciate how it is explored.

I would reccomend this book to animal lovers, people who enjoy survival stories, and anyone looking for a unique story that will keep them hooked.

Reviewer's Name: Rose
Brave New World book jacket
Huxley, Aldous
2 stars = Meh

Brave New World presents a uniquely disturbing dystopia- but unfortunately, that is where its strengths end. The plot, aside from the setting, is so loosely strung together that a main character, main storyline, or even main theme is unclear. The story meanders from one under-developed character to the next and, without the support of a vivid setting, the novel would crumble. I admire the creativity behind the premise and the craft behind the writing style, but the plot simply lacks. The novel is only worth reading to delve into the vivid world that Aldous Huxley created.

Reviewer's Name: Samah
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Wilde, Oscar
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Picture of Dorian Gray is a philosophical novel by the Irish writer Oscar Wilde. It was originally published in 1890, and soon after its publication, it became one of the best-selling books.
It circles around the doctrine of aestheticism and Oscar Wilde's role in that movement. He, along with the other writers of that movement, explained that art should not have a political or social purpose to serve, and it also has nothing to do with morality or conveying moral or sentimental messages.
The idea of "Art for the Art's Sake" played a prestigious role in Oscar Wilde's novel, which means that art needs no justification and ought only to deal with beauty. The purpose of the art is to entertain and appreciate its beauty.
"An artist should create beautiful things, but he should put nothing of his own life into them."

The tale begins with Basil Hallward, a very talented painter, making the portrait of Dorian Gray, who is sitting in front of him. Dorian Gray is a splendid young man with a beautiful nature and heart. He is also considered one of the most beautiful men in Greek mythology, like Helen of Troy. He is everything to Basil Hallward because the painter believes that this charming creature with good looks will make him a famous artist. It seems as though he is made of gold and ivory, and the curves of his lips rewrite history.
Basil Hallward makes the portrait of Dorian Gray, which seems more beauteous and charming than his own personality. When he glances at the picture, he feels jealous of his own portrait. He realizes how sad it is that I will grow old, wrinkled, and ugly, but this portrait will always remain young and lovely. As it is written in the book:
"I am jealous of everything whose beautydoesn't die. I am jealous of the portrait you have painted of me. Why should it keep what I must lose?"

Dorian Gray wishes to remain young forever. Whenever he sees his photo, sadness swallows him. He is ready to give everything for that sake, so his hedonistic nature forces him to sell his soul to the devil to get back his youth, and he also agrees that this picture will bear all his sins and doings.
As the story proceeds on, hedonism ruins him and makes him corrupt and wicked. He goes out to watch a play at the opera, where he falls in love with an actress, Sibyl Vane, not because of her beauty but because she is an excellent actress and knows very well how to please her audience. One day, he with Basil and Lord Henry go to watch her play,but unfortunately she doesn't act very well, which makes Dorian Gray furious and disappointed because art is everything to him, so he leaves her crying and in pain. After some days, she takes her life, and Dorian is responsible for that, but he doesn't think so. When he returns home and glances at the picture, he notices some changes in it. The face looks a bit pale, dark and a hint of cruelty is also seen in it. He kills Basil Hallward because he knows his secret, and Dorian is afraid that the painter might reveal to the world his real face.He sees his portrait again, and the painted face on the canvas looks sodden and unclean. The cheeks become hollow and flaccid, and the hairs lose their brightness. It gives off a monstrous look, so he decides to end it up, seizes a knife, and stabs the picture with it. There rises a cry of pian so horribly that when the servants enter the room, they see the portrait of their charming master hanging on the wall. There lies a deceased man with a knife in his heart. He looks like a monster, and all his sins can be seen on his face.With his death, the portrait returns to its original shape and looks young and attractive again.

It is a fabulous piece about the idea of art for art's sake. Oscar Wilde explains vividly that it is not the duty of art to serve society or tell others about ethics what is wrong and right. The only priority of the artist is to create beautiful things and to provide pleasure to others. The importance of art can be seen in the book:

"There is nothing that art cannot reveal or express."

"The reason I will not exhibit this picture is that I am afraid that I have shown in it the secret of my own soul."

The author warns its readers that bad external influences can exploit you ghastly. Don't let anyone overcome or make your decisions, because it happens with Dorian Gray.

Hedonistic nature is also a prestigious theme in this book. Dorian Gray is a hedonistic young man who wants to be beautiful forever without knowing that everything in this world must taste death. Don't be proud of your glory, beauty, and honor because death will swallow everything.

According to Oscar Wilde, we do everything to be famous, but once we have what we want, it no longer interests us. I don't agree with it because, for the majority of us, money, power, and fame are everything. We desire to have all this stuff, and none of us will ever want to throw it away.

In short, it's a wonderful book and contains some unique and important messages for its readers.

Reviewer's Name: Nasir A.
The Stranger
Camus, Albert
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Stranger by Albert Camus is one of the most widely read novels in the world. It was originally published in French in 1942 and then translated into English as well. After its publication, thousands of copies were sold all over the world.
The novel presents Albert Camus's theory of absurdism, which says that the whole world is useless, and he also doesn't believe in this world.

The narrator of this story kills an Arab in the desert to save his life. He is brought to court by police officers on trial. He is ready to confess his crime in front of all the people and is ready for any sort of punishment, but the jury has different intentions, and he is flabbergasted when officers start questioning him about his mother, who died a few days ago. They blame him for not weeping at his mother's funeral. He might be forgiven for his crime, but he could not be pardoned for not crying when his mother died. He is ghastly criticised by all the members of the jury because he went to the pool and watched a funny movie with his girlfriend after his mother's death. After a few days of hearings, the court announces his death sentence, and no one has tried to find the elicit facts, as they are mentioned in the text book.

"After being charged with murder, he executed because he didn't weep at his mother's funeral. "

After suffering throughout his whole life and witnessing the deplorable behaviour of others, he no longer believes in God. His heart got badly broken, and the existence of God has no importance to him anymore.
The importance of memories is another big theme in this novel. Memories are very important in life, and they last forever, even till death. I must say:

Life without memories is like a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.

When he is sent to jail, he has only the memories of his life and spends his time remembering the beautiful moments of life and the time he spent with his beloved ones. As it is written in the novel:

"I have learned that even after a single day's experience of the outside world, a man could easily live hundreds years in prison "

To conclude, the novel is a wonderful piece of literature because it explores the real events of the writer's life and contains some important lessons for others. That's why reading this book would be a good idea.

Reviewer's Name: Nasir A.