Book Reviews by Genre: Fantasy

Mistborn: The Final Empire
Sanderson, Brandon
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Having already read a few of Brandon Sanderson’s later works, I knew I eventually wanted to tackle his Mistborn series. While he has a consistent style that makes his world-building a bit predictable, the concise nature of his magic systems and fantastically-written fight sequences deliver time and time again. After all, if it works, why change anything? In The Final Empire, the source of the magical superpowers is a set of metals utilized by “allomancers,” much like color was for Warbreaker and the energy of storms for The Way of Kings . I’m always in awe of the complexity of his magic systems, but with such simple concepts that I wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

If Tolkein’s The Lord of the Rings is the standard for high fantasy and George R.R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series is the baseline for “realistic” fantasy, I can already tell that Sanderson’s Mistborn series is the definitive “entertaining” fantasy. While not as heavy in lore as The Fellowship of the Ring or as gritty in its content as A Game of Thrones, The Final Empire excels in superb plot twists, likable and relatable characters, and action-packed pacing that made me hungry for more.

Sanderson is truly master of his craft in this book. It’s no wonder why he was chosen to finish Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series with such strong writing as is present in The Final Empire. And while everything was wrapped up pretty well by the end of this book, I can see where the series is likely headed in the next few volumes. I’ll certainly miss certain characters going forward, and I was surprised how fast the main character progressed toward fighting the “final boss” of this world. Still, these things just make me wonder how much better the next books will be if The Final Empire has already covered such important ground.

The definitive “entertaining” fantasy book, I give The Final Empire 5.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
The Hunger Games
Collins, Suzanne
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Within a corrupted society where children battle to the death in the annual Hunger Games for entertainment, lives a bold young woman named Katniss Everdeen. Katinis loves her little sister more than life itself. So when her sister PrimRose Everdeen is drawn for the Hunger Games, Katniss does the unheard of and volunteers and tribute in place of her sister. Katniss volunteered without hesitation so when she is sent to the capital along with the other selected person for her district Peeta Mellark she is prepared to fight. She knows that she is going to be sent right into the games and that she has to win it and come out alive to look after her sister. Along the way with the help of her bow and arrow she becomes one of the most unlikely candidates to perform so well in the games, her underdog ness strikes the outside world in hope and in rebellion. This book is by far one of the best that I have ever read, it is so riveting and engaging and has not only action
but romance. I have read every book in the series and I loved every page of it. I would recommend this book to anyone. It is by far one of my top ten favorite books.

Reviewer's Name: Madison S.
The Finisher
Baldacci, David
3 stars = Pretty Good

Within the dystopian of Wormwood lives Vega Jane, a strong and very independent woman. When Vega was young, she saw her mother leave the village. No one had ever left Wormwood. Why would anyone leave there wasn’t anything outside of the town? However, Vega knew that the leaders of Wormwood were lying to her. The elders/leaders told her that her mother was dead and that no one survives leaving Wormwood. Vega knew she had to figure out the truth, she was at the end of her wits. She was tired of the constant scrutiny she was under for being a girl, she didn’t have a voice and she wasn’t respected by the men in Wormwood. Vega was really set into action when her friend Quentin Hermes goes missing but leaves clues behind to find her. Determined to uncover the truth to her towns dark past, she follows the clues left behind leading her closer to the truth. This book, while it was not my favorite, had a cool plot and was easy to follow.

Reviewer's Name: Madison S.
A Wrinkle in Time Book Cover
L'Engle, Madeleine
3 stars = Pretty Good

"A Wrinkle in Time" is definitely not my favourite book. The author builds the story well, but the book is not very relatable. The author does however, describe the setting very well. And the book has a very good theme. While this book is not the best, I still recommend reading it. (It's much better than the movie).

Reviewer's Name: Vince D.
Black Butler, vol. 3
Toboso, Yana
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Black Butler is about a 13 year old boy who makes a deal to give his soul to a mysterious demon butler named Sebastion. Black Butler takes place in Victornian- Era London. The main protagonist Ciel is born into the wealthy Phantomhive family. He loses his family when his house is allegedly set on fire and he is kidnapped. When Ciel meets a demon named Sebastion, he agrees to make a deal to give Sebastion his soul when he dies, and in return, Sebastion will protect him. Ciel lives with Sebastion as his demon butler as a servant to protect him and one day have revenge for his family.

Reviewer's Name: Lynniah C.
Naruto, Vol. 53, The Birth of Naruto
Kishimoto, Masashi
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Volume 53 of Naruto stands out from a lot of other volumes. This book gives the reader a backstory of how the main protagonist Naruto, a strong ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village grew up, and where he came from. This book shows the reader details about Naruto’s past. This book has great and detailed illustrations that show the reader a lot of expressions. The art helps the reader understand how the characters feel and relate to them.

Reviewer's Name: Lynniah C.
Six of Crows
Bardugo, Leigh
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Six of Crows is a book about six individuals who have teamed together to complete a supposedly impossible and deadly heist, each with their own driving motivations and goals, but all aware of what's at stake: their lives. While the book is divided among six main characters, Bardugo does an excellent job at giving each a distinct story and voice. The book, along with its sequel, take place in a fictional world where some people, called Grisha, are born with powers. While the Grisha are not an obvious main topic of the book, the world building, fantastical powers, and underlying societal beliefs about them are all still there. Six of Crows has a perfect blend of fantasy and action with just enough suspense and romance to keep you on your toes and interested.

The six main characters are tasked with going to a land, foreign to most of them, to retrieve a doctor who knew the recipe for a drug that could amplify Grisha powers and control them. Unfortunately, the doctor is burried deep within a fortress of ice with more than one group after him. I would highly recommend this book, if not just for the plot, then for Bardugo's knowledge and craft of language and her ability to excellently build immersible worlds.

Reviewer's Name: Kathleen H.
The Night Circus
Morgenstern, Erin
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Night Circus is the enthralling tale of a magical circus called Le Cirque does Rêves, which appears mysteriously and is open only at night. But there’s much more to the Circus of Dreams than meets the eye. The apprentices of two powerful magicians, bound to each other by fate and a deal made when they were children, must prove themselves. Soon the lives of everyone involved with the circus hang in the balance as the young magicians fight for victory—and love. Le Cirque de Rêves is a beautiful, enchanting, and intricate setting, each detail magically realistic. Morgenstern has
created an enthralling plot, with twists and turns and surprises waiting around each corner. This novel is perfect for anyone who enjoys a good fantasy or romance.

Reviewer's Name: Alexa H.
The Obelisk Gate
Jemisin, N. K.
4 stars = Really Good

I’ll admit that reading The Fifth Season had a bit of a learning curve for
the Broken Earth series. Not only did I have to learn about the vastly
powerful magic system based on rocks (and other rock forms), but I had to get
used to a second-person point of view (POV). Jumping between timelines with
similar characters who had different names was a bit confusing, but I was
able to figure it out by the end. Fast forward to the sequel, The Obelisk
Gate, and most of my qualms with the first book were smoothed over or solved

One of the things I enjoyed about The Obelisk Gate was the increase in the
scale of the magic system. Including the moon in these calculations makes
perfect sense considering the nature of the orogeny magic. I also appreciated
how the story seemed to focus on a single POV, which made for a more intimate
experience as we followed only one or two individuals instead of four. Now
that I was used to the second-person writing style and the character it
described, it didn’t bother me as much as when I read The Fifth Season.

While The Fifth Season set up the world-building for this trilogy, The
Obelisk Gate’s only weakness is that it finally set up the climactic plot
for the third book. Sure, there was plenty of character development and
intriguing twists in the plot in The Obelisk Gate, but they all seemed to be
hinting at something much more significant that wouldn’t take place in this
book. I do appreciate an excellent three-act structure, so this slight
weakness can be seen as merely an artifact of the second book in a trilogy.
In fact, because it was more focused, I liked this book more than its
predecessor. After all, it’s a strong concept with solid execution.

A focusing and foreshadowing of the Broken Earth series, I give The Obelisk
Gate 4.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
Book Cover
Ewing, Amy
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

It's been a few months since Violet and her friends escaped to the Farm.
Their plan to overthrow the royalty in the Jewel is coming together. However,
when Violet's sister's life is threatened, Violet is forced to go back to the
Jewel to rescue her. While in there, she discovers shocking secrets that
could both help her plan and put it in jeopardy. As the days to the attack
tick down, Violet must conjure up all her strength to ensure victory and
safety for all, even when her friends are torn away right in front of her

If there's ever been a series I'd recommend, it's the Jewel trilogy. It's a
very quick read, and no matter how hard I try, there's not a single flaw I can
find. This book is no exception, and provides an action-packed, gripping
finale to the series. It also hit me with the saddest deaths in any media
I've yet to find (and I've endured Der Flohwalzer). However, this did present
a problem, as it happened right before the book's climactic final battle,
which made it hard for me to get sucked in. However, after taking a crying
break for two hours, my tears turned to unbridled rage against the royalty,
and I was able to get back into what I consider one of the best final battles
of all time. Overall, I highly recommend this book. Just make sure to have
some tissues ready.

Reviewer's Name: Naomi S.
Goodwater, W. L.
4 stars = Really Good


It’s always interesting to see an alternate take on history where fantastical elements can help explain some mostly banal events and activities. In Breach, the reader is offered a glimpse into the top-secret realm of magicians in military espionage. Most of my knowledge of Cold War Berlin is based on pop culture representations, so there wasn’t anything too out of the ordinary here that would scream of historical inaccuracies. If anything, Breach almost felt like it could have been an extension of the Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts franchise with how well it integrated history and magic.

While there was perhaps a bit too much browbeating over women’s role in society during the Cold War, the pacing, twists, and characters were excellent. It was a little difficult to tell the timeframe of this book, but I assumed it was probably in an alternate 1950s, based on the context clues. Of course, with the pacing of a modern thriller, Breach seems to get away with fully explaining the details of many of its characters’ motivations. I was sucked into the story enough that I didn’t care too much, but it was a nagging that gnawed at the back of my mind as I read.

For a first book, author W.L. Goodwater certainly put forth an admirable effort. The way plot points are set up and revealed was very entertaining, even if some of the finer points of the plot seemed to be repetitive to make sure the reader understood them. There was a lot of thought put into the magic system in this book without spending tons of time in exposition going over how it works, which I appreciate. There was also some solid character growth for both major and minor characters throughout this book, which is yet another reason why I think people should read this book.

A thrilling alternate history fantasy adventure, I give Breach 4.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
Book Review: The Shadows Between Us
Levenseller, Tricia
4 stars = Really Good

Alessandra wants to channel her murderous rage into something more productive than, well, murder. So she aims to become the Queen (of course, she'll have to murder the King once she's married him, but that'll be the last one). As the second daughter of a minor royal, this doesn't seem like a super realistic goal, haven't met Alessandra.

I'm a huge sucker for the love-him-then-kill-him trope, and it is awesomely used here. I was expecting this book to be more of a fantasy, but it's really a romance with fantastical trappings. And it is so sex positive! I have been describing it as Wuthering-Heights-only-it's-actually-fun-to-read, but the author describes it as a romance between two Slytherins, which is better. Even though the characters are objectively horrible, you'll find yourself rooting for them. It was a tad ridiculous in terms of how the characters talked and interacted with each other, but in the same kind of way as Daughter of the Pirate King, the author's other book that I've read, which I also enjoyed.

If you are looking for a fun, purely escapist romance, I would highly recommend this book. I read it in one sitting. 4 stars - I really liked it!

Thanks to Netgalley and Feiwel & Friends for the eARC which I received in exchange for an unbiased review. The Shadows Between Us is available now!

Reviewer's Name: Britt
Book Review: Sacrifice Box
Stewart, Martin
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This book is about five friends who find a secret box. They put in objects of importance in this box and make three rules never return to the box at night, never visit it alone, and never take back your sacrifice. When someone breaks the rules how will these friends find their way back and what will they learn about each other? As the box tries to destroy them and the sacrifices come to life can Arkle, Lamb, Hadley, Sep, and Mack race against the clock to save the day? This is a book full of excitement and emotion. This thriller has hints of humor and lots of meaning. Many unexpected twists and nail-biting events will make this book impossible to put down. I sure
couldn't. This is by far my favorite book and I suggest it to every teen everywhere.

Reviewer's Name: McKenna B
Book Review: Alice in Zombieland
Showalter, Gena
3 stars = Pretty Good

Alice Bell thought her father was crazy, at least until she saw the monsters herself. On her way home from her little sisters dance recital her life is turned upside down when she awakes on the side of the road barely conscious. They were in a car accident, and before she blacks out she vaguely sees a monster eating her father. "There is no way, zombies don’t exist" Alice thinks, but then she remembers the stories her dad used to tell her about them. She wakes up in the hospital with her grandparents standing next to her with sad looks on their face. She knew before they told her, her parents and sister were gone. She starts to see visions or images of zombies she can’t get them out of her head, so when she meets a bad boy named Cole at her new school she can’t help but think he knows more than he lets on about the monsters she sees. When it comes time to fight Alice and Cole must trust each other, but this fight is for Alice it's time to avenge her family. This was a book I couldn’t put down, I had to immediately pick up the next book in the series.

Reviewer's Name: Madison S.
Book Review: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
Patterson, James
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Maximum Ride is probably one of the most interesting and exciting books I have ever read. The novel starts with a group of children living in a house on their own, the one who watches out for the younger children is sixteen year old, Maximum Ride (Max). The children are not like other normal kids though; they can all fly. When the kids were younger they were all kidnapped by scientists and were experimented on. While they were experimented on they were given genetically attached wings. The children all escaped with the strength they all had together but now the scientists want them back. They can fly and they are stronger than most humans and they each have
individual powers unique to only them and they are not easy to find. The scientist also created what Max and the other children call “Erasers”, which are genetically mutated humans half wolf, half human with the sole purpose of finding the missing flying children. The novel follows Max and the children on their journey to freedom. I honestly think that there is something for everyone to enjoy in this book: romance, science fiction, action and adventure. I love this book and would highly recommend reading it.

Reviewer's Name: Madison S.
The Opal Deception
Colfer, Eoin
4 stars = Really Good

As a fan of the three-act structure that trilogies can provide, I’ve found
over the years that the fourth book in a series generally determines what the
style of future books will be. Plenty of series have strong plotlines and
character arcs that span multiple volumes, but some series settle into a
tried-and-true formula that works for them. For The Opal Deception, the
fourth book in the Artemis Fowl series, it’s the latter. Granted, the
series is meant for grade-school readers, so it’s not entirely surprising
that the series has become formulaic.

There was an amount of status quo (and returning to it) that had to happen
after the events in The Eternity Code, which is where The Opal Deception came
in. It honestly feels a little like a half-step backward for the series, or
at least a realignment to get the characters all back together to continue on
future adventures. By now, these adventures all seem to have the same
checklist of events that need to happen. Artemis needs to be clever and
smart. Mulch needs to be gross and flatulent. Holly needs to come in and save
the day in her magical way.

About the only thing that was different from previous books in the Artemis
Fowl universe was the titular villain: Opal Kobol. Of course, this antagonist
gave more of a Bond villain vibe than any of the previous ones. This makes me
think the series will be progressing with this kind of James Bond formula,
which contained singular villains, fancy spy technology, and almost
ridiculous action sequences. In fact, I’d almost peg the Artemis Fowl
series as a teenage version of James Bond with a heavy dollop of fantasy
thrown in to keep kids entertained.

A formulaic stabilization of the Artemis Fowl series, I give The Opal
Deception 3.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
Hearts, Keys, and Puppetry
Gaiman, Neil
3 stars = Pretty Good

I’m all for interesting ways to write books, but using a game of “Twitter
telephone” is a new one for me. In fact, can we even call this book written
by Gaiman at all? Sure, he’s great at these types of modern fairy tales
(like Stardust , for instance), but he only got the ball rolling on this
story and let the internet write the rest of it. Granted, he was the one who
chose which segments to include next, to help guide it into some limited form
of coherence, so maybe he “wrote” it after all?

It’s not that Hearts, Keys, and Puppetry isn’t an utterly incoherent
story; it’s that it lacks focus at times. Plenty of interesting subplots
could have been explored but were quickly abandoned as the story switched
over to a different writer. I’m almost glad this book was as short as it
was because otherwise, I don’t know how much more of the plotline whiplash
I could take. Perhaps it’s a good thing for readers everywhere that stories
aren’t normally created 140 characters at a time. Not that it can’t be
done, but that the longer scope of the project is lost in the changing points
of view.

If anything, this book reminds me a bit of Forum Role-Playing stories. Each
individual controls a character, and everyone writes a segment at a time to
advance the plot. The problem with this approach (other than people not
committing to contributing) is that each individual has an idea in their mind
of where the story should go. Rarely do those ideas match with the rest of
the group. If this story were edited down to a few base ideas that Neil
Gaiman would then use to create a longer-form and coherent story, then maybe
this experiment would have merit. As it is right now, Hearts, Keys, and
Puppetry displays the true randomness of the internet.

A crowd-sourced story that has all the problems of a crowd-sourced story, I
give Hearts, Keys, and Puppetry 3.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
Wizard and Glass
King, Stephen
4 stars = Really Good

When I started reading Wizard and Glass, it became abundantly clear why The Waste Lands ended with a cliffhanger. While it would have been nice to have a short conclusion at the end of The Waste Lands, Wizard and Glass needed a small amount of framing. That way, it didn’t become a book entirely devoted to a flashback. Granted, the large majority of this book is a flashback, even to the point that I’d consider it to be a prequel. Fortunately, Roland’s backstory was something that desperately needed to be expounded upon in this series.

I know most writers are discouraged from using flashbacks, but in the context of a more extensive series, Wizard and Glass is an integral part of understanding how the Dark Tower universe works. Plus, Stephen King can get away with a lot since he’s so well established. In the end, this book works well because it is relational. Understanding Roland’s past and how he had loved and lost helped to make him not only more relatable but more human as well. Up until now, he was this stark, emotionless gunslinger whose only drive in life was to get to the Dark Tower.

While Wizard and Glass is undoubtedly one of the stronger books in the series, I felt there were a few elements that I didn’t like as much when compared to say, The Drawing of the Three (my current favorite in the series). There was plenty of sex in this book that, while somewhat necessary to the plot, was a bit over the top at times. Additionally, for a book that was as long as it was, I would think that more would have happened in it. As it is, there was a lot of talk about stuff happening, but no real action about it until near the end of the book. Still, I look forward to what will happen next.

A much-needed flashback/prequel for the Dark Tower series, I give Wizard and Glass 4.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
Krinard, Susan
3 stars = Pretty Good

My knowledge of Norse mythology is passable at best. Granted, much of it I “learned” from movies like Thor (2011), so I understand that there’s an amount of fictionalization to my knowledge. That being said, Mist seemed to take this pop-culture understanding of Norse mythology and transplant it into modern-day San Francisco. While solidly in the New Adult genre (there is plenty of sex and allusions to it here), I can’t say that anything is interesting here in terms of story. Sure, there are a few things that happen, but they all seem to be alluding to much more exciting developments that won’t happen until later in the series.

One of my biggest qualms with this book was that I didn’t connect with the main character. Mist felt very “Mary Sue” to me. I found the more common elements of her existence (e.g., her employment, grocery shopping, laundry, etc.) were mentioned in passing but never given much weight to ground her in the reality of San Francisco. Additionally, there were plenty of illogical or unexplained actions that she took that I only assumed were to progress the story in the way that it was supposed to happen.

As for the action in this book, it is certainly hectic. At times, it’s also confusing as to what is precisely going on, even to the point of being action for action’s sake. Sure, it’s paced pretty well throughout, and it helps show the growth of the titular character, but I started skimming over these sequences after a while. In the end, maybe Norse mythology isn’t for me. Or at least I am not really into the modern-setting Norse mythology presented in books like this. It’s an interesting concept, but it feels too constrained to the urban and doesn’t allow more of the fantasy to shine through.

A passable New Adult Norse urban fantasy, I give Mist 2.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin W.
The Lost Heir
Foley, E.G.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This is a series for children/teens. but I loved it. It really does combine the best of Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and every fantasy story that you know and love into one amazing series with characters that you just can't help but love. Highly recommend.

Reviewer's Name: Aleena