Book Reviews by Genre: Fiction

Cline, Ernest
3 stars = Pretty Good

When I first heard about Ready Player One (2011) years ago, I was excited an author would even try to capture the spirit of the hardcore pop culture lover. After I received a hardcover copy of that book for Christmas, I devoured every word and loved every moment of it. This was why, when I saw Ernest Cline had written another book appearing to be in the same vein of Ready Player One, I had to buy it and give it a read. This book was Armada.

Unfortunately, I was not nearly as impressed with Armada as I was with Ready Player One. In Armada, the pop culture references were there, but almost to the point of oversaturation. There were plenty of references I didn’t understand because I haven’t encountered the source material, which was somewhat frustrating. Furthermore, what made the references entertaining and fun in Ready Player One was that they were tied to unravelling the mystery and linking each clue to the next one; in Armada, they were merely the mating call of the nerd.

And while Armada has a few scenes of immersive action that are incredibly well written, the plot is quite lacking. The first “reveal” (if you can call it that) was predictable and the motivations of the antagonists were weak at best, almost as if he had written himself into a corner and didn’t know how to resolve the story in a satisfying way. In fact, the huge numbers of pop culture references actually made the story seem less original, as it pretty much came across as Ender’s Game (1985), and the narrator told you as much.

A story with a potential it never quite lived up to and a shadow of the author’s previous book it could never come out from underneath, I give Armada 3.0 stars out of 5.

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Reviewer's Name: Benjamin M. Weilert
the abominable snowman
Pratchett, Terry
4 stars = Really Good

It was a good book but it was boring at some parts.

Reviewer's Name: Ethan M.
Stone Fox
Gardener, John Reynolds
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I liked Stone Fox because it's about a boy who has a very sick grandfather who is sick so he has to save him but no one knows why. Then Willy finds out why, it was because they were bankrupt and Willy enters a race which will get him $500.00. Willy races against the greatest dog-sled racer on earth. I liked the book because it was really exciting and intense at parts.

Reviewer's Name: Joseph S.
The Emerald Atlas
Stephens, John
1 star = Yuck!

It's not that good.

Reviewer's Name: Klement
Eastman, Brock
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Very exciting!

Reviewer's Name: Isaac
Pi-Shu, the Little Panda
Butler, John
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

There is no better way to describe Pi-shu than to say, "It's Pukin' cute!!" Follow a new panda through his day by poring over John Butler's luxurious illustrations. Heartwarming and very dear, you will enjoy reading this one over and over!

Reviewer's Name: Kristin
Keeper of the Lost Cities
Messenger, Shannon
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Great if you are the type that likes Fantasy. It is an easy book to get wrapped into and hard to pull away from. I highly recommend this book. It has an interesting plot that keeps you hanging and want to keep reading. Get the next books in the series too because this book makes you want to read more.

Reviewer's Name: Emi
A Snicker of Magic
Lloyd, Natalie
4 stars = Really Good

A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd is about a young girl named Felicity Pickle, who sees and collects words. These words are words that people are thinking about or what they want. These words can even dance, glow, or wiggle around. She has traveled to many places in the world and has seen many words except for one, home. But when the Pickled Jalapeño, the family's van, drives into Midnight Gulch, Felicity believes that everything is about to change. She has found a place to make a friend and even make some good memories. This happens to be, because Midnight Gulch used to have magic! This is where people shared their magical talents, until a curse stole that away from them. From what all of the people believe, Felicity can tell there is still a snicker of magic left and all she has to do is find the right words for the magic to return to Midnight Gulch.

This is a great book full of adventure, friendship, and well magic. I chose this book because the cover caught my eye and it seemed interesting. My favorite thing about this book is how the author explained parts and how she used her words. My least favorite thing was how there really was no big change in the characters, but this was still a great book. I highly recommend this book for people especially early teens.

Therefore, I gave this book a 4.0 out of 5 stars!

Reviewer's Name: Kaylie
The Screaming Staircase
Stroud, Jonathan
4 stars = Really Good

Fans of Bartimaeus will not be disappointed by Jonathan Stroud’s series, Lockwood & Co. The “Problem” started about 50 years ago in London. Ghosts became true, dangerous, and very real threats to the living. Only young people have the ability to “see” and eradicate these creatures of the night. Enter Lockwood & Co., a company of three who go out nightly to defend the city. Great adventure, ghost story, and humor interweave for perfect storytelling in The Screaming Staircase, the first in the series.

Reviewer's Name: Kristin
Gravett, Emily
4 stars = Really Good

What a fun book! Rabbit checks a book out of the library that's all about wolves. As he becomes lost in the text, he doesn't realize that real wolves are lurking about him. The book ends with a mystery: did Rabbit get eaten? Or is the alternative ending the truth?

Reviewer's Name: Kristin
Raymie Nightingale
DiCamillo, Kate
4 stars = Really Good

The best way I can describe Raymie Nightingale is to say that it is a book you can fall into. Kate DiCamillo is a master of characters and story, and Raymie Nightengale is no exception. This author weaves magic through words. We enter Raymie’s life mid-stream; she is ten years old and floundering a little. Through some new, strong friendships, she discovers strength in numbers – and in herself. The subject matter might be a bit much for some. Raymie’s dad has “run off” with a dental hygienist. But DiCamillo is never heavy-handed with the details and navigates the discomfort with aplomb.

Reviewer's Name: Kristin
Scurvy Goonda
McCoy, Chris
4 stars = Really Good

Scurvy Goonda is a pirate ab-com who is ruining Ted’s life (an “ab-com” is an abstract companion). What other self-respecting 14-year-old still has an imaginary companion?! Soon it becomes clear that great evil is afoot, when all the world’s ab-coms disappear – along with Scurvy and Ted! Chris McCoy’s first bacon-filled novel is rife with invention, fun and whimsy, a page-turner that will keep you up all night.

Reviewer's Name: Kristin
Luna's Red Hat: An Illustrated Storybook to Help Children Cope With Loss and Suicide
Smid, Emmi
4 stars = Really Good

Luna’s Red Hat is a children’s book to help with loss and suicide. Though these are topics from which we wish we could always shield children, the reality is that there are times that you might need such a book.

This one is written with knowledge, compassion, and a deep understanding of children. I highly recommend Luna’s Red Hat if you find yourself facing such a difficult time as having to explain to a child the realities of death and suicide.

Reviewer's Name: Kristin
The Wishing Spell
Colfer, Chris
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I love the way Chris Colfer holds out the suspense and keeps the story interesting. I enjoy reading about Froggy and Trollbella and all the other characters. It is a great twist on classic fairy tales and some of the stories behind them. I especially like how the authors makes the villains seem less villainous. I love all of the Land of Stories books. This is a must read!

Reviewer's Name: Emi
When Dimple Met Rishi
Menon, Sandhya
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Dimple Shah is excited to head off to Insomnia Con - a summer camp/contest for coders looking to build a real world app. She's shocked when her traditional Indian parents agree to send her, even though the camp is kind of expensive, and it's not the sort of thing they'd usually let her do. Imagine her surprise when she finds out the reason her parents let her go - unbeknownst to Dimple, her parents have been arranging her marriage (sort of?) with their friends' progeny Rishi. Dimple, as a feminist and career woman, is NOT HAVING IT.

This was ADORABLE. It reminded me of a slightly younger, more diverse Sophie Kinsella book - the characters are well developed and likable (who am I kidding, LOVABLE), it was hilarious and light while still having a lot of heart. I don't know a ton about Indian American culture, so it was interesting to read a little bit more about the struggles of first generation Indian immigrants. The dialog between the characters seemed pretty realistic to me, and while everything is wrapped up pretty neatly...I mean, hey! It's a romcom. And a great one, at that.

If you are looking for an eminently readable romantic comedy to relax with this summer, look no further. This was fantastic. 5 stars - I loved it!

Reviewer's Name: Britt
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Rowling, J.K.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I believe that in this particular Harry Potter book you do not know what is going to happen next and you are full of suspense and Harry potter runs in to some very difficult problems and him and his friends, Ron and Hermione, have to resolve them by being clever, witty, and brave. It is so suspenseful and great that I did not want to set the book down. I hope that every one loves this book as much as I did.

Reviewer's Name: Jacob
Emily Windsnap and the Land of the Midnight Sun
Kessler, Liz
4 stars = Really Good

I really liked this book because it was full of adventures, and was an absolute page turner!

Reviewer's Name: Danielle
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Rowling, J.K.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Harry Potter is an exciting twist of magic and book that no matter what you can not put down.

Reviewer's Name: Karson
The Evil Wizard Smallbone
Sherman, Delia
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Amazing! Nick (the main character) runs away from his uncle and meets the ''evil" wizard Smallbone. He becomes the wizard's apprentice, but Smallbone dose not want to teach Nick magic but a bossy bookstore does. I suggest you should read it. Get it in the library and check it out so you can experience it yourself!

Reviewer's Name: Hannah
Telgemeier, Raina
3 stars = Pretty Good

I really liked this book! I have read a few of Raina's books before, so I found this one and said why don't i try it!

This book is about a girl and her sister, and they have to move to a new city. At this town their are rumors about ghosts.These ghosts live at one special place in the town called, Bahia de la luna. Maya Cat's sister really wants to meet one,though Cat DOES NOT. One year every year the people of that town have a celebration. Remembering their loved one that died. All of the ghosts celebrate with the people. Those people are able to speak to their loved ones and catch on with their beloveds. Maya seeing that they celebrate this makes her think, maybe these ghosts aren't so bad.

Reviewer's Name: Noa