What's New!

Have you heard about auto-renewals? Beginning Mon., Feb. 11, 2019, PPLD will save you the step of renewing your checkouts.

The day before items are due, the library’s system will automatically renew them if there are no holds and they haven’t already been renewed twice.

There are some exceptions to the materials that can be automatically renewed, including:

  • Rapid Read, Rapid View
  • eBooks, eAudios
  • Equipment
  • Interlibrary Loans

Patrons will receive an email notice letting them know what, if anything, was renewed as well as the new due date.


  • White or light colored paper
  • Markers or crayons


  1. Fold any size piece of paper in half. Fold one side up to meet the first fold.
  2. Create a picture of an animal or person on the folded paper. Make sure to put the mouth of the creature at the fold.
  3. Then open up the picture and make your creature look scary!
  4. Fold it back up and show the folded picture your friends and family. Say, “Isn’t it cute?” Then open up your picture quickly for a fun joke.

scary pictures projectscary pictures project

scary pictures projectscary pictures project

February is “Random Acts of Kindness” month. Click the link below to see great reading suggestions.