What's New!


  • Paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Rubber bands
  • Small box/container
  • Paper cut to fit the bottom of the box


  1. Put a piece of paper in the bottom of the box.
  2. Stretch the rubber bands across the top of the box.
  3. Use a paintbrush to cover your rubber bands with paint.
  4. Pull on the bands to splatter the paint on to your paper.

painting with rubber bandspainting with rubber bands

  1. Cut out one large star and four small stars.
  2. Cut four strips of white paper.
  3. Fold paper strips accordion style.
  4. Glue or tape together.
  5. Draw a face.

Congratulations to the winners of All Pikes Peak Writes, PPLD's adult fiction writing contest. PPLD received over 60 submissions this year. The five winning stories were announced at an award ceremony on Saturday, May 5.

You can read the winning entries by clicking here.

First Place
“In the Shadow of the Mountain” by Leisel Hufford

Second Place
“A Rational List” by Sandra Hendricks

Third Place
“Hungry” by Davyne DeSye

Honorable Mention
“Checkmate” by Molly Bailey
“Friends Aside” by Ann Amicucci