What's New!

PPLD Kids built incredible towers, bridges, and mazes! We designed our own marble mazes with paper plates. Next, using only 20 binder clips, 20 paper clips and 30 tongue depressors, we tested our mettle building the tallest tower and the strongest bridge. Our tallest tower was 13 inches and our strongest bridge held 16 books! This is definitely something you’ll want to try at home. Do you think you can beat Palmer Lake Library’s record?

Build a Bird A Better World: Get crafty with stuff around the house to build a bird home or feeder for your back yard. Check out these cool creations made by High Prairie Library kids.

On the first Wednesday of every month, you can find "Messy Art" happening at the Manitou Springs Library. Messy Art is designed to provide children opportunities to experience open-ended, creative exploration of art away from home. We encourage children to get messy and focus on the process of creation rather than the final product. Please contact Manitou Springs Library for more information.