What's New!

Bike Month Graphic

Bikes are a unique vehicle that open opportunities for commuting, exercise, and exploration. Whether you bike for your primary mode of transportation or for recreation, celebrate your ride with the Library during Bike Month this May!


  • Bike Safety from NHTSA
    Explore bicycle safety with excellent videos suitable for all languages and children from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 
  • Bike Safety from NSC
    Find out how to enjoy your bike ride safely with resources from the National Safety Council. 
  • Kids on Bikes 

Not sure where to head next? Explore these biking maps: 

Military Appreciation Month Graphic

Join Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD) in honoring and celebrating our military community members in May for Military Appreciation Month. We thank military service members in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, Space Force, and National Guard and their families for their service and commitment. Below is one way that PPLD is celebrating our military community.


  • Postcard for Patriots
    A postcard may be a little thing, but the impact of receiving one can be heartwarming. For National Military Appreciation Month, enjoy the simple yet profound act of sending a postcard to the Military Member in your life or community. Stop by your local Library location during the month of May to pick up a no-cost postcard to share with the patriot you respect and honor (while supplies last).
    May 1 – May 31
Free for all Pericles Image

Join Pikes Peak Library District as we welcome UCCS Theatreworks for Free-For-All PERICLES, directed by Max Shulman. 

In May, June, and July of 2023, Free-For-All shares a 75-minute PERICLES, a fast-paced journey of heroes, villains, shipwrecks, pirates, jousting, and more in a sweeping adventure that was Shakespeare's most popular play for over 100 years!