What's New!

PPLD commits itself to join the efforts of all who share its mission of building a community free of racism, hatred, and intolerance. Our full statement is below: Providing resources and opportunities that impact individual lives and build community – that is the mission of Pikes Peak Library District. Our community, like others across the nation, is hurting. Just as it is our mission to build community, it is our duty to speak against the forces that would tear us apart. The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery have reminded all of us once again that the battle against racism and intolerance is not over. For many individuals, those forces are a constant in their lives, and that battle is waged on a daily basis. For those of us who do not experience the burden of systemic racism, events such as these may briefly ignite an urgent desire to seek justice and true equality for Black members of our community. All too often, though, we allow that sense of urgency to gradually disappear until the next horrific act of violence occurs. This cycle must stop. PPLD stands with those in El Paso County and throughout our country who are exercising their Constitutional rights to protest against systemic racism, inequity, and violence against the Black community. As a public library, we stand for the innate equality of all we serve. We pledge to do our part to help our community realize that diversity, inclusivity, and equity are pillars of a strong and thriving community and that if even one individual is harmed through injustice or racism, our entire community suffers. This is not the time to simply move on until the next act of violence jars us from our complacency. PPLD commits itself to join the efforts of all who share its mission of building a community free of racism, hatred, and intolerance. - John Spears, Chief Librarian & CEO, and Debbie English, President of PPLD’s Board of Trustees (June 5, 2020)

Pikes Peak Library District stands with our Asian American and Pacific Islander community and remains committed to building a community free of racism, hatred, and intolerance. (March 19, 2021)

For kids:

PPLD has curated a list of resources for our community. Click here to find links to national and local news coverage, deeper background on the issues, books, and other items here.

Let's Talk about Racism: Digital Book List The African American Historical and Cultural Collection, funded by the Shivers Fund at PPLD Let's Talk about Racism: Teen Collection Let's Talk about Race and Racism: Children's Collection Celebrating Black Voices: Picture Books

Social and Systemic Injustice Movies on Kanopy

Catalog links from booklist below:

Additional Resources For Adults:

For Kids:


  • Balloon
  • Legos (may vary):
    • (1) 1x2 window (no glass)
    • (2) 2x10 flat plates
    • (1) 2x12 flat plate
    • (6) 3/4" wheels
    • (3) 2x2 axles
    • (1) 2x2-2x1 tall sloped grey brick
    • (1) 2x1 tall white brick

Assemble Lego pieces to create a car.
Tips: make the car lightweight, long, and build a tall stand for the balloon to attach to. Insert the balloon into the window (or whatever you create to hold the balloon), inflate the balloon, place on flat surface, and let it go! Measure to see who's car has gone farthest.

Watch this project at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF4_xMovgG0&list=PLMEg2Dd0dSFctLfDQxsL5…


  • One small block of dry ice (about 1 lb.) broken into large pieces. (Do not touch dry ice with bare skin, it will burn!)
  • Large bowl on a tray
  • Table covering
  • Warm water
  • Dish soap
  • Food Coloring
  • Paper (any kind)


  1. Pour warm water into the bowl.
  2. Add 2-3 squirts of dish soap (it may help to stir the solution gently at this point although I didn't).
  3. Add a chunk of dry ice using tongs or garden gloves.
  4. As bubbles rise up, add food coloring (2-4 colors).
  5. Lay paper over the colorful bubbles and press gently into bubbles. Add a different color and repeat with another piece of paper.
  6. Keep adding warm water and chunks of dry ice. Or start over with a fresh batch.
  7. Enjoy your wonderful bubble art!

Watch this project at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=852TC3_bSbU&list=PLMEg2Dd0dSFctLfDQxsL5…