What's New!

Make ornaments or book marks for gifts this season.
Be creative! You can make animals, people or fantasy creatures!


  • Colored paper or magazines
  • Markers
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Craft Sticks or pieces of heavy paper
  • Yarn, string or ribbon for hanging

Read these stories together. Then spend time with Mom, Dad or a grandparent and share your own family stories. Tell stories about what you or your ancestors have done. Imagine what you may do in the future. Click on the pdf link below to see the reading list.


  • white printer paper
  • black construction paper
  • crayons or markers
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • hole punch (optional)


  1. Holding your white paper vertically (tall), fold the paper in half.
  2. Draw half of a skull (see first photo below).
  3. Keeping the paper folded, cut out your skull. Eyes can be difficult to cut out but you can help make it easier by poking holes first. (A hole punch makes easy holes).
  4. After your skull is cut out, keep it folded and cut more decoratively by cutting slits, triangles, etc.(see photo below.)
  5. Unfold your skull.
  6. Glue the skull onto black paper.
  7. Color your skull.

skull 1skull 2skull 3

skull 4skull 5skull 6