What's New!

Penrose Library

Penrose Library will be completing the first stage of updates planned for 2024 and reopening to the public on Wed., April 10 at 4 p.m. This is the only stage that requires closing the building to complete, as all other updates are expected to proceed while the Library is open.

During National Library Week, April 7 – 13, Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD) will be hosting open houses throughout the Library District to celebrate libraries and what they bring to our communities. When Penrose Library reopens at 4 p.m. on April 10, this will serve as that location’s Open House and everyone is invited.



Penrose closing for security updates starting February 2024

Published Jan., 8th, 2024

Updates are coming to Penrose Library in early 2024. In a concerted effort to increase the safety and security of Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD) patrons and staff, Library leadership has determined that a significant investment in the systems, structures/facilities, and resources in use at Penrose Library is paramount. Staff and community members have asked that the Library District address this location specifically, and leadership has listened to that feedback. After careful evaluation, the Library District determined the most efficient updates that are financially feasible for PPLD and that provide the biggest return on time and funds invested. 

Although Penrose Library will not need to be closed for the majority of the plan implementation (predicted to take most of 2024 to complete), the beginning stages of the plan do require closing the facility. Penrose Library will be closed for approximately two months starting Thu., Feb. 1 in order to complete this stage of updates. During the closure, bookshelves will be shortened and reconfigured to increase shelf space, brighten the area, and increase visibility and accessibility. This process requires removing all of the books, disassembling the shelving units, sending them out for modification, and then reassembling them in their new configuration before reshelving the books. Only this stage will require closing the building, as all other updates are expected to proceed while the building is open. Other elements of this project will require the closure of smaller sections of Penrose Library for shorter periods of time in the coming months. Here are the planned changes that will not require a building closure to complete:

  • Moving the lockers currently located along the wall near our Regional History & Genealogy department to the west entrance and installing another set of lockers at the east entrance for patrons to store belongings during their visit.
  • Installation of boulders in the outdoor areas around the windows of the Children’s section.
  • Interior stairwell fencing installed below the main and west stairwells.
  • A visually appealing steel fence (resembling the one around the Carnegie Garden next to Penrose Library) installed around the premises.
  • Creation of a permanent structure in the back parking lot in which people with large belongings may store their items short-term during their visit.
  • Remodel of the computer lab.
  • Replacing existing tables and chairs with more functional furniture.
  • Removal of outlets and installation of a charging station near the front entrance.
  • Repositioning staff desks to strategic locations throughout the building.
  • Sectioning off the Children’s area to make it its own distinct room.
  • Updating all security hardware throughout the building, including the installation of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant speakers.

PPLD is excited to update Penrose Library to improve safety and security for all patrons and staff. Penrose is a strong part of the downtown Colorado Springs area, and the Library is proud to continue to be a contributing part of this thriving community. Ensuring a safe and secure environment for all to access the Library’s resources and spaces has been and will continue to be at the foundation of Pikes Peak Library District. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

Accessing Regional History & Genealogy

While Penrose Library is closed, limited Regional History & Genealogy resources will be available.

Virtual assistance

When needed, patrons can schedule a virtual meeting with Regional History & Genealogy staff for one-on-one help to address specific research needs.


While Penrose Library is closed, Microfilm may be requested from Regional History & Genealogy, in advance, to be sent and viewed at East Library. Patrons will need to give four-days’ notice before the film will be available to them. East Library staff will contact patrons when their film is ready to view. Patrons must view the film at East Library (items do not circulate outside of the library). Microfilm requests from Interlibrary Loan during this time will also be available from East Library.

Database Access

Certain PPLD databases that are only available at Penrose Library are currently available at other locations while Penrose Library is closed.

Dive into the many free online resources that PPLD offers homeschoolers, including a curated guide presenting basic homeschool information and local organizations, online homework help, curriculum-supporting databases, and the eLibrary. Discover an array of valuable resources appropriate for students in Pre-K - high school (and beyond).


Homeschooling: Where to Begin

Are you considering homeschooling your students? Have you decided to homeschool and need some tips for getting started? Join Theresa Klinitski, Homeschool Consultant, to find out about the basics and learn from a panel of current homeschool parents about different styles of homeschooling. In addition, find out about the numerous tools and resources PPLD has to offer.


Homeschool Curriculum Swap!


All Pikes Peak Makes

When:  Sat., April 27, 2024 - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Library 21c

A maker is someone who creates – to be innovative, to solve problems, to bring something beautiful into the world, or simply to have fun. They have an idea and they bring it to life. Making can encompass just about anything, from high tech to low tech to no tech, from art to fabrication to artistic fabrication, from needles to table saws to software.

Join us for this event as we spend the day celebrating ingenuity in the Pikes Peak Region – by tinkering, thinking, and, of course, making! Past experiences include:

  • Paper rockets
  • Lego builds
  • Local makerspaces
  • Cosplay
  • Whittling
  • Cardboard creations
  • 3D printing
  • And so much more

If you have any questions, please email us at APPM@ppld.org.

PPLD will be selling a variety of old equipment during the event. Items will include old gaming systems, computers, monitors, old makerspace equipment, and more. Sales will be as-is, cash only with the buyer taking the item with them on the day of the event.