What's New!

Lift Zone From Comcast Graphic

Public WiFi is about to get a boost at four Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD) locations. We are working with Comcast to bring Comcast Lift Zones to Library 21c, as well as Penrose, East, and Ruth Holley libraries. Comcast Lift Zones are a second Wi-Fi network that library users can access at those locations, increasing the number of internet users that the public WiFi can support at one time. This means that users will have faster, more reliable internet that will make it easier to stream, complete projects, get work done, participate in remote classes and meetings, work on job applications and resumes, game, and more.  

Comcast selected these libraries as four of only seven libraries in Colorado to have Comcast Lift Zones in order to increase digital equity. Internet access is becoming more and more essential for the social and working worlds. Ensuring that everyone has access to the internet and other digital resources, known as digital equity, aligns with PPLD’s value of providing access for all to pursue their interests, needs, and goals. 

To access the Comcast Lift Zone at these four Library locations, users will need to open their device’s WiFi settings and select PPLD Lift Zone. After that, they will need to accept the terms and conditions when prompted, and they will connect to the network.  

The installation of these Lift Zones is one of several digital equity projects PPLD is currently working on. Two other projects in the works involve expanding access to digital resources outside of operating hours. The Library plans to expand the existing WiFi network a short distance outside of the building at Cheyenne Mountain, Ruth Holley, Penrose, and Sand Creek libraries, which will provide 24/7 access to Wi-Fi resources. We also plan to install holds lockers at these same four locations to allow patrons to pick up items they put on hold outside of operating hours. Both projects are made possible with funds awarded to PPLD through the City of Colorado Springs Digital Equity Grant Program. We are also working on a project to make a selection of Chromebooks available for patrons to check out and use outside of the library. There is no release date set for these digital equity projects.


Materials for this Take and Make project, for ages 5-12, will be available at area PPLD libraries beginning Friday, August, 11, 2023.

Materials and Directions:

Materials we provide:

Paper strips and circles

Glue Dots


Materials you provide:


Glue Stick

Glue gun, optional (for adult use)

Pin, optional

Pencil, optional

Directions: click on the file link below to see more information.
1. Cover the back side of a circle with glue and attach 2 of the strips directly across from each other. Add more glue and 2 more strips. Continue until you have all 8 strips evenly spaced.
Put glue on the back of another circle and use it to cover your strips to secure them in place.

2. Do the same with your remaining circles and the other ends of your strips.

3. Poke a hole through the center of each hole. Use a pin to start your hole, if desired. You can also use your pencil to make the bottom hole a little bigger than the skewer.

4. Push the skewer through the bottom hole, up through the center of the spinner, through one of your glue dots, and slightly out the top hole. Secure the point with an additional glue dot. An adult could also secure these using the glue gun.

5. After the glue has dried a few minutes, spin it by rubbing the end of the skewer between your hands.

Board Of Trustees Vacancy Square graphic

Interested in getting involved as a leader in your community? Pikes Peak Library District’s Board of Trustees seeks applications due to an upcoming vacancy beginning Jan. 1, 2024.

Members of PPLD’s Board of Trustees are appointed by a joint committee of the Colorado Springs City Council and the El Paso County Board of Commissioners. It is a governing board as opposed to an advisory board. Trustees serve without remuneration and must live within the Library District’s service area. They are limited to two five-year terms.

Responsibilities include attending regular board and committee meetings, following bylaws, serving as a community liaison, appointing and evaluating the performance of the Library’s Chief Librarian and CEO, setting policy, performing strategic planning duties, reviewing and approving the annual budget, and more. 

Applications for the vacancy close at 11:59 p.m. MST on Sunday, Sept. 10. Applications must be completed and submitted online. Learn more and apply at ppld.org/BOT

All applicants are requested to attend the PPLD Board of Trustees meeting on Wed., Sept. 20, 2023, at  
5 p.m. at Library 21c in the Venue, 1175 Chapel Hills Drive. A reception will follow the meeting so that applicants may introduce themselves, meet the current Trustees, and learn more about the position.    

Please RSVP for the Sept. 20, 2023, Board of Trustees meeting to Laura Foster at lfoster@ppld.org or  719-531-6333, x6009.