All Book Reviews

The Heart Forger
Chupeco, Rin
4 stars = Really Good

The Heart Forger is the second book in the Bone Witch series. This book is my favorite one so far. This fallows the story of Tea and her companions trying to find the Heart Forger after he goes missing. I would recommend this book only after you read the first book.

Reviewer's Name: Ashlyn H
The Bone Witch
Chupeco, Rin
3 stars = Pretty Good

The Bone Witch is a book based on the stir of a girl who has dark magic. When she discovers her powers she learn she has to defend her home from the monsters who want to destroy it. I would highly recommend this book to people who like fantasy books. I did enjoy reading it but the trilogy is not quite complete just keep that in mind when you read this book.

Reviewer's Name: Ashlyn H
Plague Land
Scarrow, Alex
4 stars = Really Good

The book Plague Land is a new disease that is trying to wipe out life on earth. Over in England a family has to try and learn ways to outsmart and escape this disease. This book is very fast paced and a little gruesome. I really did enjoy this book. If you are fascinated with disease then I would highly recommend this book.

Reviewer's Name: Ashlyn H
The Tuscan Child
Bowen, Rhys
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Loved this dual-timeline novel. Both stories were strong enough that they could have stood on their own, but together they were wonderful. The descriptions of a small town in Tuscany were so vivid that I felt like I was there, and the food in particular made me hungry! I've only ever read the Royal Spyness mysteries by Rhys Bowen, but they are among my favorite lighthearted mystery series. Now, I'm definitely going to have to pick up In Farleigh Field and her other mysteries!!!

Reviewer's Name: Krista M.
The Art of Inheriting Secrets
O'Neal, Barbara
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

My favorite so far of Barbara O'Neal's books, and my favorite of the year! This book was just beautiful in every way and just what I needed. Beautiful setting, family secrets, descriptions of food that made my mouth water, and one of the most beautiful love stories I've read in a long time. I honestly felt sad when this book ended. I will be recommending it to anyone looking for a mystery, a Gothic novel, a healing story, a foodie book, or a gorgeous love story. Just wonderful.

Reviewer's Name: Krista M.
The Honest Truth
Giemeinhart, Dan
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Overall a really amazing book about a boy with cancer who decides to climb up a mountain despite his decreasing health. Though he faces many challenges on his journey but his dog, Beau, helps him through it with unconditional love and support. It keeps you on the edge of your seat, never wanting to set it down. This book could be a challenging read for some, as you switch around perspectives multiple times, along with some particularly advanced work usage.

Reviewer's Name: Francesca J
Teigemeier, Raina
4 stars = Really Good

This graphic novel is about a girl named Raina who couldn't wait to be a big sister but once Amara is born she realizes that sisterhood isn't the sunshine-rainbow-cakewalk she thought it would be. This book explores the big sister little sister relationship like no other book has done before. Family love, life lessons, and learning what it truly is to be sisters. Amazing #1 New York Times bestselling, Eisner Award-winning book that's definitely worth taking the time to read.

Reviewer's Name: Francesca J
The Fault in Our Stars
Green, John
4 stars = Really Good

This book is a heart-wrenching story about how you don't need a fairy tale situation to fall in love. Mr. Green's descriptions in this book are so good then even weeks after reading it, you could still have vivid images of the characters and settings. You may need a tissue or even book club friends to help you get through some of the moments and chapters in this book.
Overall A+ amazing book with exciting adventures and life lessons

Reviewer's Name: Francesca J
Strange Fire
Wallach, Tommy
4 stars = Really Good

In the book Strange Fire it went over a story of two brothers who are fighting over different causes years after most humans died off. When I first started reading the book I was a little confused about the plot but as I kept reading I started understanding the plot of the book. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is willing to read it. I would even read the book again when I am just looking for a good book to read.

Reviewer's Name: Ashlyn H
Every Soul A Star
Mass, Wendy
4 stars = Really Good

This book follows the three teens, Jack, Bree, and Ally. With all different backgrounds and personalities, they are brought together by seeing an eclipse of the sun all while realizing their true destinies and priorities of life. Very great book if you like an adventure, but with some emotion behind it. It may be a challenging read if you cant follow perspective changes by chapter.
Overall very heartfelt yet exciting and adventurous.
8th grade

Reviewer's Name: Francesca J
Swim the Fly
Calame, Don
4 stars = Really Good

15-year-old Matt Gratton and his two best friends, Sean and Coop have been friends since kindergarten and have set summer goals for themselves since they can remember, though this year that goal almost seems impossible.

Trying to reach it gets them into situations and adventures you couldn't imagine happening to just some Lower Rockville Razorbacks of the Rockville Swimming Association.
I find this book a really great choice for a summer read, very relatable for most teens and also funny beyond all beliefs. It can get a little inappropriate for those under 15, though if you are comfortable with that kind of humor, it is hilarious. It is also a very great book for a swimmer to read, though you do not have to be a swimmer to understand everything or enjoy the book.

Reviewer's Name: Franscesca J
Love & Gelato
Welch, Jenna Evans Ross
3 stars = Pretty Good

I really enjoyed the concept of this book. The idea of reading old diaries to find out secret information about your mother is a super interesting concept and it reminded me of the musical Mamma Mia at first. The book seemed to have a lot of potential at first but the more I read, the less interested I was. I don't know if it was the character of Lina or the plot in general, but the book seemed to lose steam which was really disappointing. I had hoped this would become one of my favorite books. I'm glad I read this book though because I really did like the concept of it and I'm hoping the sequel, Love and Luck, will manage to keep me entertained throughout the entire story though.

Reviewer's Name: Brenna C
We Were Liars
Lockhart, E.
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I think this book could easily be one of my all time favorite books.
I love the "and if anyone asks you how it ends, just lie" was a really cool concept that I didn't get until the end. I'll admit there were parts of this book that felt like weren't anything groundbreaking and like it could've been like any other book on my bookshelf, but probably around the last fifty to seventy five pages, there was no way I could put it down. At the beginning of the book it truly does seem like it'll be just another teen-beach-romance story but it truly is so much more and there's so much more than I could've ever expected to happen in a rather short book like this. I always have a hard time reading stand alone books because it always leaves me wanting more, but I feel like this book doesn't need anything else. It was a super easy read too, I believe I read it over the course of two days. I even recommended it to a friend who doesn't like reading at all, and she said she truly loved it and would read it again. If that's not enough to convince someone to read this book, I don't know what is.

Reviewer's Name: Brenna C.
The Romantics
Konen, Leah
4 stars = Really Good

The Romantics is one of the cutest rom-coms I've ever read. The book is unique because the narrator is Love, who goes into detail about the different types of people when it comes to relationships. The Romantics revolves around a character who I immediately adored. His name is Gayle and he's had a good relationship with his girlfriend Anika. When Gayle told her he loved her, she freaked out because she obviously hadn't quite felt the same way about him.
One day Gayle decides to bring flowers to Anika as a kind gesture where he finds her looking at his best friend Mason but not in an ordinary way. She is looking at Mason intimately as if they were about to kiss. Gayle's heart is shattered into a million pieces. He spends his time watching movie after movie, trying not to think about any of it. This book is about moving on, forgiveness, and love in unexpected places. Many times we don't realize someone we are meant to be with even if they're standing right in front of you. I enjoyed Leah Konen's creativity of using Love as the narrator because it really put things in perspective and shows how different love is viewed from every person's perspective. Read this book, you'll fall in love with the characters and the twists and turns and will ultimately be unable to put it down.

Reviewer's Name: Elizabeth P
The Thief Lord
Funke, Cornelia
4 stars = Really Good

This was a great book that I loved. This book is about the children, the orphans and and the abandoned children of Venice, Italy. As Bo and Prosper find their way into the city and into the arms of the generous Thief Lord they find that all is not as it seems. Secrets, plots, and magic rule this labyrinth of of canals and allies. What will happen to these children as this plot of deception unravels its self? And what lengths will they go too, to survive?

Reviewer's Name: Anneka S.
Stack the Cats
Ghahremani, Susie
4 stars = Really Good

This is the perfect counting book for young cat lovers! It doesn’t stop with just counting the cats, but also incorporates simple addition and multiplication, arrays, and equality. It also encourages creative thinking as readers decide how to next stack the cats. The simple text and colorful illustrations make this a great book for all.

Reviewer's Name: Carol S.
You Swallow Spiders in Your Sleep! The Fact or Fiction Behind Animals
Mason, Paul
4 stars = Really Good

There are a lot of animal myths that have been passed down without knowing whether they are really true. This book looks at these myths to see if they are true. You’ll learn if earwigs crawl into people’s ear, if you can make two worms by cutting one in half, if touching a toad can give you warts, and so much more. Amaze your friends with your wealth of knowledge and actually learn something too!

Reviewer's Name: Carol S.
The Truth as Told by Mason Buttle
Connor, Leslie
4 stars = Really Good

Not only can Mason Buttle barely read or write, he’s the biggest, sweatiest kid in his grade. His best friend was found dead in the Buttle family orchard and Mason’s relentlessly bullied. On top of that, Lieutenant Baird doesn’t seem to believe Mason’s story of what happened the day that Benny died. Life’s not going well. Join Mason and his new friend Calvin as they figure out how to escape the bullies. This heartwarming story of self-reliance and hope will encourage readers who struggle with bullying, friendship, and even learning difficulties.

Reviewer's Name: Carol S.
Strange the Dreamer
Taylor, Laini
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Trying to write a review on any of Laini Taylor’s works, but especially this lovely beautiful book, that does the book justice, is like trying to fit a round nail into a square peg. It simply cannot be done. But I will try to do the best I can. I first came upon this work through goodreads first, as several of the people I followed recommended it, and also through a friend. When I saw what it was about, and that it combined all of my favorite elements of a fantasy, including librarians, books, magic, god’s, ghosts, monsters, angels, and a fantastical journey to an atmospheric and magical place, I jumped at it, and it did not disappoint.

Lazlo Strange is an orphaned junior librarian who resides in the city of Zosma. Like any librarian he spends his days among the stacks of dusty volumes in the library of Zosma, and like every librarian he also has dreams that he wants to follow. Since he was small, he has dreamed about a mythic lost city called Weep, whose real name has been erased from history, and whose stories are only told and remembered in the dusty old volumes of fairy tales and histories that have all been but forgotten. Reading and writing and dreaming about Weep, Lazlo naturally wishes one day to visit this mythic lost city. But honestly never expected his dreams to amount to much. Until one day, by chance, a group of warriors led by someone called the Godslayer, from none other than the mythic lost city, visits Zosma, seeking a delegation of people to go back with them to the city of Weep to help solve a problem. And suddenly Lazlo gets the chance to pursue his dreams in a way he never thought possible. On this journey he meets many people, including a half human goddess named Sarai, the Godslayer’s long suffering wife Azareen, and the prince Thyon Nero, among others, has many fantastical experiences, and many mysteries await him. Including: What is this mysterious problem in Weep that none of its delegates seem to want to reveal? What happened to Weep to hide it from the rest of the world? What creatures call themselves gods? And how could have Lazlo dreamt of a blue skinned goddess before he even knew she existed?

The themes running through this beautiful piece of fiction are vast and dense, and intense. This story is about many things including chasing your dreams and the importance of never giving up on those dreams. It’s about relationships and the difficult and painful things we can do to those we love and don’t love. It’s about war, and the tolls, both emotional and physical, it takes on everyone involved. It’s about hate, and the damage revenge can do on both those that give it and the ones receiving it. It’s about love, the different kinds of love we all
experience, and what we will do to protect those we love. But most importantly, at it’s heart this story is about identity, both individual, and the crazy journey, our hero Lazlo, takes to find it, and group identity in how we see those different from us and how we react to those differences. These themes are inter-mingled to form a compelling intense and beautiful narrative.

Where Taylor really shines through here is her prose. She really uses prose brilliantly to make each character take an emotional journey of their own, which serves to display and inter weave those narratives beautifully. And the words were so brilliantly chosen, that whenever a character spoke about a difficult subject, it was like I was there with them and felt what they did. When you have that strong of an emotional connection, that to me, says the author was doing their job. The atmospheric, dreamy, quality of the prose, also made the world’s, both dream and fictional, come alive in a way that I have seen few authors really achieve.

This brilliant beautiful adventure story about a junior librarian, should be on everyone’s to read lists. The emotional intensity of it… I felt like it ripped my heart out of my chest and then put it back again. If you haven’t yet, run, don’t walk, to put it on hold or check it out. This story has something in it for everyone, and you won’t be disappointed!

Reviewer's Name: Tawnie M.
The Scorch Trials
Dashner, James
4 stars = Really Good

This was a really good book in the Maze Runner Series. It keeps the reader hooked for a long time. All of the characters have to make it across a long stretch of the brightest and hottest place on Earth. They also only have two weeks. On the way there, they have to go through buildings of people who are going crazy, called cranks. They also have a limited amount of food and must get food from those buildings. Thomas, the main character is also abducted by who he thought was his best friend. But will they make it?

Reviewer's Name: Achyut N.