What's New!

Looking for a book you just can’t put down? These action-packed chapter books are great picks for kids ages 9 to 12.
Click on the link below to check out the booklist!

Pikes Peak Library District is collecting stories about the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents of the Pikes Peak Region are invited to share their stories and experiences. People can submit written stories, photographs, or videos depicting their response to the pandemic and its impact on their lives.

Any observations are welcome. Submissions can include dealing with illness, quarantine, sheltering in-home, social distancing, employment, working from home, working in health care, schooling, travel, and other general observations.

Click here to submit your story.

Learn more about using the Library remotely.


  • 2 clear containers, either plastic or glass, one large and one small. The small container should fit in the large container.
  • Water
  • One small weight or rock to place in the smaller container if it is too light
  • Food coloring
  • Long spoon or stick


  1. Fill large container with cold water halfway.
  2. Fill the small container with hot water. (Need adult to help with hot water.)
  3. Add any color food coloring to hot water and stir.
  4. Place the small container, upright, into the large container of cold water.
  5. Observe what happens to the hot water. Hot water will float to the top because it's lighter than the denser cold water.
  6. Just like a volcano, hot lava rises up because it's lighter.

Watch this project at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujpr_NvUEkw