What's New!

Peggy Shivers Fall Concert Instagram Image

Celebrate 30 years of arts, culture, and fundraising for a cause at the Shivers Concert Series 30th Anniversary – Fall Concert. Enjoy dinner followed by a moving evening of live musical performances by special guests, including cellist Pamela Chaddon, baritone Ivan Thompson, tenor Eapen Leubner, and pianist Susan Grace. Proceeds help the Shivers Fund at PPLD to support opportunities for our community to celebrate diversity in history, culture, and the arts.

The event will be held at the Antlers Hotel (4 S. Cascade Ave.) on Fri., Nov. 17 beginning at 6:30 p.m. with a social hour. Dinner will be at 7 p.m., followed by the concert.


  • 6:30 p.m. - Social hour
  • 7:00 p.m. - Dinner
  • Concert to follow dinner

Tickets are $75 per person and are available for purchase online or by calling (719) 531-6333, x2391 


Materials for this eclipse Take and Make will be available at area PPLD libraries beginning Friday, October 13, 2023.

Materials and Instructions

Materials Included in Take and Make:
Black paper
Circle template
White, non-toxic chalk
You provide:
Masking Tape

OPTIONAL: Brightly colored construction paper or foam sheets for cut-out horizon detail.

Instructions: See pdf file below for more pictures and science information.
1. Place the template on a piece of dark paper. Secure with a loop of masking tape or simply hold down with one hand.
2. Draw a thick circle of chalk around the template. Go around 2 or 3 times. It does not need to be neat.
3. Holding the template in place, smudge the chalk away from the center of the circle using a finger to create the corona of the Sun.
4, When you are done smudging, remove the circle template.
5. Add words, pictures, or fun designs.

Help us serve you better – Take our survey!

Your Library wants to hear from you! Take the Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD) 2023 Community Survey and let us know about your recent Library experience. Share with us your thoughts about current Library locations and services and tell us about your ideas for the future. Your input allows us to continue working toward our 2023 - 2025 Strategic Plan goals and strengthens how we serve our entire community. Even if you don’t have a PPLD library card or regularly use the Library, please consider taking the survey. Your feedback is important to us.

The survey takes 8 – 10 minutes to complete, and your answers will be completely anonymous. Take the survey online today or stop by one of PPLD’s library locations for a paper copy starting Mon., Oct. 9.

The Survey is open through Sun., Nov. 5. Thank you for your time and support!