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Community Survey Header Graphic

Pikes Peak Library District Community Survey

Mon., Feb. 5 – Mon., Feb. 26

Here is another opportunity to tell us about your Library experience! Have you used one of our Library facilities, resources, or services?
Please complete our short survey.  Your responses will help us better serve your needs.

If you completed this survey in 2023, it is not necessary to complete it again.

Take the Community Survey 


Community Survey is also available in Spanish


Pikes Peak Library District Encuesta a la Comunidad

Lunes 5 de Febrero – Lunes 26 de Febrero

¡Aquí tiene otra oportunidad para contarnos sobre su experiencia en la Biblioteca! ¿Ha utilizado alguna de las instalaciones, recursos o servicios que ofrecen nuestras Bibliotecas?

Por favor complete nuestra breve encuesta. Sus respuestas nos ayudarán a brindarle un mejor servicio.

Si completó esta encuesta en 2023, no es necesario completarla nuevamente.

Haga clic aquí, para realizar la encuesta a la comunidad en español


Spooky Stroll a Story in Old Colorado City

Take a spooky stroll in Old Colorado City and read Trick Arrr Treat by Leslie Kimmelman. Pick up a map at Old Colorado City Library, or print one here, and stop by each location to read the book. The story will be available Oct. 1 - 31. 

Old Colorado City October Strolls

Trick Arrr Treat by Leslie Kimmelman - Download the map!

Voting Resources Graphic

Voting is both a right and a responsibility, and democracy works best when everyone participates. Learn more about making your voice heard with the Library’s nonpartisan Voting & Elections Guide for information about:  

  • How to register to vote or update your voter registration, as well as useful information for first-time voters   
  • How you can vote, including when to expect to receive your ballot via mail, when and how to return your completed ballot, and where you can return your mail-in ballot on or before Election Day     
  • What will be on the ballot, including candidates running for elected office as well as local ballot measures   

This nonpartisan resource guide, compiled and maintained by PPLD librarians, also includes other useful information like finding news sources, fact checking, and identifying fake news. You can also find information on your current legislators and see how political campaigns are financed.  

Here are other ways that PPLD can help you prepare and participate in upcoming elections:   

  • There are secure, 24-hour ballot drop boxes outside of East Library and Library 21c. They are accessible by vehicle, bicycle, or on foot. (Fun facts: These are two of 39 total ballot drop boxes across El Paso County. Plus, East Library has the LARGEST ballot box in the state! It had to be specially built and installed due to high use by local voters.)
  • Political literature may be available inside your local library as the general election date gets closer. If space allows, at Library locations, there’s usually a table dedicated to this purpose with clearly marked signage, and anyone can display political information in this spot only. (PPLD does not endorse any political campaigns.) 

For anyone interested in petitioning, hosting a voter registration drive, or conducting other civic engagement activities on any PPLD property, please review our Solicitation Policy.  

Who can vote in Colorado?

  • U.S. Citizens.
  • Individuals who are 17 years old if they will be 18 years old by election day (but 16 and 17-year-olds can preregister!). 
  • People who have lived in Colorado for 22 days or more before election day. 
  • People who are not in detention in a correctional facility, jail, or other facility for a felony conviction. 
  • People who have finished their sentence for a felony conviction, including any parole, are eligible to vote. 
  • If you are on probation or were convicted for a misdemeanor, you are eligible to vote.