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The Good Earth book jacket
Buck, S. Pearl
4 stars = Really Good

The Good Earth follows a man named Wang Lung accompanied by his wife, O-Lan. This story is told surrounding China in the early 20th century told in a classic rags to riches tale. Important themes are told through this story to express what China in the 20th was going through and challenges the people had to face. Some of these themes include the oppression of women and man’s relationship with the earth.
I have to admit, the first time I read this book I didn’t really like it. After talking to someone about the book, I decided to read it again and recognized its importance. Not only is the book informative, but it’s also an all around good book. There are many different plot points and character development pieces that go into this story. While reading it, it made me think… is this what people had to endure in China in the 20th century? Knowing this, it pulled at my heart strings a little bit. I absolutely love this book and would recommend.
Reviewer Grade: 8

Reviewer's Name: Abigail
Flowers for Algernon book jacket
Keyes, Daniel
4 stars = Really Good

Flowers for Algernon is stunning commentary on the way society perceives intelligence and its connection to personal value. The creative liberties taken with this book to modify diction to match Charlie Gordon's knowledge create a more personal connection with the beloved narrator. I found myself celebrating the first time he used a comma or a metaphor. Although this book was difficult to read at first, I understand that those creative choices enhance the impact of the story later on in the book. The reason I wouldn't call Flowers for Algernon perfect is I feel some of the development in the middle diverted from his climactic conversations with the doctor and professor. The story seems to split into two at once: one of Charlie's emotional intelligence struggling to keep up with his knowledge, and one of his environment's reactions to his sudden genius. Though I enjoy both perspectives, I feel the conjunction creates clutter in what could be one flawlessly streamlined story. However, both stories are executed beautifully, and the journey of Charlie Gordon is both profound and emotionally charged. Flowers for Algernon is certainly a novel I'll mull over in years to come.

Reviewer's Name: Samah
Dork Diaries: Tales From A Not-So Dorky Drama Queen book jacket
Russel, Rachel Renee
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

Next to the 1st book in this 12 series collection, this one is hands down my favorite. Nikki goes through a series of events in this book and it is a real attention grabber. I loved these books as long as I can remember, and I picked this one up today and realized how awesome these books are! Even in eighth grade, these books still leave me in a feeling of awe. I HIGHLY recommend these books to anyone looking for an easy to read book series. Considering this is the ninth book of this incredible series, I am not too sure how to sum this book up without spoiling the rest of the story line, but this is a ten out of ten book and the collection as a whole! 10/10 highly recommend!!!!

Reviewer's Name: Abigail
Among the Hidden
Haddix, Margaret Peterson
4 stars = Really Good

In a future where the Population Police enforce the law limiting a family to only two children, Luke has lived all his twelve years in isolation and fear on his family’s farm, until another “third” convinces him that the government is wrong.

The book is a dystopian world set in present day where teenagers are able to come together in crisis to try and change the government and let their voice be heard. I chose to read this book back in third grade and still remember to this day how good it was. The elements of the book were enticing and had me looking forward to what was next. It gave great arguments of why the government is wrong and how the rich, called “barons,” get to do what they want. As a kid I didn’t have any negative thoughts, and if I were to pick it back up, I would still have good thoughts about it. This book is part of the Shadow Children collection, with seven books in it and each of the books get better. People who enjoy adventure, plot twists, and exploring different perspectives would like Among the Hidden.

Reviewer's Name: Janeika
Artificial Condition
Wells, Martha
4 stars = Really Good

After being disappointed with the length of the first entry in the Murderbot Diaries series, I'm glad that I stuck with it and read the second book, Artificial Condition. While All Systems Red was necessary to introduce the concept of a sentient (and pacifist) murderbot, this book was much more interesting from a narrative perspective. At this point, I'm used to the short length of these stories, but after reading this book now I have to know how the rest of the series plays out.

The titular murderbot in this book felt much more fleshed out (ha ha) as a character. Having moved past the phase where it recognizes that its sentience is an anomaly, the challenge of fitting into society as a murderbot or as a human as the circumstances warranted was much more enthralling. The interactions with other AI like ART were much more entertaining than merely hearing about how the murderbot liked to binge TV shows. Perhaps the fact that much of the exposition covered in the first book is now out of the way, I felt this book didn't feel as much like an info dump.

Now that the murderbot is on its own, the goal of learning about its past is something that is not only interesting to read but provides a lot of opportunities for great action sequences. The author expertly puts the main character in situations where it has to use its AI advantages to make life-saving decisions despite the core code of its being originally designed to kill humans. The amount of character growth from the first book to the end of this one is definitely what will bring me back to finish out this series.

An improvement from the first book in the Murderbot novella series, I give Artificial Condition 4.5 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin
The Hunger Games
Collins, Suzanne
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

I loved this series! As a big sister, I was hooked the moment Katniss said "I volunteer!" It is a great read about hardship and rebellion. How one person can make a big difference even without intent. I have read it with my oldest and will read it with my youngest at some point. But this is the book that got me reading again and I love to read it over and over.

Reviewer's Name: Carla
If We Were Villains book jacket
Rio, M. L.
4 stars = Really Good

Although I was skeptical at first, I quickly fell in love with the bizarre world of Dellecher and its fourth-year theater students. The worldbuilding and three-dimensional characters transcended expectations. I read this novel in a mere 3 days, and it didn't take long to get me hooked. I'm obsessed the way these students were with Shakespeare. Unfortunately, this beautifully written novel has some glaring flaws that it wasn't poetic enough to cover. The plot started off strong but lost its way in the whirlwind of the theater world. It veered towards a tangled romance before reluctantly wandering back to its roots abruptly before the novel ended. I would've liked more development in any and all realms besides Oliver and Meredith. In fact, I would happily read a series of books detailing these seven students' journey through university. After about six hours spent reading, I feel I only have a vague idea of these characters, and I'm on the edge of my seat for more. Regardless, it was a thrilling ride, and I'm optimistic for Rio's other works.

Reviewer's Name: Samah
The Boy who Harnessed the Wind book jacket
Kamkwamba, William
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

The Boy who Harnessed the Wind is a nonfiction autobiography about a boy falling in love with science. The boy, William Kamkwamba, is the son of a poor African farmer. William grows up creating toys and playing games. When his father can no longer afford to send William to school, William goes to a library and learns about electricity generation. William soon builds a windmill out of the discarded items found at the local junkyard and provides his house with electricity when the windmill spins. Word of his incredible accomplishment spreads, and soon William gets the opportunity to fly to other countries and talk about his accomplishments and how his technology can be imitated throughout Africa to make life easier for Africans. Because of his success on the world stage, he now has the connections and money to send himself and his siblings to school. After completing college in the United States William moved back to his old hometown and inspires young children by giving them opportunities to enrich themselves in education.

Reviewer's Name: Finn
Real Friends book jacket
Hale, Shannon
4 stars = Really Good

The graphic novel “Real Friends” is about a girl named Shannon. Shannon and Adrienne have always been best friends, but when Adrienne begins hanging out with the popular girl, Shannon is just left in the dust. The novel follows Shannon as she goes through one big roller coaster called middle school. The book touches on the subject of how difficult middle school can be and challenging middle school friendships.
I enjoyed this book because I can relate to the lessons and feelings Shannon has towards her friendships and surroundings. Middle School is a tough and confusing time in everyone’s life, and knowing that you have similar experiences to others is nice to know. I would recommend this book to anyone who is struggling to find themselves throughout middle school or even awkward years.
Reviewer Grade: 8

Reviewer's Name: Abigail
Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever book jacket
O'Reilly, Bill
3 stars = Pretty Good

Killing Lincoln, written by Bill O'Reilly, is a historical fiction novel detailing the account of the Civil War and the events that led up to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The narrator takes the reader along a tale of battle, and a timeline of Booth growing more and more anti-Lincoln until he finally decides to buy a gun and shoot Lincoln. I enjoyed the book because there is so much information, it's almost as if the narrator were there, writing everything down in the present. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes history, as well as anyone who is possibly enrolled in a history class.

Reviewer's Name: Finn
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein
White, Kiersten
5 stars = Bohemian Rhapsody Awesome!

This is a clever, evocative YA reimagining for Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," told from the perspective of Elizabeth Lavenza. I listened to the audiobook adaptation after a friend recommended the book to me, and it was truly difficult to turn it off/put it down. There are rattling, emotional moments and interesting characterization details throughout, particularly in regard to Victor and Elizabeth's complicated, consuming relationship. Elizabeth's narration is strong, I'd say, and the audiobook narrator (Katharine Lee McEwan) performed different character's voices very well/in a way that helped build the atmosphere rather than detract from it. A lovely book!!

Reviewer's Name: Kate
The Super Life of Ben Braver
Emerson, Marcus
3 stars = Pretty Good


Reviewer's Name: Persaya
Leilani, Raven
4 stars = Really Good

If it weren’t so gorgeously written, it’d be too wincingly real to read. I felt deeply connected to Edie in all her messiness and compulsive curiosity. Leilani’s characters are all their own: weird, self-possessed, sort of perverse, clearly loved into being.

Reviewer's Name: Kate
Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixities
O'Neill, Tom
4 stars = Really Good

O'Neill's 20-year investigation succeeds at systematically breaking down an impressive amount of the infamous case's centrifugal details and characters, many previously unknown, untold or cast as insignificant. The guy's manic fixation is contagious. The only thing I found unnecessary was the frequency and extent to which O'Neill expressed self-doubt in the 'coda' sections of many chapters, second guessing "where it all goes." It doesn’t matter that there aren’t neat ends; his scrutiny has produced more than enough evidence not only to explode the popular understanding of the details surrounding the Manson story, but also suggest far-reaching implications for all of us in the process.

Reviewer's Name: Kate
The Last Guardian
Colfer, Eoin
4 stars = Really Good

The Last Guardian—the final book in the Artemis Fowl series—could not have gotten here any faster. In my mind, the series was basically over once they did the "time travel" book in the fifth entry, The Time Paradox . That The Atlantis Complex felt like the weakest in the series meant I didn't have high hopes for this wrap-up of the series. Fortunately, the downward trend since the third book did not continue here, and it finished on a satisfying high note.

Perhaps due to this being the last book in the series, the whole "deus ex machina" style of returning everything to normal by the end of the book seemed to go out the window here. This allowed for some truly exciting developments—not the least of which includes the death of main characters. Using not one, but two of the series' best antagonist was also a smart move to increase the stakes to the highest they've ever been in the entire saga. All these things combined into an entertaining ending that reminded me why I kept with this series for so long.

There wasn't any reason to hold anything back in this book, and Eoin Colfer flawlessly left everything with a satisfying conclusion. Sure, there were some romantic aspects of the titular character's life that I would have liked to have seen wrapped up slightly differently, but I also understand that this middle-grade series never had that as its strong suit (other than the "will they/won't they" between him and Holly Short). Ultimately, would I read this series again? Probably not. However, I would pick up a few entries to read again, and this is definitely one of them.

Ending the Artemis Fowl series on a high note, I give The Last Guardian 4.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin
Shadows in Flight
Card, Orson Scott
3 stars = Pretty Good

You know how sometimes a series has overstayed its welcome? How, even though the author has wrapped up most of the loose ends, there's another story afterward that only exists to extend the series even farther than it has already come? The only times I can forgive these extensions is if the story in question isn't particularly long. For instance, the "epilogue" story in Marissa Meyer's Stars Above is a great way to show the characters settling into normal life after the main conflict ends. Shadows in Flight is almost unnecessary, but at least it's short.

Shadow of the Giant was a satisfying conclusion to the Ender's Shadow saga, so the fact that Shadows in Flight exists is merely to wrap up Bean's story even if the rest of the world had already reached its peaceful conclusion. After all, one question remained from this series: can those with Anton's Key be cured of their premature death and still keep their incredible gifts? This story sets out to answer that question and give Bean the (second) send-off he deserved. Fortunately, it's a relatively short book, since there isn't much else to say on the matter.

The problem is, there's nothing particularly new in this book when compared to the other eight books in both the Speaker for the Dead and Ender's Shadow series. This is perhaps because the three new characters (Bean's children) were repeated archetypes from their respective namesakes. It's always nice to have a little more content in the Ender universe, but even I think this feels like a post-it note scribbled on the back of the end of the series.

Wrapping up the final loose ends of the Ender's Shadow saga, I give Shadows in Flight 3.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin
The Hope of Azure Springs
Fordham, Rachel
4 stars = Really Good

A tragic circumstance brings together the town of Azure Springs and Sheriff Reynolds as they seek to find the individuals who badly injured a young woman. Em, orphaned at a young age, and having spent seven difficult years with a guardian, comes to know the caring people of Azure Springs as it becomes apparent that her life is still in danger. A real page-turner that pulls you deep into Em's life and Sheriff Reynolds who will stop at nothing to secure justice for her.

Reviewer's Name: Tammy
Ground Zero
Gratz, Alan
4 stars = Really Good

It was a pretty good book because he gets trapped in an elevator with strangers and had to escape before the twin towers collapses.

Reviewer's Name: Allison
The Wind Through the Keyhole
King, Stephen
4 stars = Really Good

Backstory can often be a difficult element to work into a series. To keep the action in the present and moving forward, there’s rarely time to go into the background of the characters, let alone the main character of the series. This is why side stories like Fairest and The Wind Through the Keyhole exist. There’s a subtle need to explore the troubled past of a main character, but to get into the depth of their backstory requires a significant amount of words that won’t fit into already full books in the main series.

In The Wind Through the Keyhole, Stephen King lets the reader see the origins of Roland the Gunslinger. What’s interesting here is that King does so in a series of nested stories, almost evoking something from Inception (2010) or Cloud Atlas. After all, a single story hardly affects real people but is instead a string of interactions that themselves were influenced by the past events of other characters’ lives. And while knowing these stories doesn’t add to the whole of the Dark Tower series, they confirm some things that Roland alluded to from his past.

With many moments in the core Dark Tower series being used to show character development for the rest of the members of the ka-tet, The Wind Through the Keyhole provides the foundation for the titular Gunslinger that was mostly missing from the main series. Considering that King wrote this book almost a decade after the series concluded, it’s no wonder that the universe of Mid-World feels as rich as ever in this side story. Adding this mid-series book after the fact meant that King still had more to clarify and The Wind Through the Keyhole definitely delivers.

A Dark Tower side story with plenty of character background, I give The Wind Through the Keyhole 4.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin
Story Engineering
Brooks, Larry
2 stars = Meh

Every successful author eventually concludes that they have something to provide for the neophytes of the craft. The problem is that the most insight any individual author might provide for someone who wants to get into writing stories has probably been said before. In Story Engineering, I was hoping for some useful tips on structure but instead was accosted with incredibly biased opinions from the author (and his obsession with a handful of books). He seems to think there is only one singular way to be successful and his book is the only way to understand it. I’m used to biased non-fiction, but not nearly this much of it.

I think that all writing methods have their benefits and downsides, but if you were to corner the author and ask him about pantsers (i.e., people who write by the seat of their pants via “exploratory writing”), he’d probably admit that they murdered his mother. In describing his successful publishing endeavors, I got the sense that the author didn’t realize that he was incredibly lucky to have achieved the successes he did, cementing in his mind that it was the only way to be successful. The irony is how he includes several examples of successful authors who follow the pantsing method and how their books still abide by this stringent Story Engineering structure.

When I see the idiom “burying the lede,” I often think of clickbait articles or newspaper columns that take forever to get to the point. This is the first time I’ve encountered burying the lede for an entire book. It takes forever for the author to get to the point, and by then it’s difficult to remember what we were even supposed to glean from it. There might be some useful information here, but it’s so bogged down in obvious things that every other author who has written a book on writing has already said.

No new writing tips in extremely biased non-fiction, I give Story Engineering 2.0 stars out of 5.

Reviewer's Name: Benjamin